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Posts posted by AndrewTS

  1. To this day, I STILL know nothing about this woman other than large bosom run in her family. Other than that, zlinch. Sorry that is so rude of me, but I honestly learned nothing about her.


    That, her liking guns, and possessin' good ol' Christian family values is basically what the R's wanted you to take away about her.


    She's like one of those blond, identical looking Stepford Republicans that Fox News uses as anchors and occasionally pundits.


    It's funny how she whines about those "losers in their parents' basement" writing LIES AND SLANDER on blogs about her, when she really owes her time on the national stage to a blogger pushing the McCain camp to pick her. :P Although she makes a good point. It's not like there were lies and slanders published about Oba--oh, right. There were. And they created a website dedicated to refuting them, while Palin repeated lies like "I stopped the Bridge to Nowhere" ad nauseum.


    In an Anchorage Daily News column published last week, the paper's editor said the only questions reporters there had asked about Trig's birth came when the paper undertook a project to debunk conspiracy theories surrounding the event, but that they had abandoned the effort because of a lack of cooperation from the Palin family.



  2. Because it costs ALOOOOT of money to localize a game that big to another language.


    Add in the fact that they also have to pay for voice acting, scores, etc, etc, and the costs of the normal game itself are staggering.


    And judging from what I played of 12, Square's one of the few companies that gets quality for their releases with English dubbing. So that probably increases the cost several fold.


    Plus, delaying it only makes people want it more. I think Square figured that out quite awhile ago. And notice with that site you linked, both releases will fall in a separate profit year. Smart move.


    Also, Square gets to prep bonus content to add to the game *after* the English release so they can make an International edition to sell back to Japan. :)


    Just got an Xbox bundle that comes with an extra controller, Lego Indiana Jones and Kung Fu Panda. It's a birthday present for my sister because that's all she ever talks about nowadays. I'm going to get her a more serious game though and it comes down to Bioshock and Left 4 Dead. I know she's played L4D before and really liked it, but Bioshock seems like a more complete game, and for half the price than Left 4 Dead. I'm sure L4D has some other upsides too, but I haven't played it. I know she likes zombies but I figure she might like that little girl from Bioshock too. Opinions?


    Does she like story-based FPSes? Because I can think of few experiences that are going to beat Bioshock in that regard.

  3. Because some magazines have exclusive previews/info that are available before they hit the internet. That's why sometimes the first time a story breaks it may be somebody uploading the info (and sometimes scans) from mags like Famitsu, Nintendo Power, etc on NeoGAF that a subscriber got.


    Unfortunately, that is mainly for Game Informer. =/

  4. Just have to ask, who here was no good at all at fighting games when they were younger, but has gotten better?


    I remember I rented Mortal Kombat on Sega CD (yeah, yeah...I know, Sega CD sucks and all. :P ) and the only moves I could do were Scorpion's spear and Raiden's flying tackle.


    Nowadays I could probably get all the moves and such with a little bit of practice.


    And I also find it ironic I restumble upon this thread after finding out about, of all things, a SAILOR MOON fighting game that was released a few years back during the Saturn days.


    On MK--make sure to use a 6-button pad, and remember that the moves aren't SF-style. :) It seems that the tap-tap motions are working fine for you. So when you see a move that's like "down, toward" do the same. Or maybe even use down-toward (it works for the new games at least!).


    I've never played the Saturn fighter, but had played a few of the beat 'em ups. There's actually a Beats of Rage-derived pair of beat 'em ups that are actually pretty good: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ITf5ldVroR0 (gameplay begins at like 5 1/2 minutes).

  5. I always liked EGM best, then Game Pro, then Game Informer.


    I got sick of Nintendo Power, even as a kid that didn't know any better I could tell that games made by Nintendo were getting a way better score than the others whether they deserved it or not


    I don't think anyone read NP for their unbiased coverage. :P It's always been their maps, strats, cheat guides, etc. that were worthwhile.

  6. I bought the soundtrack for Shadow of the Colossus (after "making" my own, I still wanted an official one). The best part is how it changes with the actual events in the game. Getting a good stab in and having the music suddenly change often gives me chills.


    The Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core soundtrack is also really good. While the FFVII soundtrack has its detractors, the worst part about it was how sounded relatively assy compared to what it should have been. CC remixes everything and it sounds marvelous. There's a medley that includes the overworld themes that are just great stuff.

  7. Curse my partial colorblindness.


    I'm playing the game Justice League Heroes on my PSP (figured I needed to get SOMETHING for it) and now I'm stuck on the Batman/Zatanna team up level where they're in the other dimension.


    It says to use a sequence of portals to teleport...but the one FAQ I have is color. I thought I figured it out, but apparently my green and yellow detection isn't good when it comes to the lights.


    Anyone who played and beat that game tell me which portals I need to use?


    CMW: I'm coming up on this section soon in JLH. Did you get past it yet?

  8. I've been really enjoying Crisis Core.




    I got Daxter for $5 at Gamestop and haven't really played it yet, but I've been really enjoying Crisis Core. I'm not starting Suikoden until I finish Final Fantasy.


    My distaste for the Jak games, and my distaste for Daxter himself have kept me in the dark about it. Feel free to give detailed impressions about it.

  9. I think the sanctum is in 12,000 BC, but I'm not 100% positive on that. Once I'm done with the vortex I'll have to fuck around with the Sanctum.


    There's like 2 islands in the whole world there. It would be pretty hard to miss. :P (Have not beaten Lavos yet, though, FWIW).
