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Everything posted by AndrewTS

  1. AndrewTS

    TSM Poster Tournament 2007

    DrVenkman alkeiper
  2. AndrewTS

    Sonic & The Secret Rings

    It seems to work for me fine if, when I pull back the wiimote, I turn it completely upside down. So, holding it the standard way, rotate it back towards you until the buttons point towards the floor. It still registers strangely with the catapults, but works fine for just stepping back. Anyway, I rented the game. I'm enjoying it more and more now that I'm beating lots of the challenges and acquiring more skills. Plus, there are several over-the-top setpieces, such as riding on a bullet you shot out of a giant cannon, surfing straight up a tidal wave, and racing through mid-air loops that are just too damn fun. If I weren't short on cash, I'd go buy it right now. Unfortunately, it's hard to really rate the game, since there's not really any recent bar of quality for a 3D Sonic to really compare it to. The Speed Break is terrific. Press up on the dpad when you have enough pearls collected, and you go through a high-speed autodash that plows through nearly anything in your path. I didn't know Wii could do blast processing.
  3. AndrewTS

    Sonic & The Secret Rings

    Ship date: Feb 20th. If nothing else, it appears that finally it's a 3D Sonic that isn't terrible: EGM In-depth preview Part 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=86q392lxLEo Part 2: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3gAIaNaVmJ8 Although it appears there are worthwhile gripes--missions that sound like they're not fun in the slightest (and there are enough of them to really lower somebody's opinion of the game overall). However, the core gameplay seems really solid. Looks like at least a great rental, though.
  4. AndrewTS

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Well, the game sure led to a lot of fanfics depicting just that....
  5. AndrewTS

    OAO Retrogaming Thread.

    It also had the best portable Sonic game ever. And Puzzle Bobble. And Card Fighters' Clash A darn good wrestler called Big Bang Pro Wrestling
  6. AndrewTS

    OAO Retrogaming Thread.

    Yesterday was the release of two new compilations: Sega Genesis Collection and Capcom Classics Collection Vol. 2. Both are assembled by Digital Eclipse, who also brought us the original Capcom Classics. Neither are really worth a thread on their own, but with both of them out, the upcoming Virtual Console, Gametap, XBLA getting "classics" now and then--lots of companies currently are trying to make money off old games. So, for this thread, any games originally released more than 2 console generations ago, or (if not applicable) older than 8 years old should qualify. So, pretty PS1/N64/Saturn I'd say no--anything older sure. I've not found Capcom Classics 2--but here's the game list: 1941: Counter Attack Avengers Black Tiger Block Block Captain Commando Eco Fighters King of Dragons Knights of the Round Last Duel Magic Sword Mega Twins Quiz and Dragons Side Arms Hyper Dyne The Speed Rumbler Street Fighter Strider Super Street Fighter II Turbo Three Wonders Tiger Road Varth: Operation Thunderstorm The Sega Genesis Collection has the following (and I do have that): Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle Altered Beast Bonanza Bros. (Previously unreleased in the US) Columns Comix Zone Decap Attack Ecco the Dolphin Ecco: The Tides of Time Ecco Jr. Flicky Gain Ground Golden Axe Golden Axe II Golden Axe III (previously unreleased in the US) Kid Chameleon Phantasy Star II Phantasy Star III: Generations of Doom Phantasy Star IV: The End of the Millennium Ristar Shadow Dancer: The Secret of Shinobi Shinobi III Sonic the Hedgehog Sonic the Hedgehog 2 Super Thunder Blade Sword of Vermillion Vectorman Vectorman 2 Virtua Fighter 2 (Genesis version) Bonus unlockables (PS2 only): Zaxxon Tac/Scan Zektor Altered Beast (arcade version) The collection is rated T; there's no Shining Force or Streets of Rage because--remember, this is still Sega, so for some reason we get crap like Decap Attack. Plus, Sega seems to want to pretend SoR never happened. Yeah, you could just emulate 'em too. So if you plan to make a smart-ass post stating that, kindly go to hell. Thankfully, unlike the sonic compilations put out recently, there's no ridiculous requirements to unlock the bonus games. Unlocking is done by either just "playing" (i.e. starting and exiting back to the game menu) the existing games once, or meeting some easily-achievable in-game requirements. For example, beating level 2 on Altered Beast and finishing the first full level of Comix Zone. The game tells you what to do for the unlockables too. The interface is clean, the emulation is good (some of sound is cleaned up it appears, and progressive scan is supported), and it's cheap. From what I understand, the bonus games are Master System except for Altered Beast Arcade. Oddly, while the have the crappy Decap Attack, they don't have the infinitely superior Master System Psycho Fox, which DA is based on. Ecco Jr. must be in there as a joke, or just because they had the other Ecco games. There aren't any enemies that can hurt you, you can breathe underwater forever, and nothing ever really happens except for you collecting. In summary--Ecco Jr. is fine if you are about 3 years old and couldn't handle the *intense* action of the other two Genesis Ecco games.
  7. Bumping to remind folks the show premieres tonight.
  8. AndrewTS

    South Park: Season 11

    Ms. Cartman is Cartman's dad.
  9. AndrewTS

    OAO Retrogaming Thread.

