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Everything posted by RepoMan

  1. RepoMan

    NHL Thread - December

    If Golisano want's to dump the Sabres, I can't really see anyone else in WNY who'd have the cash to buy the team.
  2. RepoMan

    WWE Raw - December 8, 2008: The Return of the Slammys

    Wierd to see Trips playing Morton.
  3. RepoMan

    This week in the NBA

    Sucks for the Cavs to play 4 games in 5 nights.
  4. RepoMan

    WWE Raw - December 8, 2008: The Return of the Slammys

    I wish they gave that more time. That match made me wish they'd bring back the CW division even though they'd end up ignoring it.
  5. RepoMan

    WWE Raw - December 8, 2008: The Return of the Slammys

    I wish they bothered to have Mickie and Beth feud over whatever "happened in the past" between the two as alluded to during the Trish/Mickie feud.
  6. RepoMan

    WWE General Discussion - December 2008

    I don't think Cole is a great announcer or anything, but I never got why he's so hated by much of the IWC. I'd much rather hear him call match oppossed to Schovonie or the TNA guys.
  7. RepoMan

    You can't hold a good drafter down

    I like the websites and the dieties draft, but the latter could led to some religious debate. Would the God of the Abrahamic faiths cound as one God for Judaism, Christianity and Islam? What's up with the Holy Trinity? Would Jesus include The Morman Jesus?
  8. RepoMan

    Simpsons Episode Draft

    Treehouse of Horror V No TV and No Beer Make Homer something something.
  9. RepoMan

    Country Draft

    Shouldn't that be a picture of 12 year old boys?
  10. RepoMan


    Captain Benjamin L. Willard Figure I need someone serious and a badass.
  11. RepoMan

    Cartoon Character Draft

    I was gong to take Murphy until I realized Troy McClure was still on the board.
  12. RepoMan

    The Concert Thread

    I'm going to go see Rockapella tomarrow. I wounder if I can enjoy it sober in a non-ironic manner.
  13. RepoMan

    The Dark Knight

    I didn't think Bale underperformed at all. If I had to pick the underperformer, it was probably Maggie Gyllenhaal. I wouldn't say its her fault, as I don't think Rachel was a very good character. She was better than better than Katie Holmes, but then again, that was expected. I'm sorry, but Bale as super raspy smokers voice Batman annoyed the hell out of me.
  14. RepoMan

    The Office Season 5

    Plus Micheal pouring sugar into his diet WPOP.
  15. RepoMan


    Stanley Spadowski
  16. RepoMan

    Cartoon Character Draft

    Brian Griffin
  17. RepoMan

    Annoying tv characters

    I agree that they don't really give Annie anything to do, but she and Liz are pretty much the only sympathetic characters left on the show.
  18. I guess they could take the concept and give it a more serious treatment, but I don't see anyway they could improve They Live other than better FX.
  19. RepoMan

    NHL Thread - December

    Given the amount of domestic violence by profesional athletes, I doubt anyone would be picketing outside of Bettman's office over this. And I doubt most female hockey fans are going to care about the feelings of some cleberity rink rat. Everyone who isn't a talking head or has a grudge against Avery thought it was hilarious. Smack talk like this actually makes pepole interested in the game.
  20. RepoMan

    Cartoon Character Draft

    Troy McClure
  21. RepoMan


    I have no shame in admiting I liked Zima.
  22. RepoMan

    The College Football Thread 12/3 - 12/6

    I feel stupid for thinking pepole were talking about Ball State and OK State when talking about BSU and OSU.
  23. RepoMan

    2009 Baseball Hall of Fame Ballot

    How long do pepole think the writers are going to blackball McGwire?
  24. RepoMan

    NFL Week 13

    So Bloomburg wants Plaxico to get the mandatory 3.5 years for carrying an unlicsenced, loaded firearm.