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Everything posted by DangerousDamon

  1. DangerousDamon

    Favourite wrestling sequences?

    The sequence between Low Ki and Red in a match RoH where they do all this Matrix stuff. It's just nuts. I also love any sequence that ends in the INDY FIGHTING STANCE~!
  2. DangerousDamon

    Old School Goodness

    This game is pretty damn fun. My brother and I were playing it on a demo disc at the GameStop near my school and we had a blast slicing up and blowing away soldiers and mummies. Although, when we died and had to go back to the beginning of the level, my brother quit on me.
  3. DangerousDamon

    The Day After Tomorrow...

    I thought the movie was pretty good, plus me and 200 other freshmen at my high school got to get out of school to go see the movie as a field trip.
  4. DangerousDamon

    The Mysterious One's Take On Anglesault

    Anglesault is really Manny Ramirez
  5. DangerousDamon

    Should I keep drinking....

    webber didnt choke, he had a good look, they lost. Webber is in his 12 year in the NBA with a fucked up knee and he had to guard the best player in the world. No one and I mean no one on this planet can stop KG. I mean when a guy puts up 30,20 with 4 blocks and 4 steals that makes it pretty hard for you to win and Sacramento had a chance at the end of the game.
  6. DangerousDamon

    Warriors fire Eric Musselman

    if Golden State was healthy they would have been contending for a playoff spot somewhere up there with Houston and Denver. They were still competitive in an absolutely brutal Conference. I don't think Musselman should have been fired because he doesn't play Pietrus and Dunleavy. He shouldn't because I think Dunleavy is not that great and Pietrus is raw. Troy Murphy is a stud though and will get better if he can stay healthy
  7. DangerousDamon

    NHL on NBC

    Aren't those games blacked out due to local coverage? I know that normally when the Bruins are given an ESPN game (maybe once a year, if that much) that we normally still get the piss-poor NESN coverage. yes, they are always blacked out, I don't think that I have seen a non- Stanley Cup Finals game that wasn't blacked out for the Red Wings and sometimes even when they are not blacked out depending on who they play and if its the playoffs, I have watched Wings games on three channels (ABC/FOX/ESPN, local station, and the holy grail of hockey coverage, CBC)
  8. DangerousDamon

    Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

    I know I will be hearing"Break yo-self PATNA~!(because you have to shout PATNA~!)" about a thousand time. And if everyone keeps calling everyone G...I won't be able to play at all. You could always just turn the sound off if the voices annoy you.
  9. DangerousDamon

    The OAO Raw Thread - May 17th, 2004

    Nope. It's like the Test/Steiner feud, except........longer. This feud has been going for like 2 years.
  10. DangerousDamon

    The OAO Raw Thread - May 17th, 2004

    And then there were three. I thought Orton was gonna win.
  11. DangerousDamon

    The OAO Raw Thread - May 17th, 2004

    Man, Maven gets some height on the MaveKick~!
  12. DangerousDamon

    The OAO Raw Thread - May 17th, 2004

    Kane is so winning. And the Hurricane definetly hit the floor.
  13. DangerousDamon

    The OAO Raw Thread - May 17th, 2004

    Kane is so winning. And the Hurricane definetly hit the floor.
  14. DangerousDamon

    The OAO Raw Thread - May 17th, 2004

    BAH GAWD! He's clean shaven! And that track suit is pretty cool looking.
  15. DangerousDamon

    The OAO Raw Thread - May 17th, 2004

    WHAT??????? That was out of nowhere.
  16. DangerousDamon

    The OAO Raw Thread - May 17th, 2004

    Eugene should bust out the Garvin Stomp right now.
  17. DangerousDamon


    How the hell do you watch that? I can't get it to work.
  18. DangerousDamon

    Your teams biggest heartbreaking moment

  19. DangerousDamon

    The Official Judgment Day 2004 Thread

    Well, I didn't buy it I think the cd is tight and the songs are awesome. The song about Bizzare is one of the best tracks on the cd.
  20. DangerousDamon

    The Official Judgment Day 2004 Thread

    True. What's Torrie's record? Like 100-0?
  21. DangerousDamon

    The Official Judgment Day 2004 Thread

    Fat-ass? I could kick your little skinny ass in less then 3 seconds. Yeah you are a fuckign dumb-ass for ordering...and by the way JD will suck!!! Uhh, are you gonna virtually dropkick Downhome or something?
  22. DangerousDamon

    The Official Judgment Day 2004 Thread

    That was cool, thanks. I can't even get that to work
  23. DangerousDamon

    The Official Judgment Day 2004 Thread

    You've seen that? Hmm... You know what really sucks? When you download a porno and you start beating the meat as it loads so that you're hot to trot as soon as you see the ladies and you suddenly realise that you've downloaded gay porn by mistake. So, you're masterbating and you're watching gay porn and as you realise this, you're still masturbating because its damn hard to stop masturbating. Then, you notice that the porno sets got the same curtains as your parents. And the same sofa. Then you realise it's your dad getting his ass licked by a rough trick with a 12 inch dick. Then suddenly you realise you're about to blow your load. To gay porn. Starring your dad. That sucks. I guarantee that this monologue will be more entertaining than JD... Thanks for the laugh, that's the funniest shit I've heard this entire weekend.
  24. DangerousDamon

    The Official Judgment Day 2004 Thread

    You've seen that? Hmm... Who is Jindrak facing? I can't watch Heat. Funaki, Smackdown's NUMBAH ONE JOBBER!
  25. DangerousDamon

    Who have been double champions?

    While this isn't exactly old school, AJ Styles was both the NWA World Champion and the RoH tag team champion.