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Everything posted by RepoMan

  1. RepoMan

    Nicole Ritchie

    That was actually very clever. Lindsay Lohan is still my fantasy one night stand.
  2. RepoMan

    We are Marshall

    I honestly hate Marshall and glad that they decided to leave the MAC, but its still a great story and I plan on seeing the movie. 1970 was a rough year for Kent State too, and Marshall lost a lot more lives. I can sympathize.
  3. RepoMan

    Pauly Shore gets punched on stage...

    I'll admit that I liked his movies in Jr. High. Really lame that this was fake but I'd still mark out if I ever saw him in public.
  4. RepoMan

    This week in the NBA

    MSG sells itself, bro. Its like the Staples Center, in that a good percentage of the people who go could care less about basketball, they just want to be seen there. And with that cable deal, thats why they can afford to be over the cap. And I think you are overestimating AI's drawing power a little. He himself is not going to sell the place out, only winning does that. I cannot see AI going to a place where there is a player making close to $20 million a season, unless that player is part of the deal. I would assume that T'Wolves fans would come in droves as they would have a sudden shot at, at the very least, a solid playoff run. Plus, two lifetime All-Stars on the same team is enough to make anyone want to go and watch. Wow, this is my first post in like, a month. Congratulations. I think that the fans would only start coming out seriously if the team started winning. To pack the place and watch them struggle initially while Iverson and the team get used to each other is a little slappy, if you ask me. And that coincides with the team being decent at the time and I would think a hellacious waiting list for season tickets. They were constantly in the playoffs at the time (Semis in 94, 95 and 96), and they were in the Finals in 94... Considering that in my opinion the team is just not good right now (and yes I am being PC when I say that), 13-14,000 is pretty damned good. I'm not surprised in the slightest they got booed off the court. 13-14K at the Garden is still making a ton of revenue, a lot more than say a sold out Q.
  5. RepoMan

    ESPN sucks, so do thread closers

    What does ESPN stand for anyways? Entertainment and Sports Programing Network
  6. Just make every bill a little different size from one another. It's really not a big deal. I've accidently tipped more than I wanted to when I was shit faced so this might even help the drunks out there.
  7. RepoMan

    Can HHH have the title back please?

    I havn't heard Cena get a negative reaction in a long time. I'm still annoyed as hell by his character but it looks like booing Cena was just a little fad outside of Philly and NY. Keeping the title on Cena for the time being makes buisness sense for WWE unfortuantly.
  8. RepoMan

    2006 in review...

    Wrestler of the year:Edge Tag-team/Stable of the year:King's Court Match of the year:Foly vs. Edge- WM. Didn't see Angle vs. Taker at No Way Out, but I do have to say there re-match on SD was great, and I have a feeling I'd chose the No Way Out match if I had seen it. Best heel:Edge Best face:Hard choice. No one really stood out this year. I liked underdog Rey going into WM, then the weak title reign ruined it. I'm going with the Bogeyman. Stupid on paper, but to be honest the guy really entertained me. Most improved wrestler:Umaga Quote of the year:Damn Markout moment of the year: Mickie feels up Trish in rout to women's title at WM. Funniest moment of the year:Spirit Squad debutes Worst moment of the year:World title hot shoted back to Cena after 1 month Edge reign. Worst wrestler of the year:Great Kahli Best brand:Smackdown Worst brand: Raw Best PPV:Royal Rumble Worst PPV:DTD Biggest disappointment:RVD gets caught. I was cautiously optimistic about WWECW. But that incident killed any hope WWECW would have any of the old ECW feel.
  9. RepoMan

    Can HHH have the title back please?

    The Raw main event scence is so boring. I'm sick of Cena, HHH is annoying as a face and I don't want the belt back on him for a long time. Orton is blah. I like Umaga, but I don't think he would work as champ. I like Edge, but his feuding with Cena is played out. I like the idea of an HBK heel turn. To get him in the WM main event, Shawn turns on HHH and they have a blow off match at the Royal Rumble. It looks like Taker is wining the RR, so Raw needs a Main Event. HBK starts a fued with Cena and there's your Raw main event. But thats not going to happen. I'm about ready to give up on Raw.
  10. RepoMan


    The movie had heavy flaws, like the killers being gay and being big Doom player, otherwise I thought it was very good. But hey I liked Death to Smootchy so what do I know.
  11. I never got the concept either. I dosn't bother me, but I'm like do they expect me to think TNA is better because it has more sides on its ring?
  12. RepoMan

    Comments that don't warrant a thread

    I was disapointed in that match the first time I saw it. I envisoned them trading a few pin falls with it ending up 3-2 HBK in with a pinfall in the last 10 seconds. What I got was an hour plus of mat wrestling. I didn't have the attention span for that kind of match when I was 12. Plus it was well publicized that Brett was going on a long vacation after WM so the result was never in doubt in my mind. I guess I need to rewatch it know to see how I would like it know.
  13. Can someone post the match listings for Christmas in Iraq?
  14. RepoMan

    OAO Monday Night Raw Thread For 12/11/2006

    It's in WWE's best intrest to just to ignore TNA at this point. I'd bet 80% of the WWE fans wouldn't even get it. No reason to give TNA free publicity. TNA knows Vince is just going to ignore them, they just want to make Vince look like a pussy to there fans.
  15. RepoMan


    If Michelle survives, the show's fucked. I'm not annoyed by her, but she's just so boring. If is Chritsian is tied down as a family man, the series can't work. Matt and Kimber needs to end. I bought Kimber having sex w/ Matt to get back at Christian, but I can't accept them getting married and having a kid. I'm interested in Shawn's situation and what his relationship w/ Julia is like. Shawn's reallly the only character I care about at this point.
  16. RepoMan

    Good Movies

    Ditto. Why? Because the alien took the form of her father? Assuming that's what you think (that's the reason I suaully hear), would creating some silly looking CGI aliens really have helped the movie? Because I actually think that ending would have been worse. I totally agree, but everyone I know thinks the movie sucked b/c the alien looked like her dad. Some stupid looking Gray or over the top Hollywood alien would have sucked hard core.
  17. Problem Child 3 The sad thing is how many people who think the second one is infinitely better than the first because so many guys my age were too young to see the original, but were 11 or 12 when ML2 came out. I pretty much a agree. What ML2 had going for it was it only cared about going for laughs. The drama in ML is cliche but it worked pretty well.
  18. RepoMan

    1000 Reasons why Late Night with Conan O'Brien

    I would have never thought that Sunny was a Pat Bucanhan supportor.
  19. RepoMan

    NFL Week 14

    I don't think the Bills are in the playoff race this year, but I'm optimistic about next year. The O-line and JP are finally coming togeather, McGahee played up to his potential today, D played great. Based on the last four games I think the Bills can make the playoffs next year.
  20. RepoMan

    ESPN sucks, so do thread closers

    wtf...he is? There is no God.
  21. RepoMan

    NFL Week 14

    Guess it worked out, Chargers dominated, Bills look good and my actually optimistic about there future for the first time since the hype after they signed Bledsoe in 2002.
  22. RepoMan

    OAO TNA Turning Point Thread

    Workrate was there, the bikini contest and VKM stuff really dragged down the pace. Worth checking out at some point, nothing must see. If you got the cash for replay go for it, otherwise wait for the DVD.
  23. RepoMan

    OAO TNA Turning Point Thread

    But I thought parody was suppossed to be funny.
  24. RepoMan

    NHL Thread: It's December Now.

    I cringed when I saw the Hockey Bay logo. It's a blatant rip off and it sounds stupid.