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Everything posted by RepoMan

  1. RepoMan

    Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist

    The local reviewer compaired it to Sixteen Candles and Say Anything. This might be the first High School movie I would enjoy made in a long, long, time.
  2. RepoMan

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    It's nice to see Yipsilanti as home to the "World Champions."
  3. RepoMan

    NFL Week 5

    I'd love the blame the whole thing on Losman, and he did play his typically crappy game with a few plays to show off his athleticism. What really concernced me was Warner's ability to pick apart the defense and a total reversal of fourtains for the D on third downs. It didn't help that they were on the field all day as the offense couldn't substain any drives, but I still think the Bills would have been outgunned today if Edwards didn't go down.
  4. RepoMan

    NFL Week 5

    A little dated, but at least they've won a Super Bowl
  5. RepoMan

    WWE No Mercy 2008

    I should admit I havn't seen most of this years PPVs, but the ladder match was brutal and had enough new spots that I'm intial reaction if that it's a MOTY contender. First time in a long time I feel like I really need to go out and get the DVD for a match. HHH/Jeff was **** in my book as well.
  6. RepoMan

    WWE No Mercy 2008

    I think we have a MOTY frontrunner.
  7. RepoMan

    WWE No Mercy 2008

    That was fucking sweet. Both main events REALLY delivered work rate wise.
  8. RepoMan

    WWE No Mercy 2008

    Damn, I was hoping they'd do that suplex spot.
  9. RepoMan

    WWE No Mercy 2008

    That was really good match until the lame ass ending.
  10. RepoMan

    WWE No Mercy 2008

    Either HHH is calling the spots a little to loud or they have a mic in a bad place.
  11. RepoMan

    WWE No Mercy 2008

    "Indeed, it is all about the game and how you play it." Thanks for the insight JR.
  12. RepoMan

    WWE No Mercy 2008

    That was a pretty nice DDT by Taker.
  13. RepoMan

    NFL Week 5

    7-0 Cards.
  14. RepoMan

    NFL Week 5

    And JP already botches a hand off
  15. RepoMan

    NFL Week 5

    And Trent Edwards goes down. Here comes the LOLZman.
  16. RepoMan

    NFL Week 5

    And Fox cuts to the final seconds of Chicago-Detroit for some reason.
  17. RepoMan

    NFL Week 5

    I just saw Orton is passing for 315 yards. And Houston looses the ball at their own 20. Epic choke!
  18. RepoMan

    NFL Week 5

    Rosenfels is doing his best to caugh up the game. He should have been stripped when he outstretched the ball near the goal line last time as well.
  19. I caught an advance screening of The Express. It's pretty much exactly what you'd expect out of an inspirational sports movie. If your a Syracuse fan, it's a must see. Some Browns fans might want to check it out as well. Kind of wierd to see Art Modell protrayed in a face role. If your a college football fan, it's going to be at least worth a rental for the history leason. If you like single bar facemasks, Quarterbacks with uniform numbers above 19, and the T formation, this movie if for you.
  20. RepoMan

    Let's talk about Lex, baby.

    I really think they should have put the belt on Lugger at SummerSlam 93. When he slammed Yokozuna on the aircraft carrier, it seemed like a HUGE, legitimet achievment. He was super over with the kids. I always hoped I'd get to see the Lex Express drive by whenever I was on the highway.
  21. RepoMan

    The OAO WWE DVD Thread

    Even though Perfect definately needed at least three, I think at this stage in his career, with the matches he has been in a 3 Disc set is definately warranted. Kane, as much as I like him, I can't think of three discs of must have or compelling matches. I don't even want to get into all the segments - Katie Vick, The Courtship/Rape of Lita, May 19th... I don't think Glen Jacobs is a bad worker by any means, but I'd be much more entertained by a DVD recapping all the horrible gimmicks and angles he's been invovled in than a DVD full of his matches. Add stuff like Kane Prime, Fake Diesel, Issac Yankem and The Christmas Creature WWE sure as hell would have my cash.
  22. I'm suprised An American Carol is currently 50% fresh on Rotten Tomatos. I don't know who it would appeal too besides right wing bloggers who want to stick it to liberal Hollywood. If Zucker wants to satarize liberals, why not try going after policy instead of OMG Michele Moore hates American and loves terrorists LOLZ.
  23. RepoMan

    The Hockey Thread - October

    God, the NHL can't even get the openers on VS. You'd think they'd at least try to make it seem like important event instead of a footnote.
  24. RepoMan

    The College Football Thread 9/30 - 10/4

    Wisconson Band suspended for hazing, booze, and sex. It's going to be a wierd atmosphere in Madison tonight without the band, esp if Ohio State is bringing theres.
  25. RepoMan

    Raven files a lawsuit against the WWE

    I'm not going to get into a debate about the relative dangers of bladding, but I agree with Dragon that bladding should be cut down to add to the drama. I barely even notice bleeding anymore unless it registers on the Muta scale.