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Posts posted by AndrewTS

  1. I wasn't sure, but thanks. The only one I ever heard glowing reviews on was the Adventures of Batman & Robin. I never really pay too much attention to reviews. I used to love Batman Returns on SNES, didn't realize it was well-liked. I also have a soft spot for the PS2 version of Sin Tzu. I used to love that game and knew no one else who had played it.


    Sin Tzu on console wasn't terrible, but it was a fairly standard 3D beat 'em up while there are much better games of that style available. Honestly I liked Final Fight Streetwise way more than console Sin Tzu, because while you could buy all those moves in Sin Tzu, they were mainly just combo variations.


    Also, it disappointed me because I had hoped it would have been a polished up version of (console) Batman Vengeance. Best part of console Batman Vengeance were the cutscenes. I liked what it tried to do but the controls and play mechanics were just too broken.


    AVGN's video made Return of the Joker seem damn near impossible.


    Thanks for the heads up, I didn't know that vid was available yet.


    I totally believe it, too. I don't think I got past the 3rd level. =/

  2. If they're going to change, it would be nice to have a more logical way to play the game, rather than by process of elimination of who holds what cards.


    Was there any practical reason for the little props?

  3. I mean, there is only, one generally well reviewed Batman game and that was for SNES?




    -Adventures of Batman and Robin for Genesis is a freaking hard game but technically amazing with solid gameplay.

    -The original Sunsoft Batman The Video Game is really really good (with an awesome soundtrack, too).

    -Batman Returns (SNES) is a solid Final Fight-ish beat 'em up that got good reviews.

    -Batman Rise of Sin Tzu for GBA is a really good platformer/beat 'em up in the vein of the SNES Batman TAS game. Heck, the game that came before it (Batman Vengeance on GBA) is a pale, below-average copy of that SNES game.

    -There are many that consider the NES Return of the Joker a classic. I found it too freakin' hard to really enjoy, so your results may vary.


    Although the games are more often bad or mediocre, like most licensed games.

  4. 1: Portal

    2: Silent Hill 2

    3: Prince of Persia: Sands of Time

    4: Spider-man 2

    5: Fantasy World Dizzy


    Congratulation! You win his utter disgust!


    Those were pretty much my exact thoughts about the series. Great series, and at the very worst still "very good," albeit with some misguided attempts to "fix" the flaws.


    I'm hoping he ends up sprouting those wings, too.


    It's no secret I like the new Prince of Persia games, right?


    I didn't even remember Eminem. :P


    I rented the game, but still am not Gold-connected or looking to (just send out some bill payments. =P); however, first impressions have not been good. The interface was pretty confusing (I was trying to create a soul without using an existing character as a template, but didn't realize I had to choose that one randomish-block in the center to do that, and only found it out by reading the manual which worded it vaguely.


    Then I noticed that to create a new character, you pretty much have to randomize something to start with, which sucks because I'd rather have a vanilla character to built upon, rather than keep randomizing to come up with something that isn't so far off/terrible looking and loaded with crap. Then there's the lack of good creation parts, since apparently you need to do unlocking just for the right to be able to buy this stuff (ugh).


    Oh, and I really suck at the game something fierce, too. :P it does seem a hell of a lot slower than the last one I played much of (SC2).

  6. This thread sure deflated my enthusiasm about the game haha - is it really going to be this disappointing?


    Depends on how you feel about Deadly Alliance, et. all the ones since.


    However, all the talk about this being a giant leap forward for the series, or a return to form of the style of the 2D games, etc. seems to be idle talk while the products themselves are more of the same.


    FFS, Armageddon didn't even have *character bios* in them, let alone real endings (it was text + kata BS).

  7. (Well, Deception at least, never played Armageddon.)


    You did, basically. Imagine Deception, but subtract one of unarmed fighting styles from each character.


    How is it, that the last game, that was on a last gen console had 60?


    That's what they did with some of the unarmed styles they "saved" from stripping it from those characters. :P Spread 'em around.


