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Everything posted by AndrewTS

  1. AndrewTS

    A Mac OSX thought.

    With the intel mac builds of OS X out there, I'd heard supposedly hackers were trying to reverse engineer it...but hadn't heard anything solid on it. I doubt Apple is going to (intentionally) release a PC-compatible version of Mac OS X. The dual booting to windows/os x is something no pc currently has. Boot camp will be built right into Leopard, even. If they crack it, they'll have to still wait until Leopard is released. The only intel processor-capable versions of Mac OS X available now are the install discs bundled with the current macs. They're not discs you can run out and buy.
  2. http://www.1up.com/do/previewPage?cId=3156904 Rondo of Blood remake for...nooooooooooooooooooo...not PSP!!!!! Iga has granted many a Castlevania player's wish...but...PSP? Why, damnit, why? Well...September is still a while away. In the meantime, Sony--redesign/price drop plz.
  3. AndrewTS

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LixWO3CcfDA Anyone ever play this game? I've only ever heard of it today when Renegade linked me to a really silly vid (Gamepro TV), and it covered that game.
  4. AndrewTS

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Awesome. That's a terrific game. I didn't know that the home versions gipped us out of endings, though. Playstation version even had some odd cuts--the endings of course, and the music, which never played during matches any longer.
  5. AndrewTS


    I'll take the DOR games simply because they don't use the backasswards, shitty balance. However, they also don't have quite such awful AI, horrible sloppy collision, and an overhyped gameplay mode that doesn't actually work (online play). Despite its deficiently in moves, Rumble Roses on PS2 was 10x more polished than the last SVR I played, 2006. Yukes has a tendency to almost get it right, then f it up the next game. It's a shame the Def Jam games are no longer wrestling games.
  6. AndrewTS

    100 reasons why Sega is/was stupid.

    Maybe your lens is dying. I noticed similar problems on my first DC before games stopped working altogether.
  7. AndrewTS

    Final Fantasy III

    Because, I assume, any resemblance of the Final Fantasy 3 DS to the original Famicom game will be superficial?
  8. AndrewTS

    PS2 Mod Chips.

    http://www.ps2fliptop.net/main.htm http://www.modchip.com
  9. AndrewTS

    Nintendo 64

    Goldeneye, Starfox, F-zero, and the US Aki games do. Mario Kart 64-- $15-25 Mario 64- $12-$15 Kirby - $12-15. Paper Mario - $20-25 Harvest Moon - $20-25 Ogre Battle- $25-35 Castlevania: Legacy of Darkness- $18-20 Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time- $10-15 Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask $10.
  10. AndrewTS

    Castlevania: Dracula X Chronicles

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zC1Xb-sPDh0 Just a random vid from the CVIV beta. THROUGH A ROOM!!
  11. AndrewTS


    Ah, but maybe they'll be restored in the Wii version! ...yeah, I don't think they'd put that much work into the port, either. It'll just support GC/Classic controllers, I figger.
  12. AndrewTS


  13. AndrewTS

    2 charged with creating panic in Boston

    See: 37 seconds or so in. They're lying to cover their asses. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4G-D0F4Q9yk
  14. AndrewTS

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    So you play through a game for that garbage? The Voiceovers make me want to kill myself after about 30 seconds. And before that... http://www.audioatrocities.com/games/starocean2/index.html But of course, the voice acting isn't the reason this series is so acclaimed, oh no. It's because of the stellar gameplay it allegedly has.
  15. AndrewTS

    100 reasons why Sega is/was stupid.

    Dude it cost $100. A hundred fucking dollars. The only game in the series that I've played is the first and from what I played I found it enjoyable. Since I have no patience I never got far in it. Other RPGs were very expensive at the time, too. I think Mario RPG was $70-$80, even. Clips plz. What I've heard out of that game was pretty darn bad. Even talented voice actors can suck when other things go wrong. Although I suppose I was a bit harsh there. It's not all that bad, just incredibly amateurish compared to stuff that they would do later (FFXII, DQVIII). The work in those games are excellent, despite the fact that I don't like those games!
  16. AndrewTS


    Sensei's right. . = : does not = : "similar to" or "approximately equal to"
  17. AndrewTS

    I'm gonna...come...in...YOUR...ASSSSSSSSSSSS

    How did he pronounce the "ASSSSSSSSSSSSSSS"? With an extended hissing sound?
  18. AndrewTS


    See: Wii Play. I bet the Wii wrestling game will be PS2 SvR2K7, but you can use the nunchuck and wiimote to actually control diva pillow fights!
  19. AndrewTS

    100 reasons why Sega is/was stupid.

    There's *lots* of systems you can put in that blank, though. Except for N-Gage, 32X, and Virtual Boy.
  20. AndrewTS


    Plus, THQ announced a while back that there will not be any more Day of Reckoning games, and basically hinted they'll stick with one series rather than doing platform specific games. DOR 1 and 2 being better doesn't really matter. Nor does the fact that since the Smackdown games were on Playstation 2, no friggin' duh they're selling better.
  21. AndrewTS

    100 reasons why Sega is/was stupid.

    Warsong = Langrisser (1). Langrisser I+II = compilation on PS1, NCS (Nippon Computer Systems) did a few reprints too. NCS did Moto Roader which came out on Virtual Console. So, maybe....
  22. AndrewTS

    100 reasons why Sega is/was stupid.

    Isn't Dragon Force Saturn? What is a GBDS? DS is just Nintendo DS. It's technically not a Game Boy. Guardian Heroes should be possible, provided Treasure has access to the original code. However, considering they ported Ikaruga but not Radiant, maybe they don't. Ironically, Treasure still has Sega ties to this day, it appears.
  23. AndrewTS

    100 reasons why Sega is/was stupid.

    Like I mentioned--I'm pretty sure that the voice direction and production of Sega shares heavy blame too. I can't believe anyone would hear some of those clips, say "good enough" and call it quits.