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Everything posted by AndrewTS

  1. AndrewTS

    Ninja Turtles Official Teaser

    I really enjoyed it. The writing wasn't exactly top notch, but I liked the action, the excellent voice cast, and the various subplots that came together well. The turtles' models themselves seemed rather odd next the humans--who honestly looked like slightly tweaked Incredibles designs. The movie didn't do such a hot job in that department. The turtles themselves far too often came off as just way too cartoonish, although it worked for the fights. The ending scenes were pretty much out-and-out fanservice...but under the circumstances, it's not only forgivable but welcomed. And Mako's excellent job as Splinter is yet another reason to miss him.
  2. AndrewTS

    PlayStation 3

    I will freely admit these are unsourced, and I welcome you to correct me or it if you can find something other than anecdotal evidence, but until near the very end when MS simply couldn't cut anymore, they seemed to me to be pretty much on an even keel in price. I'll plead ignorance if I'm wrong, though; the Xbox1 was never worth full MSRP, and the one I owned was used.
  3. AndrewTS

    PlayStation 3

    It did in February. http://kotaku.com/gaming/npd/february-npd-madness-244656.php
  4. AndrewTS

    PlayStation 3

    An established system tends to do better than a new one, especially when it has a much lower price and a stronger library. Oh, but you forgot to mention that... Wii is outselling PS3 (about double...) DS is outselling PS3 PSP is outselling PS3 PS2 is outselling PS3 and Game Boy Advance is outselling PS3... They have claimed the idea was to have a console with the longest life span--a "future proof" console, that is. It's not the craziest idea, as Dreamcast was prematurely doomed partly because of its choice in formats.
  5. AndrewTS

    PlayStation 3

    Not really a model that holds too true in the console market. Xbox never really reached that point despite being the stronger system. It suffered a slow start because of the PS2's big head start in user base and software...and it was competitive in price to the Playstation 2. By the way, the Blu Ray player argument is going become a weaker, instead of a stronger, determinant over time. DVD players dropped big time in price rather quickly, and stand-alones soon became a better value for non-gamers. It will be interesting to see how much the players themselves and the PS3 deviate in price by the end of this year. I'm unaware of this "magic $500 mark" you speak of, though. I know that *somewhere* below that is where Sony wants to be eventually, but in console gaming the mass-market adoption of a console tend to not really begin until $200 or less. Where is all the software that is going to make people buy the system? And specifically, where is the software *exclusive to the PS3* that is going to make customers pay $200 more for the PS3 when they could get the same games (probably with more robust online play) on 360?
  6. AndrewTS

    PlayStation 3

    Assuming that, 360 will have had a year and a half head-start to get a solid install base (hell, it's starting to pick up in Japan)? Even then you have to assume that 360 and Wii will stay the same price they are now. As a gaming machine, 360 is a much better value than PS3 is *right now* (for current gen, anyway). That has to change before Sony is going to be "on top" again. Is there a way for a company to take its pricy console and, oh, slash about 100 dollars or more off its pricing within its first year and not be looked as at as some sort of desperation move? And if it a *small* cut is made...what is making customers not want to wait for further cuts? Sony is not making money on the PS3 now. Even if this pans out well, they're probably still going to lose money. All those slots and the wi fi in the premium model, the hard drives, the emotion engine (well, for those who have it...), plus Cell and Blu Ray. I'd say you're being a little premature on this.
  7. AndrewTS


    News to me. I thought it was a one note joke that made Pepe LePew cartoons seem not quite so repetitive. I'd swear so, too. Wikipedia says differently, though--2 starring cartoons and a bunch of cameos, allegedly. Tiny Toons had some really great Halloween specials. One Eyed Jack was a pretty awesome monster. They also did a great twist on the Bugs cartoon where he met Dracula.
  8. AndrewTS


    Really enjoyed the show, but there were lots of hit/miss segments. Chicken Boo and Katie Kaboom, anyone? Goodfeathers was fairly average. The actual Warner stuff and Pinky and the Brain were my fave, Slappy was always great if infrequent. Buttons and Mindy usually made me yawn. And while not really a negative on the show itself per se, when I found out that Minerva Mink had a major internet fanbase, often odd people called "furries," I think I died a little inside. Tiny Toons I thought was more consistently funny.
  9. AndrewTS


