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Posts posted by AndrewTS

  1. I actually completed the Sanctum. Pain the ass, mostly, but you get the best weapon for Robo out of it and a store that stocks Elixirs, Turbo Ethers, Hi-Potions, and Megalixirs. Which would be awesome if I didn't already Charm a lot of 'em already. Also, the last leg of the Sanctum stuff is pretty decent.

  2. I am now a PSP owner with the God of War bundle. Recommendations?


    Crisis Core

    Dracula X Chronicles

    Ratchet and Clank (if you don't have the PS2 version)

    Mega Man Powered Up



    While I don't own it, I've heard good things about Patapon.


    Is it just me or has:


    a) Interest in the PSP died?


    b) Why are their not a lot of new released games, in comparison with all those new DS games out left and right




    c) Does anyone even own one anymore? The new PSP-3000 series came out a while ago.



    The constant pummeling in software sales by the DS and the low software attach rate hurts it, but there are still titles that do quite well.


    There are actually many titles coming out that I'm interested in.

    Prinny: Can I really be the hero?

    Japanese trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=slMNytAc6gE

    English trailer (awful dub voice) + preview: http://www.destructoid.com/preview-prinny-...o--114457.phtml

    Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep (see the thread)

    Final Fantasy Dissidia

    Resistance: Retribution (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9frAktiOT_Q)

    (unannounced but expected) Little Big Planet PSP


    For the most part, Square is one of the few 3rd parties making money off the games, though.

  3. Due to money issues, I only got this game recently, for Christmas.


    Anyway, pretty much everything checks out: SNES quality, with Playstation extras indeed. The music is really really good, with only the time warp sound seeming "off" to my ears. It's really awesome with headphones, to boot.


    The translation is good--being much the same as before but with some reworked, rewritten, or clarified dialogue. Most of the classic lines are preserved (oddly with "Good morning, Crono" as one of the odd changes). Frog's dialogue is less Ye Olde English, there are many renamed monsters, Cafes are now Taverns as they should have been. Also,

    Magus is referred to as the Fiendlord for most of the early part of the game (being well on par with his Japanese title, roughly equivalent to "Demon King.")


    The DS allows for you to keep the top screen free of HUD clutter, and the touch screen controls, while pointless to me, seem to work well enough that you could play with stylus-only.


    However, the most curious addition is the Lost Sanctum. I'd heard it referred to as a bonus dungeon or dungeons, and didn't really understand.


    Basically, it's bullshit. It sucks so much ass. It does yield a few cool treasures (a new weapon for Robo, another Nova Armor, lots of random items and a few other weapons/armor), but the design is so bad. You'll find yourself running up the same damn mountain over and over again (fighting the same damn enemies) from era to era to pick up a random shiny some asshole back in town needed. I'd do it in bits and pieces if you must.


    However, you can completely ignore the Sanctum and just play the rest of the original game and not really miss anything too grand.


    FYI, I'm at the Fated Hour with only the Geno Dome and Black Omen to go before Lavos.

  4. Does anyone know how Champion Wrestler is?


    Button-mashy. More or less the same sort as the Acclaim WWF games.

    Did it get released in America? I couldn't find any evidence after I posted the list.



    No US release that I know of, and it isn't on GameFAQs for a US release.

  5. Bully would be a maybe for me too, since I've already got the PS2 version. I really liked it, though I never finished it. There's also the 360 version, which I saw for $20 new today, but I've read that the port for that kinda sucks.


    It got patched, so there may not be much in the way of issues. I'm not sure.


    I wouldn't recommend Bully for kids, but rather because it would hit too close to home. It's a world more easily enjoyed long after you've graduated from high school. Still, content-wise it's very tame.


    ]Does anyone know how Champion Wrestler is?


    Button-mashy. More or less the same sort as the Acclaim WWF games.

  6. A maybe for Super Paper Mario, since I liked the previous RPG games.


    I'd rent, honestly.


    The highs are really cool and damn funny, but the lows are reeeeally low. The platforming sucks, honestly. It's incredibly basic and most of it is just jumping in the right place in 3d mode. It isn't like SOTN which meshes the action and RPG elements together really well. It got to the point where I played it just for the sake of finishing the game.




    I haven't played the Wii edition, but honestly this is a great game. This is from someone who has hated every GTA out since forever.

  7. Other than Mario, LoZ, and Smash Brothers, can you guys name any other games that are worth getting on the Wii? I just got one and I have MLB Baseball 2K8 and I don't like it.


    Also, what accessories are worth buying? I'm definitely getting component cables.


    Endless Ocean is one of the few "non-games" I'd recommend. Good for just unwinding with (it's an underwater exploration game. Some missions involve just touring, others getting photographs, etc).


    2nding for No More Heroes. The emptiness of its open world aspect drag it down a few points, but it's still damn fun and hilarious.


    If you don't own a PS2 and Okami already, buy that right freakin' now.

  8. I had 1 of my townspeople tell me "it is s-so freaking c-cold" the other day. I'm not 1 to care about language, but I'm surprised "freaking" made it into the game in that context.


    Should have used "s-so yiffing c-cold". :P

  9. I...I don't know what that means.


    You don't know what NeoGAF is? :P


    It's one of the biggest message boards in the gaming community? Often browsed/lurked by game developers? Denis Dyack was banned from it.