    MK vs. DC seems so half-assed. The team used the Unreal engine to...present us with basically the same animation and moves that were in Deadly Alliance and its inbred offspring.

  8. Andrew, did you decide to get gold again? I ask because I need a friend to whip my ass in some Soul Calibur.


    Can't afford the game right now, even. :(


    I just went through a month where I had to pay two student loan payments, car insurance, a car payment, and various smaller expenses (including filling up the gas tank, natch). Should be better off in two paychecks, though.

  9. Vivendi can no longer rape the Leisure Suit Larry franchise? Oh god no whatever will we do????


    You're too busy staring at the half-dead tree to see the forest is burning down. :P


    Tim Schaffer is apparently looking for another publisher of Brutal Legend anyway, so this may be a mutual parting of ways on that project, at least.


    WTF is Zombie Wranglers?


    XBLA game: http://xboxlive.ign.com/articles/869/869820p1.html

  10. http://www.gamespot.com/news/6195113.html?...estnews;title;1


    Earlier today, Activision Publishing announced a streamlining of its Vivendi Games operations, saying it would be bringing into the fold five of that company's franchises: Crash Bandicoot, Spyro the Dragon, Ice Age, Prototype, and one unannounced game.


    An Activision representative later confirmed for GameSpot that those would be the only Vivendi Games franchises coming out of the publisher. That leaves a number of high-profile projects in limbo, including Double Fine Productions' Brutal Legend, as well as Wet, Ghostbusters, Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena, World at Conflict: Soviet Assault, 50 Cent Blood on the Sand, Zombie Wranglers, Leisure Suit Larry: Box Office Bust, as well as several Xbox Live Arcade titles.


    This isn't quite cancellation, but right now Activision could be sitting on them, other publishers may jump on them, or they could just not get released (some may be unfinished, like I think Wet is). GB was basically done, though, and should have been a no-brainer hit.


    However, it looks like the suits have spoken, and we're getting no-risk rehashed crap that stopped being good years ago, and somehow Prototype (thank goodness for that at least).




  11. How about a rehash of the previous PS2 games, in case you missed them?


    Er, I mean, re-release: http://kotaku.com/5029291/mortal-kombat-ko...n-coming-to-ps2


    And back on topic, Joker and Green Lantern are confirmed, along with Jax and Kitana.


    No word on which GL.




    Ed Boon from Midway and Jimmy Palmiotti of DC Comics announced four new additions to the Mortal Kombat Vs. DC Universe roster at Comic-Con today, including Green Lantern and The Joker from the DC side, with Jax and Kitana returning on the MK side. Boon also announced that Mr. Palmiotti himself would be squirreled away in the game as an unlockable character. He'd be very well hidden, Boon said, with a Johnny Cage-like model shown on screen.


  12. Christ man, sooner or later I expect Armand to show up out of nowhere and seduce Alucard out of his pants with Lestat watching in the background, jerking off while Louis holds the cup for him.


    This is a very curious mental image, considering your protests.


    And you're right, I obviously didn't get the memo, I haven't played a CV game since Aria of Sorrow...but the character designs that I've seen still look overly homo.


    Which ones?


    Here's some other Kojima stuff (I'll spare you the stuff that is seriously, actually gay though.):





    It is a bit disappointing that she obviously has the chops for the NES-style artwork, but for one reason or another doesn't go for it (I blame Japan). This anime bullshit must go, though: http://sickr.files.wordpress.com/2006/07/castlevania21.jpg

  13. While I adore SOTN, that concept has been completely oversaturated and it's time to move on.


    Each one of them, save for Dawn of Sorrow, has used a new gameplay system. What's the problem?



    ...and can we get some artists that won't make the characters look so freaking gay? It's like playing an Anne Rice novel!