  10. AndrewTS

    Leopard Countdown thread

    It's a bite on a comment in the Vista thread.
  11. AndrewTS

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow is much better than Portrait of Ruin. And it just got a budget re-release in the US for 20 bucks. Get it. Mega Man ZX is really good too. It's actually laid out rather similar to Portrait of Ruin. Masochists who beat *all* of the Zero games seem to hate it for some reason, though. Oh, and are you a fan of rhythm games? Well, that's not important. Get Elite Beat Agents, regardless. Don't get Pokemon just as a "time waster." Give your other DS slot some love and put Final Fantasy VI Advance in it.
  12. AndrewTS

    Xbox 360

    I've got $250 set aside in my 360 fund. Hopefully the new 360 model coincides with a *slight* Premium price drop. Then I'll be totally on that.
  13. AndrewTS

    PlayStation 3

    A ton of PS2 games don't work on Europe PS3s. http://www.joystiq.com/2007/03/20/breaking...d-compatiblity/ Sony doesn't look too interested in fixing that. http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20070223/tc_nm/...ation_europe_dc Oops.
  14. AndrewTS

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

  15. AndrewTS

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    I agree that Rude and Reno pretty much stole the show. Steven Blum may as well not have been in it, considering Vincent's little bit of time in the movie was an epic brood-off with Cloud. And Kadaj's transformation...ok, the appearance, the voice, and even the hair, sure. The change in the clothes and the sword GETTING LONGER and becoming the Masamune? Ugh.
  16. AndrewTS

    Xbox 360

    Yeah, it looks really fun to me too. This pretty much makes up my mind--I'll get a 360 first. I just need Assassin's Creed to come out. However, I'm hoping to hold out until the revision of the 360 HW comes out with the larger HDD size. EDIT: Oh. Shame it's above the current premium price tho.
  17. AndrewTS

    Xbox 360

    The writing was on the wall for this a long time ago, though. How long was DMC4 360 rumored, seriously? When Capcom started to make *major* bank on their 360 titles (Dead Rising and Lost Planet were big hits), it seemed only natural DMC would be next. 360 already has a solid installed base, while PS3 seems destined to grow theirs slowly.
  18. AndrewTS

    Xbox 360

    http://kotaku.com/gaming/dmc4/devil-may-cr...form-245427.php Another former Sony exclusive bites the dust. 360 Devil May Cry 4 launches day to day with the PS3 version. You know, I *think* I heard this rumored before...but now it's official.
  19. AndrewTS


    Nintendo Power hated TMNT Wii. They said the fights are basically you shaking the wiimote like a spaz, and that the level designs are really weak. I'm going to try to rent the PS2 one, though. Here's a Beyond Oasis gameplay vid, BTW: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PtmnMe0EVvs
  20. AndrewTS


    Bah, I hope it's TMNT 2. I'm downloading both Beyond Oasis and Splatterhouse now.
  21. AndrewTS


    What would the purpose be behind this? More storage? Wouldn't they just rather have you buy another SD Card? The biggest Virtual Console rumor du jour is that VC will get Saturn emulation and NiGHTs. However, considering the state of Saturn emulation currently, I think it's BS. But, whether or not that day comes, Nintendo doesn't want people to run out of space for VC games, thus, why they'd want to release one. Yeah, you could just delete the games and download them later, but it's nicer to have access to them all. You can't run the VC games off the SD cards, either. They'd have to do a new firmware update if they want to do that.
  22. AndrewTS

    Things that YOU need on Windows, part Deux

    http://www.abisource.com/ AbiWord, a free word processor that lets you view, edit, and create .doc documents. So, if you don't want to shell out for Microsoft Office and/or you just want Word, this is a good alternative. Plus, there is no Mac Microsoft Word Viewer, so if you only have a Mac and don't want to buy Office you could use it too.
  23. AndrewTS

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Bad, no. Horrendous, yes.
  24. AndrewTS

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    I saw FFVII: Advent Children yesterday. Jesus Christ!