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Everything posted by AndrewTS

  1. AndrewTS

    OAO Retrogaming Thread.

    Does that mean somebody out there was getting his/her BUTT kicked by the first Birdo encounter? Ouch. Ristar is still pretty awesome, but I've encountered a few little bugs I never noticed before--like there was a section on Planet Sonata where I could *NOT* throw one of those weights onto a pressure plate (it would always miss), and had to kill myself to start "fresh." It's a shame the game didn't more hype back in the day. I love it 10x more than the relatively-mundane Vectorman games.
  2. AndrewTS

    PlayStation 3

    Perhaps the magical Firmware Fairy will get to work on that.
  3. AndrewTS

    The OAO Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess Thread

    People are, yes. The problem is that the score is much lower than other publications, and the reasons cited aren't very good and/or conflict with other publications folks respect more. And one of his colleagues who is defending him is a moron. It doesn't really matter to me because a site/magazine that uses tenths of a point/%s are inherently crap. Half a point on a ten-scale? Respectable. stuff like a 7.9 or a 79%? Idiotic. Leave the %s to Gamerankings/metacritic. It rounds it up to a 9/10 anyway. For most of these sites (i.e. not 1up), 70 is an average game. 0-69% is used to determine where on the badness scale the bad games fall. And there's plenty of very stupid gamers who consider a game to be beneath them if it is below a certain number (sometimes it would be an 8 or a 9).
  4. AndrewTS

    PlayStation 3

    Bill O'Reilly being Bill O'Reilly (read: douchebag) -- http://gamepolitics.com/2006/11/18/bill-or...t-in-that-order Now, maybe I'm just too stupid of a geek to understand that rant (after all, I just fix computers), but it seems Bill O'Reilly is worried for America because we are able to spend time and money on leisure activities, while the OMGTEARWRISTS are learning to kill and stuff. Obviously you whippersnappers would be better off in the Army. Why, there oughta be a government program to force you to join the military! That would be a positive direction for America.
  5. Because frankly VP deserves its own thread, and 1up just posted a new preview. Since 1up pages hate you if you don't use Firefox, here's the text: From an earlier preview: the gameplay--
  6. AndrewTS

    The OAO Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess Thread

    Gamespot acts absolutely retarded in response to the complaints over their review: http://www.kotaku.com/gaming/gamespot/game...lash-215922.php "It's the same damn game we've all been playing for the last 15-odd years. Hey, guess what? You get to go into dungeons...and find items...and put together pieces of heart to make new heart containers. I haven't gotten very far into it, but I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that Triforce is in the mix at some point." Pretty much every RPG deserves a 4/10 then, I guess.
  7. AndrewTS


    I agree. Leave it alone for a while, so that us Zelda fans can find a damn system.
  8. AndrewTS


    I have a purple Cube too. We're secure in our masculinity, my brother. Anya got a Cube at launch too...with no difficulty whatsoever. Maybe that's a sign Nintendo is on a massive upswing. Or maybe it's just a sign that Luigi's Mansion and Super Monkey Ball aren't in the same universe of an enticement as a fantastic Zelda game at launch is. If it is called the Wi-Fi Max, that's not the official Nintendo connector, but a 3rd party one by Datel. http://gear.ign.com/articles/704/704528p1.html It works for PSP and DS, but I have no idea about Wii compatibility. I would recommend calling the manufacturer--there should be a number with the packaging. In theory it should work, because the regular Nintendo USB Wi-Fi Connector lets you connect the Wii online.
  9. AndrewTS


    For anyone who has gotten a Wii, if you register it with Nintendo you get an additional 90 days on the warranty besides the regular 1 year: http://www.nintendo.com/productreg So you'd covered for 15 months if something breaks down.
  10. AndrewTS


    Well, duh. FYE sucks: http://www.consumerist.com/consumer/compla...cott-215895.php
  11. AndrewTS

    OAO Retrogaming Thread.

