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Everything posted by RepoMan

  1. RepoMan

    The "Night of Champions" PPV Thread

    Jericho dosn't really need the belt, but I think they rushed giving it to Kofi.
  2. RepoMan

    The "Night of Champions" PPV Thread

    They must be pretty high on Kofi, I would be too.
  3. RepoMan

    The "Night of Champions" PPV Thread

    He has potential, still a little green on the mic.
  4. RepoMan

    The "Night of Champions" PPV Thread

    If you must have a heel authority figure, JBL would be great in the role.
  5. RepoMan

    The "Night of Champions" PPV Thread

    I was too, but I like what I heard. I guess it's good to differentiate.
  6. RepoMan

    The "Night of Champions" PPV Thread

    "Broadcast...uh......thing." Adamle is unintentionaly the best thing about this match.
  7. RepoMan

    The "Night of Champions" PPV Thread

    I know this is wrestling, but that was a rather contrived and needlessly complicated way to try and cripple someone.
  8. RepoMan

    The "Night of Champions" PPV Thread

    This has to be the worst match to have the specail in-ring intros in WWE history.
  9. RepoMan

    The "Night of Champions" PPV Thread

    So is anyone actually watching the PPV?
  10. Watching I Love the New Millinium, I realize I really hate 95% of the pop culture phenenome this decade.
  11. RepoMan

    Euro 2008

    The 2nd most prestigious tournement in the world is a mere hours away. ESPN family of networks is covering the entire event. Here's the fixtures and US TV schedule Deadspin Preview Discuss
  12. RepoMan

    Worst President Ever?

    Carter was probably pretty naive thinking you could have an effective foreign policy just based on embracing human rights, but he at least has the Camp David accords to his credit. But, good Lord, talking to your adversaries isn’t appeasement. We wouldn’t be hear to talk if Kennedy refuses to talk to Khrushchev. I’m a Kent State grad and hate having to give Nixon any credit, but he was fucking brilliant to embrace diplomacy with China.
  13. RepoMan

    Campaign 2008

    Another ridiculous GOP ad from 2006: Sign me up for having teenage girls to have their gentila connected with probes watching porn. I have no illusions Obama is a perfect candidate for my viewpoints. I’m opposed to the death penalty in any case (It’s hypocritical to say it’s ok for the State to kill, and teaches a horrible lesson that it‘s ok for those in authority to kill). Plus you can never be 100% certain about person’s guilt. I just say let the convicted enjoy the rest of their lives in the general population of a pound me in the ass prison. And Obama is being hypocritical about not accepting public financing. But he is really running a grassroots campaign. Most of his financing is coming from small donors, (I gave him $40). I’ll take a little hypocrisy to avoid McCain continuing Bush’s failed policies. I’ve volunteered for his campaign expecting to be joined by fellow leftwing Dems. I was surprised that most other volunteers were independents who have never been involved in a political campaign or activism . I’m so disappointed in McCain. If just given an A or B choice in 2000, I would have voted for him over Gore. McCain used to be pragmatic, and Gore was just trying to win by whoring himself out to opinion polls. McCain is now just whoring himself out to the most far right and xenophobic parts of the GOP base.
  14. RepoMan

    "An insane amount of ranch please."

    I like McDonald's better. Honey mustard is also awsome with fries.
  15. RepoMan


    This is a hard debate, you can do pretty much anything with chicken and fish. I loves me a good fish fry, so I'm going fish. Chicken seems like an everyday type of food. Seafood is for specail occasions.
  16. RepoMan

    WWE has a new search engine with a twist

    And the sad thing is a "Candice "Topps Heritage Chrome" Trading Card" is 55 swag bucks, down from the regual price of 170. Poor Val Venis. I did a Vince McMahon limo search and found this gem.
  17. RepoMan

    News You Can (barely) Use

    JR has been one of the top faces in WWE for over a decade. The fans love him. I find his commentary a little corny sometimes, but you can tell he loves the buisness and was super nice when I meet him at a cook book signing. If he quite today, he could really screw Vince over. Adamle sucks, Joey Styles has been burried. Vince deserves a little payback and realize what an asset JR is to the company.
  18. RepoMan

    The "Night of Champions" PPV Thread

    This is the first WWE ppv I've wanted to see since WM. Women’s Title Matche Should be short and sweet. Completly acceptable wrestling. Katie Lee should go over. WWE U.S. title match: Matt Hardy © Vs Chavo Guerrero Jr It will be pretty heatless, but a good mid-card match none of the less. 10 minutes of good wrestling. I expect Matt to go over. WWE Tag Team titles match: Miz and Morrison © Vs Finlay and Hornswoggle Could be good depending on how much the keep the Hornswoggle shenaigans under control. I hope as Hell they don't put the title on Horny. I love Morrison, and somehow the Miz has won me over. World Tag Team titles match: Rhodes and Holly © Vs Ted DiBiase and mystery partner Ted Jr and whoever (I would guess DH Smith) go over. I don't think the match will suck, but it will be completly forgetable. I'm hoping the 2nd generation stable happens. WWE Intercontinental title match: Chris Jericho © Vs mystery man I don't think this match is going to happen. ECW World title match: Kane © Vs The Big Show Vs Mark Henry I think this could be a good big man match, or it could be a total train wreck. Henry obviously wins, sigh. I'm one of the pepole who has enjoyed WWECW more or less. WWE title match: Edge © Vs Batista I'm not expecting a whole lot out of this match, but it at least has some potential. Edge retains after shenigans from the Familia. WWE title match: Triple H © Vs John Cena I'm not a fan of either of their characters, but you have two of the bes curent workers in the world going at it. I'm expecting at least a **** match. Cena keeps the title on Raw, HHH moves on to feud with Edge, which I'm pumped to see after Friday's opening promo.
  19. RepoMan

    The Youtube Thread

    From Wrestlecrap, it's Hogan giving driving saftey tips:
  20. RepoMan

    Supreme Court upholds the Right to Bear Arms

    This is the quote of the thread for me. Apparently, it's now easier for DC to keep a well regulated militia. Thank God, I don't want those dirty Brits to burn down the White House again. If the average Joe wants to go hunting, I'm totally cool with that. But we're talking about hand guns, designed to kill PEOPLE. I wish people would realize that by owning a gun, you're much more likely to have a family member commit suicide or accidentally shot someone than to kill a burglar.
  21. RepoMan

    Nick Hogan

    I think most pepole should agree that Hulk lotioning up Brook was wierd at the very least.
  22. RepoMan


    Now that you're this board's arch conservative, how in the hell did your ever vote for Nader? Not judging, just really curious.
  23. RepoMan

    OMG Terminator 4 is definetly going ahead

    I don't care about swearing, I just love the ridiculous action movie elements of the Die Hard movies.
  24. RepoMan


    Off topic, banning marine harvesting is indeed laughable, but is anyone else pissed off the fucking Japs continue to insist its ok to kill whales?