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Everything posted by AndrewTS

  1. AndrewTS

    OAO Retrogaming Thread.

    New Retro Roundup--light on content: http://www.1up.com/do/newsStory?cId=3156188 I'm pretty much posting for the Klonoa writeup, though.
  2. AndrewTS

    PlayStation 3

    Even as someone who would gleefully point and laugh at Sony if the PS3 tanked, I'm getting a little tired of all of the "PS3s are out everywhere and no one's buying!" message board posts/blog posts/gaming site posts.
  3. AndrewTS

    Obscure Videogames

    What version of Beyond Good and Evil? PS2 version is dirt cheap and common, but also has horrible slowdown and looks pretty crummy. XBox and GC version look and run better, but are harder to find. Yet aren't in immense demand, really. I dig the game. It plays...kind of like some other games I enjoy... As for obscure games, I'm probably one of the few US fans of the Klonoa series. The first game is wicked, and the 2nd game is really sweet, too. My first PS2 game was Klonoa 2, which I bought with the system. I balked at just about everything else on the shelf for a while.
  4. Sonic is out on 360, but it's dogshit anyway. GamePro is still around, and sells well. They have a site at gamepro.com. And they still suck.
  5. AndrewTS

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Maybe when the PSP touch-up presumably makes the story make at least a damn bit of sense, perhaps. Those asshats at Konami need to bring Suikoden 1 and 2 on PSP over here. Ports/upgrades of high-demand PS1 RPGs would be worth the purchase of the system. Hell, I already own VP PSP for that inevitable day comes when I can justify the purchase of the system.
  6. AndrewTS

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Even if a game isn't "rare", extreme demand can ramp the 2ndhand market up big time. Less extreme examples can be seen in the SNES AAA RPGs. Chrono Trigger and FF3(6) aren't exactly rare, but everyone wants/wanted them years after release.
  7. AndrewTS

    TSM Forums Game of the Year poll

    Whoa--a number of lurking posters crawled out of the woodwork. And Muzz, sorry but only nominated games can recieve votes--unless you were just making conversation.
  8. AndrewTS

    TSM Forums Game of the Year poll

    Okay, fine then. Take your time. A GOTY candidate should have its share of reply value.
  9. AndrewTS

    TSM Forums Game of the Year poll

    It being your GOTY, I'd assumed you played it already, and to completion or close to it.
  10. AndrewTS

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Well, I've seen many people defend CV Adventure on technical limitations. Belmont's Revenge is very good, though. Castlevania Legends is terrible, though. It's like CV Adventure, but without as good an excuse (Released 1997!!! And it's like the same engine as Adventure!).
  11. AndrewTS

    TSM Forums Game of the Year poll

    I'm merely asking you to tell the unwashed masses what you think is so great about it. Rentals aren't cheap these days, you know. An in-depth review, with specific examples, please. The burden of proof appears to be on you.
  12. AndrewTS

    TSM Forums Game of the Year poll

    Considering VC recycled so much graphically, was pumped out shortly after GTA3, but changed the setting, threw in some gameplay changes, I'd say it's more like Majora...except Majora was drastically different in structure while VC was pretty much the same. Nice job with the backhanded compliment, though. I guess TP and OOT appear like the same game if you're incredibly myopic, though. You neglected to point out that VC had high-quality voice acting, unlike GTA3. TP haters love to beat on the voice acting point to no end. You disappoint me. Let the record show you're wasting time defending Deus Ex 2 rather than responding to my challenge about Suikoden 5, which is infinitely more relevant.
  13. AndrewTS

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    My opinion of SML is skewed because I only played it years after its release, on a GBA. However, unlike a number of great GB titles (all the Warios, 6 Golden Coins, Link's Awakening, etc.) it doesn't hold up well, IMO. Leagues better than CV Adventure, too.
  14. AndrewTS