    Shadow Dancer is awesome and underrated, and Shinobi 3 is bar none the best of the series. I've never really seen what the big deal was with the game, since the game seems to control kind of clunky, collision is spotty, and it's plain just way more frustrating than the vastly superior 3. Shadow Dancer feels just like an arcade game (which it is based on), and as a result is a blast in short doses, although it can't touch 3. Revenge of Shinobi is on the Smash Pack, the Genesis 6-Pak (great comp available on the Genesis that includes Revenge, Streets of Rage, Sonic, Columns, Golden Ax, and Super Hang On). Revenge of Shinobi, besides the Sega Smash Pack on DC, can be found also in the PC Smash Pack. It isn't the emulation that's a problem on the Genesis VF2--that's the way the original game played. It's just not very good. Pretty much all the moves are in, it just animates really chunky and runs really slow.
  12. AndrewTS


    My Target got in NINE systems, and my Sears got TWO. What the hell is going on here? I have a shiny Zelda sitting here I can't do anything with yet, too.
  13. AndrewTS


    No Wii for me. Wal-mart was doing the raffle thing and I lost. My Target is getting a lousy damn 24 Wiis. It looks like I'm screwed for a while. And already these Ebay pricks are selling the systems at inflated prices (although a *mere* 500-600). http://search.ebay.com/search/search.dll?f...amp;satitle=wii People suck.
  14. AndrewTS


    Wal-Mart is making them available at midnight. CC and Target aren't, as far as I know. Wal-Mart also seems to be getting the larger supplies.
  15. AndrewTS

    PlayStation 3

    Motorstorm. I wouldn't say photorealistic. It still looks like a video game. Just a very pretty one. It definitely was--all of the PS3 stuff is being shown on HDTVs, just like the 360 displays. Problem is, not many folks who will be getting a PS3 are going to see graphics anything like that in their own homes.
  16. AndrewTS

    PlayStation 3

    Only 10%? Some folks must be holding back.
  17. AndrewTS


    It wouldnt really need to be organic considering its based on the Simpsons for crying out loud. I know that, no need to be a smartass about it. On a related note, the Angry Nintendo Nerd rants on the Power Glove--which is kind of like an embarrassing older relative of the Wii Remote that Nintendo doesn't like to talk about: http://www.screwattack.com/Flash%20HTML/AN...love/Power.html (Bad language and stuff, NSFW) Nice to see the Wii cheered up the emo kid, at least for a bit.
  18. AndrewTS


    Nor do I think the world in it was as complex and organic, either.
  19. AndrewTS


    I'm talking more expansive than that, like Oblivion. Also, did you notice that GC never got a GTA? The GC has really anemic onboard RAM, which is usually considered at least a valid technical reason it never got one. Wii will improve on that by quite a bit, though. That's not to say it was the only reason. The GC did get a similar style of game in the form of that Simpson's GTA ripoff, but I'm not sure how exactly it was handled. Ultimately programming is going to have a lot of to do with it, true. By the same token, work on the PS3 and 360 are going to get better, too. The aim isn't to have the Wii library match up title for title with the other consoles, though. Rather, it is to have a strong lineup of exclusive titles that can't be done on other machines.
  20. AndrewTS


    Well, "gameplay > graphics" is a bit too simplistic of an argument. The Wii doesn't seem to have the onboard power that is going to give you mega-huge worlds without them needing to be broken up into smaller sections. Also, it can't have advanced AI for great numbers of characters at the same time. The Wii, as far as we know, *can not possibly run* Assassin's Creed. Power is about more than just visuals. And the Gamecube controller is pretty lousy for traditional fighters, and the d-pad should be larger, but otherwise it's a fine controller. Albeit it is kind of silly looking. Better than both original xbox controllers IMO, and the overall feel is better than the Dual Shocks. The GC controller just feels molded around your hands, while you have to contort your hands into uncomfortable positions to wield both of the Shock's analog sticks, which you end up doing in virtually every 3D game.
  21. AndrewTS


    No, that comment is from the PS3 thread, where he said that screenshot of the NBA game (with the guys' bodies merged together) looked like Xbox1 level graphics. It is better than that, although not terribly much.
  22. AndrewTS

    PlayStation 3

    I do. He's flat out wrong.
  23. AndrewTS

    The OAO Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess Thread

    I got the call too, which makes no sense, because the hard street date is the 19th. Zelda and excite truck are basically the only titles you can't buy right now. I'll call up tomorrow and check if I can buy it, though.
  24. AndrewTS

    The OAO Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess Thread

    Gamespot is literally the only major place complaining about the controls. I wouldn't put any stock at all in that reviewer's opinion. Even That Joystiq Douchebag Who Was Fired, who hated on the Wii bigtime, is a believer now and loves Twlight Princess despite not really being into the older games at all. "Fanboy's on all the various Zelda/Wii messageboards are going to berserk extremes right now, which is extremely entertaining, even if I can sympathize with their opinions." It's the internets' job to be retarded. Game Informer gave Elite Beat Agents 6.5. Some publications/reviewers just do not deserve to be paid attention to.
  25. AndrewTS


    Yeah--you don't really know what you're talking about.