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Everything posted by RepoMan

  1. RepoMan

    NFL Week 5

    Now we have something even worse than pink jerseys.
  2. The movie seems like it would be giving a lot of credit to regular blind people who can function in society. I know I would freak the fuck out if I suddenly became blind. I really want to see this movie because it plays on something that literally give me nightmares. It gives the actual blind a lot of credit, because average seeing Joe would be close to completely unfunctional if they lost their sight. I’m really in awe of the blind, I’d really say it amazes me how well the blind people I’ve encountered in life function so well. In all honesty I’d rather be paralyzed than try to live without sight. In such a scenario, use regular folks would be begging for advice for doing the simplest task the average blind person could do.
  3. RepoMan

    MLB Divisional Playoffs, NL Edition

    Well at least I can look forward to Frank TV. I have a feeling if I never got into sports I wouldn't be depressed/be an addict. Fuck Life.
  4. RepoMan

    2008-09 NHL Preseason

    If I have grandkids, and if they end up hockey fans, I have a feeling I can boast I saw Price way back in his AHL days. That was just retarded.
  5. RepoMan

    Campaign 2008

    George Stephenopolis (sp?) thinks the response is going to be partisan? How much does he get paid for such insightful commentary?
  6. RepoMan

    Campaign 2008

  7. RepoMan

    Campaign 2008

    The story should be about Biden's good performence, but it's going to be about how Palin didn't fuck up.
  8. RepoMan

    Campaign 2008

    Don't you know the Democrats hate freedom.
  9. RepoMan

    Campaign 2008

    Hey now, don't give John Winthrop's "City on a hill" line to Regan.
  10. RepoMan

    Campaign 2008

    When did Alaska move to the heartland of America?
  11. RepoMan

    Campaign 2008

    My mom, who isn't into politics: "He shows experience, she just shows enthusiasm."
  12. RepoMan

    Campaign 2008

    I'm glad she looked up what a Vice President does on wiki.
  13. RepoMan

    Campaign 2008

    Sweet, now were giving shout outs during debates for national office.
  14. RepoMan

    Campaign 2008

    This is a stupid question, none of them are going to answer how they'd be different from their running mates. And Biden isn't going to let her do all the pandering to the average Joe.
  15. RepoMan

    Campaign 2008

    Wait, so she's saying Alaska has a lot of natural resources and a Washington outsider? I'm sure the pepole of Dafur are happy to know that.
  16. RepoMan

    Campaign 2008

    No, their's been no civillian causulties in Afghanistan, how dare someone suggest that? Why does Obama hate the troops?
  17. RepoMan

    Campaign 2008

    I wish politicians would stop sucking Isreal's nut. No, they do nothing wrong ever.
  18. RepoMan

    Campaign 2008

    Diplomacy is important, but we CAN NOT under any circumstances talk to our advasaries.
  19. RepoMan

    Campaign 2008

    If Obama is can't admit the surge "worked," why can't McCain admit it was totally fucking insane to invade in the first place.
  20. RepoMan

    Campaign 2008

    I wish pepole would stop with the clean coal BS, and I wish the Dems would grow some balls on gay mariage.
  21. RepoMan

    Campaign 2008

    Let’s not argue about the causes, because obviously they’d have nothing to do with the solutions.
  22. RepoMan

    Campaign 2008

    If I was still drinking I'd be shit faced if drank everytime she panders to the average Joe six pack hockey mom from Main St.
  23. RepoMan

    Campaign 2008

    This moderator sucks, she can't keep any of them on question. Probably she's just hoping to avoid "picking on" anyone because she's wants to hide her ultra liberal bias for having the audacity to write a book about Obama.
  24. RepoMan

    Campaign 2008

    Take on the oil companies by keeping them in your prayers.
  25. RepoMan

    Campaign 2008

    But he doesn’t use any folksy colloquialisms.