    They have giant proverbial salad-tossing celebrations when they get sales numbers from Japan showing Nintendo products occupying the top-ten spots, like they have Nintendo stock or something.

  10. Nintendo's a lot smarter than people give them credit for...if it aint broke, don't fix it. EAT IT DREW!


    So people are fapping over thoughts of Nintendo's success?


    What is this, NeoGAF?

  11. http://ps3.ign.com/articles/940/940036p1.html


    Infamous is awesome. Period. End of statement. I know a lot of times we at IGN get railed on for over-hyping games -- we tell you a game looks great during the preview period but then crap on it when review time comes -- but I'm willing to put my reputation on the line right now and tell you I can't see that happening with this game.


    Infamous was already one of my most anticipated games of 2009, but this hands-on has propelled it to the top of that list. Since Spider-Man 2, I've been waiting for a developer to capitalize on the formula that combines an open-world adventure with kickass comic book storytelling. Although my taste was way too brief -- I have no idea how side missions will play out, how smart the NPCs on the street are, etc. -- Infamous did nothing but impress when I played it. If you dig superhero stories or the idea of a good guy in GTA gets you all warm and fuzzy, it's going to be a very, very good spring


    As a huge fan of Hulk: Ultimate Destruction and Crackdown, I've been looking forward to this year's Prototype and this title.


    Two comments:


    1. This is one of the titles that makes a PS3 look like a very tempting purchase for me.

    2. F*** KILLZONE 2!

  12. http://www.1up.com/do/newsStory?cId=3171930


    Kevin Conroy Reprising Batman Role for Arkham Asylum

    Mark Hamill also once again voicing the Joker. By Kyle Stallock, 12/17/2008


    Any die-hard Batman fan will tell you that Kevin Conroy is and will always be the the voice of the caped crusader. Alongside Mark Hamill as the Joker, Conroy portrayed the Dark Knight in the award-winning Batman: The Animated Series and later Batman Beyond with equal amounts of respect and madness. Now Eidos and Warner Bros. have announced that the two actors will be reprising their roles for the upcoming game Batman: Arkham Asylum. Connecting the title even more directly to the Animated Series, it features an entirely new story from five-time Emmy winner Paul Dini, comic author, and one of the show's main writers.

  13. Honestly if the Disney link was severed, I'd have absolutely no interest in the game. Neither would my girl, which was the main reason for purchasing the first one. No Disney, no sale.


    That speculation seems unfounded, as more Disney worlds are going to be present, though unknown (expect rampant speculation on this, though. :) ).


    Mickey flipping around kicking more ass than Yoda was one of the coolest moments in the last two. Who knew Mickey could fuck up a dark lord?


    Note 6 minutes in:



    Also, he *did* fill a musketeer role.


    What about the DS game? Is it running at a double-digit framerate yet?


    Hard to see here, but it appears to be shaping up well:


  14. Since it would be a prequel and not directly related to the events of the previous games. The secret trailer at the end of Final Mix + seemed to be darker in tone overall.


    What we know of the story (from Wikipedia)


    Birth by Sleep is a prequel to the first Kingdom Hearts game, taking place ten years prior, and focusing on the story of knights that wield Keyblades before the series' main protagonist Sora. Nomura has stated that, though there are three scenarios—one for each of the main characters, Terra, Ventus and Aqua—there is not one singularly important scenario or character, but the main theme is Ventus' identity. The story was speculated early on to be connected to the unlockable trailers at the end of Kingdom Hearts II and Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix. Nomura has since confirmed a connection to the trailers.


    The game will take place in various Disney-themed worlds both new and old, and will partially reflect the time difference between this game and the previous Kingdom Hearts games; for example, a younger Hercules at the Olympus Coliseum. The story revolves around three Keyblade apprentices in search of a missing Keyblade master, Master Xehanort, and his apprentice. Maleficent is believed to be the main antagonist; she causes a great disaster involving the Heartless which results in Master Xehanort and his apprentice's disappearance.


    I hope Andrea Bowen's voice is in this game.


    I'd be surprised if we didn't get some cameos from the FFVII folks (basically all the other games had 'em), and naturally I'd welcome a KH AU Zack. So too soon to tell, but she'd be the best bet if Aeris is in.

  15. Certainly more so than a turn-based rpg.


    That was a joke. :P The ninja developer who made Smash Bros. Brawl also made the Lunar series.


    Besides, didn't Ubisoft already made a Turtles 3d action game for PS2? My nephew had it...poor game for a 6 year old, he couldn't really get very far because of the jumping puzzles and such.


    Yeah, that was the one based on the 2007 CGI movie.

  16. Ubisoft has had a pretty poor year for game content. PoP and Assassin's Creed basically the same thing




    both only last a few hours and I could never bring myself to play it again.


    PoP's about the same length as any of the SoT games--main different being the hub design leads to some backtracking for orbs.


    On top of that, they wanted Splinter Cell to be in a similar mould!


    Conviction? Not really, no.


    Has anyone played PoP?


    Played it, loved it. I don't know honestly what the hell you'd be looking for as far as "replay value" (it's still a linear game, so what do you expect?). The replay value pretty much in speeding through levels for achievements and getting all the orbs. It's not like multi-player is a realistic option.