    TSM Forums Game of the Year poll

    Wind Waker - sucked for a Zelda, IMO. FFX-2 - hated it. FFTA - sucks ass through a straw VF4:E - upgrade KOTOR - good GGXX - fine game, but upgrade. SC2 - good GTA:VC - couldn't care less, though I'm one of the few. Mario Kart:DD - my least favorite MK SimCity 4 - no opinion Deus Ex 2 - critical and fan opinion was a giant golden shower; I didn't know anyone actually liked that game. Mario Golf:TT - no opinion
  15. I still have an EB Games that haven't bothered to change their sign/receipts or anything much. I hardly go there anymore. Either store has an obnoxious habit of charging an extra 5 bucks on new DS/GBA games (games normally priced $29.99 are $34.99). Today I was in there just looking around--a couple were apparently shopping for one of their kids, and were supposed to get "the new Tomb Raider" for PS2. One of the clerks was actually going to try to sell them Angel of Darkness. I pointed out the game is several years old, and directed them to Tomb Raider Legend. I told them it's fairly new, although it came out around mid-06. I also told them about the remake coming up, "although this one is great as well, and anyone who likes this one should keep an eye out for that one as well." To be fair the clerk was a new guy. Maybe he didn't know AoD was a) old and b) dogshit. Although I think their computer system at least tells you the release year.
  16. AndrewTS

    TSM Forums Game of the Year poll

    I'd say this year was pretty damn fantastic for console gaming...unless all you owned was an original Xbox and/or a Gamecube OTOH, I'd say 2003 was a really weak year for console gaming. Sands of Time and KoToR were typically named GotY almost by default. You had a lame Zelda and a lame Final Fantasy in the mix there, when normally they'd be tops. There were a few good sleepers though (BG&E, Sphinx). EDIT: Oh, SC2 came out on consoles then. That's pretty good. And Ratchet and Clank: Going Commando was terrific as well.
  17. AndrewTS

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    Wrong. He also worked on the VASTLY superior Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins, Dr. Mario and Mario Tennis GB (if that counts), and the first Wario Land aka Super Mario Land 3 (sketchy...but...). SML was a good game, but I think it was totally WAY too retro. It was in the mold of the original Super Mario Bros.
  18. AndrewTS

    TSM Forums Game of the Year poll

    Blah blah non-RPGs suck, blah blah. In case you haven't noticed, this isn't a big forum for PC gamers. If it were, or if the forum were monstrous like the GameFAQers or GAFtard boards, there would be plenty more PC noms. I would assume S5 is decent...but considering both critically AND by worth-of-mouth (or lack of) it's apparently tepid at best (and it's in a genre I hate), it wasn't even considered. It's pretty much a fart in a windstorm just like Star Ocean TTEoT was in '04. Feel free to post a review of this awesome game on the board if you think it's so underappreciated.
  19. AndrewTS


    Same thing here. I ordered 2 (one for the packed in wiimote, one for the extra wiimote I had purchased), which I recieved, but a few days ago I got 2 more.
  20. AndrewTS

    TSM Forums Game of the Year poll

    Heck yeah, XenoGears wasn't realeased in 2006, but it transcends these pitiful notions of time and space. It even transcends the word "transcend." Not sure about the co-op part, unless you mean that you enjoy cooperatiing with the best cast of characters ever, then yeah, that's right.
  21. AndrewTS

    TSM Forums Game of the Year poll

    That's cool--didn't want you to waste the vote, though.
  22. AndrewTS

    TSM Forums Game of the Year poll

    I know you just joined, but votes only count towards the nominated games (the other columns were for some of the lower profile nominees). Doesn't make it any less good, though.
  23. AndrewTS


    Don't think so. Rejected Wii Game Ideas: http://www.collegehumor.com/video:1712492
  24. AndrewTS


    I don't think they're having issues. I'm just saying there's a lot more work into "fixing" those roms. Not sure I'm following you. What I think you're saying is that there's no problem on the hardware/ VC emulator side of things (VC was planned from the very beginning after all), but software-wise, not everything may necessarily click right off the bat, right?
  25. AndrewTS


    I'm not sure of the legal issues involved in that, if it is just a re-release of an old game, albeit in a different medium (VC). However, every other sports game to get similar treatment I think has been unlicensed. I think EA released those lousy Madden-games-in-a-controller and they were Madden 95 and NHL 95. However, EA currently holds the licensing for making NFL/NHL games, plus I assume any necessary agreements with the players' associations. OTOH, WWE/F guys are "independent contractors" and I assume would need to be paid unless they're a part of the Legends program.