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Everything posted by RepoMan

  1. RepoMan

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    I've been trying to catch up with this thread about half the day and just caught up. A fews things I want to comment on. The bottle of wine: That's really a weird drink of choice after you murdered your family and want to build up the courage to kill yourself. I sort of picture Benoit digging around a wine celler looking for the perfect bottle for a last drink. Using the Crippler Crossface to kill his son: The wierd thing is, when I heard Benoit chooked his kid to death, that's exactly what I envisoned, in his wrestling gear and all. Glad I don't watch cable news or I'd be going insane at this point.
  2. RepoMan

    WWE General Discussion for June 2007

    I forget about the 30 day rule unless they bring it up. The could just pretend the rule dosn't exist and 99% of the audience isn't going to notice.
  3. RepoMan

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    Their have been some suggesting she cheated on him, opps he snaps, and then goes completly off the dead end and kills his son and himself. I'm sort been sort of irked by this. It's has a sexist tone and nothing can justify murder. It was an total outrage what he did to his wife, but I can sympathasize with the extra outrage for killing a little kid. I just watched Da Meltz on fox news. I expected to be creeped out, but it just made me yearn that none of this was happening and Benoit would be wrestling tonight. I'm totally suprised I feel that way.
  4. RepoMan

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    Look Benoit was by far my favriot current wrestler, but do yourself a favor and just accept reality. I'm not flaming you, but being denial is just going to make things harder to get over in the long run.
  5. RepoMan

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    I'm sure someone did. I guess it's like the VT situation. You might realize someone has mental problemes, but rarely can anyone really forsee someone is about to go on a killing spree.
  6. RepoMan

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    I watched some of ATH and all of PTI and no mention of it, or in the teasers for SC. I know it's not a "sport" but I recall Eddie's death getting coverage. I refuse to watch cable news to protect my own sainity unless it's a 9/11 or Katrina level event, is the saturation of coverage as bid as this thread suggests?
  7. RepoMan

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    Just like Fake Kane, they just drop the angle and never mention it again.
  8. RepoMan

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    It is clear Vince can't/won't police the business himself. The only way things would change is if the congress got involved. You have to think with the election in 2008 that one of these candidates (probably one of the minor ones) is going to latch on this story and use for their own agenda...bad news for Vince. Some pepole overestimate the importance of wrestling in the grand scheme of things. They have some heat for a few weeks and then the media will forget about it the next time a pretty white girl gets murdered. WWE actually enforces the Wellness Policy for a few months, fire some JTTS who get caught with roids, and eventaully just forget about.
  9. RepoMan

    Chris Benoit Dead - Toxicology results released

    I just went through all 40 pages of this thread. Benoit was a fav active wrestler. I'm just massivly depressed. I'm more offended by the Benoit apologists than any of the mid thread morbid humor. Reading that stuff was the only time I didn't feel like total shit today.
  10. RepoMan

    ECW 6.19

    not if this becomes a hot feud. what other feud right now will have 2 faces going at it? Will this be a way to turn Benoit heel? I'd prefer Beniot going over Burke, having them fued a while. Eventually Punk chases Beniot for a while.
  11. RepoMan

    ECW 6.19

    As suggested by a few earlier, they pulled the trigger on Punk-Beniot way too early.
  12. RepoMan

    ECW 6.19

    And the crowd almost musters a chant.
  13. RepoMan

    ECW 6.19

    It's always nice when some one comes out to something other than generic rock or rap.
  14. RepoMan

    ECW 6.19

    WWE has degraded women in the past, but making them fawn over the Miz is a new low.
  15. RepoMan

    ECW 6.19

    Poor Nunzio, great effort but can't get any reaction.
  16. RepoMan

    ECW 6.19

    Curious as to which direction that converstation took. Were they joking around, codemning wrestling, or playing along with some marks?
  17. RepoMan

    ECW 6.19

    I love O&A's take on this. Good thing FIC is on the case.
  18. RepoMan

    ECW 6.19

    They've done that before to try to look "shoot"ish. But with the odd finish, Tommy may have taken the early pin b/c he was, in fact, legit hurt (assuming the new reffing policy is in effect). Is there a new sign for when they're legit hurt?
  19. RepoMan

    ECW 6.19

    Or maybe it was "we want Mable." MOM owned.
  20. RepoMan

    ECW 6.19

    "We Want Angel" chant out of no where.
  21. RepoMan

    ECW 6.19

    I like Dreamer and all, but he's pretty useless in the ring at this point.
  22. RepoMan

    ECW 6.19

    Now that's a squash.
  23. RepoMan

    ECW 6.19

    I havn't seen Boogyman wrestle in forvever, I forgot he was from the bottomless pit.
  24. RepoMan

    The origins of the Vince angle

    I tried of pepole acting like pro wrestling is a honorable, realistic form of entertainment. I love this angle.
  25. RepoMan

    OAO RAW thread - June 18, 2007

    That segment was pretty heatless. I was hoping the crowd would bust out a slut chant.