    Neo Geo Pocket Color? I'd say $30-ish.
  10. AndrewTS

    TSM Poster Tournament 2007

    Black Lushus Czech alkeiper DrVenkman
  11. AndrewTS

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Not yet
  12. AndrewTS

    OAO Retrogaming Thread.

    I'm fairly sure the series has quite a number of fans, so here's an lookover on the Monster World Collection: http://www.1up.com/do/blogEntry?bId=795627...cUserId=5655917
  13. AndrewTS

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Yes, you did. Sony lied, as usual.
  14. AndrewTS

    PlayStation 3

    PAL PS3s testing for compatibility: http://kotaku.com/gaming/eragon/pal-ps3-ba...date-244005.php And yes, it sucks. Well, who wants to play MGS2 now anyway? Of course there will be upgrades to the firmware and stuff to address that, but looks like they have a lot of work to do on it.
  15. http://www.foxfaith.com/ Because when you think of good Christian values, you think Fox. Check out the "About Fox Faith" link. Home Alone 1 and 2 are on there. Because booby trapping your house to light some guy's head on fire and electrocute him is just what Jesus would do.
  16. AndrewTS

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    http://kotaku.com/gaming/psp/psp-redesign-...rmed-243750.php Better d-pad please.
  17. AndrewTS

    PlayStation 3

    No problem. It's a good port, save for the crap music. It's still VF*1* though, and extremely dated. Though I have the ROM and it's fun to mess around with for sure.
  18. AndrewTS

    PlayStation 3

    Please go back and read the discussion thoroughly before commenting. You missed the point. There is nothing "going on." It was tongue-in-cheek and is now over. Thank you.
  19. AndrewTS

    PlayStation 3

    And VF5 is being beaten by MELTY BLOOD.
  20. AndrewTS

    PlayStation 3

    I kind like liked the Tobals' (completely different) Quest modes! And Devil Within wasn't such a bad idea...it's just that the actual mode was extremely horrible (as was Death by Degrees, but DW was free at least). And I did dig the Edge Master modes in the Soul games, even if they weren't exactly shooting for the same thing, and rather just made up arbitrary guidelines. Not every one of these 1 player modes *has* to shoot for realistic AI and one-on-one fighting gameplay. However, as far as a 1 player mode that was straight up 1-on-1 fighting, I totally agree. In most fighters, the 1 player mode(s) are mostly something to keep you busy until you unlocked everything.
  21. AndrewTS

    PlayStation 3

    Maybe once you've learned the game well/mastered it, however, how well does the game do in actually getting you to that point, without you having to learn it through hard knocks? Is the A.I., for instance, fairly well done, or does it just use upped damage, lame patterns, and encourage you to discover A.I. exploits? Is there a decent practice mode? VF4 seemed to do extremely well on those basis. And not every fighting game is a hardcore fighter, and often the 1 player experience shines, even though it's not going to be a staple of fighting game tournaments. Not every fighter that has no tourney scene is irredeemable trash.
  22. AndrewTS

    PlayStation 3

    I wouldn't say that's entirely accurate. However, fighting games tend to be scored/ranked in a 1 Player vacuum. Any fight game, even when game has mediocre or even poor gameplay, can often escape the critic hammer if they throw enough 1 player crap in the game to do. Of course, online play is the exception. Any POS game with online play will usually get an extra 2/10 tacked onto their score. Although some sites have decided that if you don't have online play your game is going to *lose* points, too.
  23. AndrewTS

    PlayStation 3

    Isn't "argumentum ad numerum" actually referring to the number of people who agree, i.e. popularity, and not numerical ratings/rankings? Which at this point would be in Tekken's favor anyway?
  24. AndrewTS

    PlayStation 3

    There were 2 seperate 1up posters who said that Tekken is poor because they have "beaten Tekken 3 blindfolded" or "beat Tekken Tag with my eyes closed." These are probably some of the same people who would whine that Jinpachi is too hard. Plus, such a point is pretty much moot for judging a fighter's worth when human vs. human matches are played. And pretty much by definition, the majority of *both* Tekken and VF's camps are going to probably be casual players. However, VF fans have an overblown sense of superiority because the game press says they're playing the "better" series. Regardless of whether said players are any good at "their" game or not.
  25. AndrewTS

    PlayStation 3

    ...only matters when it isn't flat out wrong Toshinden (on Playstation) was more critically successful than Virtua Fighter on Saturn, lest you forget. Are you going to argue that those rankings were from people who actually were knowledgeable about fighting games? Take an honest look at some of the scores Mortal Kombat Deception scored. When it comes to fighting games, the video game media is usually unqualified for actually reviewing and comparing games. When did I say critical success is the be-all, end-all indicator of a games' worth? EDIT: to clarify I wasn't comparing the Toshinden Saturn port to the Saturn VF.