    Fuck that. First off, Ayami Kojima can and does make characters that don't look like that (look at the character designs in SotN, look at Hammer, Yoko, and Julius). However, the CV games have had a hard time finding an audience in Japan, and having bishie protagonists were an effort to change that, sadly unsuccessful, though. Plus, in case you didn't get the memo (which was 3 games ago, BTW), they did switch character designers on several of the recent ones. Dawn of Sorrow--shit. Portrait of Ruin--shit. Castlevania Judgment--shit sandwich with vomit dressing. They all suck. Give me Ayami anyday.


    Sadly, Japan *likes* the character designs in Castlevania Judgment, but it seems their current tastes have been skewing to horrible lately (look at sales charts). :P Order of Ecclesia uses a different artist, but it's more invoking of her style than the anime trash we have been seeing: http://amanezco.blogspot.com/2008/05/castl...f-ecclesia.html.

  14. Don't expect dismemberment or head ripping. I saw a few fatalities already:




    Superman has Sheeva's "pound you into the ground like a spike" finish, and Scorp takes off his mask and lights you on fire, but there's no explosion/bones, you just fall down.


    There's a *lot* of recycled moves. Supes has ice breath that basically works like Sub's freeze, Flash has a Kabal style dash, Batman smokebomb teleports, etc.


    Basically, if you can think of a move in the older games that would be logical for one of the DC characters to do, bet on it being here.


    So, Wonder Woman having you GET OVER HERE with her golden lasso or something--well, bet on it. :P Although they'll probably try to reuse moves for MIA characters. I larf at the notion that the animation is ground-up new for this game.

  15. Ones I'd most like to see at this point:


    Green Lantern (and not freakin' Jack Black)

    New Gods


    Wonder Woman: With an upcoming animated movie release coming out, I'm starting to wonder if it's finally time for Hollywood to get its act back together to give the Amazon princess a live-action movie of her own. For a first installment, I could easily see them focusing more on the ancient Greece aspect of her character rather than the contemporary villains she faces in "man's world". The only trick would be finding the right woman for the part...


    I pretty much think the "production" on that movie is an ongoing bad joke. I bet Whedon could write a Kevin Smith style stand up skit with all the grief he had to put up with when he was briefly on the project.

  16. Eh, the only problem I have with that is...


    Mega Man 9 will have better control than MM7 or MM8, due to 8-bit MM's limited animation and super-responsiveness to button taps/shots. The games are so dyed-in-the-wool designed for 8-bit that the PS2/PS1's analog buttons were actually a hindrance for MMAC, since you often had to push hard to get him to jump right.


    However, the 8-bit Belmonts tend to walk like hunched-over senior citizens, they drop like stones when they jump/fall, and have very limited mobility in general. The level design was rife with pits and cheap deaths, and even with unlimited continues the original game was a controller-chucking pain in the ass.


    You grudgingly accept it in the original games, but I would not buy a new Castlevania game if it controlled that terribly. At least let me whip up! Bloodlines had bitchin' control and still was "traditional" in most major facets--that's what I'm talking about.


    Old-school Mega Man has some of the best control in any platformer, classic or modern, and passwords and the game layout make it more forgiving and fun than most 8-bit games, i.e. like what Anya was saying before about the big downsides to 8-bit game design.


    So basically, 8-bit Castlevania? Yech. Give me 16-bit (or a CV3-ish game with really good control).

  17. Is there anything there you'd tell your friends about and create excitement for the Wii? No.


    An important point people often forget. Nintendo owes a lot of their endurance to WOM from their loyal base. They don't seem too worried about losing that. Too bad, since that base helped advertise Metroid Prime 3 when N couldn't be bothered to.

  18. The new sonic game looks stupid.


    Which one? The one where he turns into a werewolf with stretchy arms, or the one where he fights with a broadsword?


    I know you probably mean the just announced one, just illustrating a point.


    Whatever happened to the Sonic game where you run really fast?


    Don't forget the turn-based RPG with his shitty friends (which people are giving the benefit of the doubt because Bioware is making it), too.
