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Everything posted by RepoMan

  1. RepoMan

    Jeremy Roenick = Ass?

    That rumour's been going around for years, but it's never amounted to anything more than an owner spouting off hot air. Much like the Expos, I'm sure it'll happen eventually (especially now that they're Baltimore's AAA team, and the O's probably wouldn't mind moving them closer to Baltimore), but there's no point putting any stock in the rumour in any given year. Oh, and Vancouver now has a single-A team in the Northwest League. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Certainly, it is too soon to draw any conclusions. I could not help but notice the Ottawa rumors this time because if they moved to Allentown, they would be within an hour's drive. Still, the attendance figures of the Lynx draw a dismal picture. An average of 2,331 fans a game, for a total of 76,950 so far this season. Charlotte is the only team in the International League that draws less than double of what Ottawa takes in. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I've heard the move to Allentown is pretty much a done deal. They passed some sort of stadium financing deal down there. The move makes too much sense. It's a lot closer to Balitmore, who has there lower minor league clubs in Maryland so proxmity seems like a big deal to the organization. Plus it's save a lot of visa hassels and ect to have your farm team in the US.
  2. RepoMan

    The Spirits of 1776

    "The benefits arising from the moderate use of strong Liquor have been experienced in all Armies and are not to be disputed."- General George Washington Have to sit thorugh a 20 second ad, but it's worth it for history buffs and alcoholics.
  3. RepoMan

    War of the Worlds

    I really like the movie despite the stupidness of the underground tripods, Robby and half of Boston surviving. Another thing that annoyed me was if Aliens were tourching the Cities of the world, why the hell would you try and go to Boston? If Cruises character had half a brain he would have stayed in that farm house our moved his ass up into the Adiarondaks.
  4. I'd like to see a 6 month to a year pull out to be replaced with regional secuirity forces. US forces are the magents drawing in the Zarquawi type fucks. They wouldn't leave if the US left, but they'd burn out and not draw in new recuirts. Those who just want the US out would have nothing to do obviously. And if the Sunnis Shia and Kurds want to fight it out they will sooner or latter. I don't see why US troops should be in the middle of that. It wouldn't be the end of the world to divide the country considering it was just an invention of Europeans who drew lines that were only convinient for themselves.
  5. RepoMan

    Whats the longest your have fasted for?

    I've gone 24 hours but only because I took some adderal and I didn't feel like eating and had 12 pages to write so I didn't have time.
  6. RepoMan

    Do you think the world will end in 2012?

    A lot of the mainline Protestant church's just view Revalation's as a parable about the persecution of Christians under the Roman Empire, so I'm not to world about that as oppossed to man made tuff like glorbal warming or a nuclear exchange.
  7. RepoMan


    I'm suprised by all that police showing up for this. I guess Cops don't have much to do in Canada. I've only heard of chopters showing up for car chases and for murder suspects or missing kids.
  8. RepoMan

    The Hardest Game You Ever Played

    The 2nd(don't remember the name) and 3rd Colony Wars (Red Sun) for PS. I bet the 1st but couldn't get past the 3rd mission on the 2nd. I wish they'd revive that franchise though.
  9. RepoMan

    Movies you've seen WAY too many times

    Donnie Darko Back to the Future Trilogy Major League I and II Office Space Dr. Stranglove Punch Drunk Love All of Kevin Smith's movies expect Jeresy Girl.
  10. RepoMan

    Weekend Box Office Report

    It's very sad to see Rebound ahead of Ep. III.
  11. RepoMan


    Glad to know I'm in elite company.
  12. RepoMan

    Help finding an animated tv show

    That kind of sounds like the live action Fligh of the Navigator, or maybe the cartoon Galaxy High (stretching).
  13. RepoMan

    42% of voters favor impeachment

    I still get the feeling that W's ratings will be low going into the '06 mid-terms but the Dems will still find a way to loss seats.
  14. RepoMan

    Western backlash against the Liberals

    How 'bout Alberta can go to the US in exchange for the North East.
  15. RepoMan

    Now you can own Moppy~!

    Is it possible that Moppy was played by mutiple mops and this one was spaired destruction?
  16. RepoMan

    Jeremy Roenick = Ass?

    I'm biased as a Flyers fan, but I'm not offeneded by JR at all and I love seeing him to contiunue to be a guy who speaks with passion. Ever sense Bettman took over the NHL, the NHL has been trying to acheive mainstream appeal at the expense of it's traditional fan base. The expansion into such hockey hotbeds as Anahiem, Flordia, and Phoniex ect had diluted the talent. Trying to sisify the game with the instigator rule to appeal to soocer mom type families just led to cheap shots behind the play. Now their just going to come back with stupid gimicks like bigger goals and shootouts. The NHL needs to stop trying to appeal to the 90% of US sports fans who just dump on the sport and return to satisfying it's hardcore base. Those 90% of fans can kiss my ass. If you don't like hockey, don't comment in a thread about hockey. And I'm sick of sports reporters who only mention hockey to trash it ratings.
  17. RepoMan

    Oh, those Minor League teams and their kooky ideas

    I would pay to see this but I feel really bad for the washed up players in Independent ball who are being over shadowed by some video game. If it were an exhibition game I'd be all for it, but what is one of the teams misses the playoffs by one game or something because of this? It is litterally a Busch League, but those players sill try hard and take their job seriously and they have to deal with this crap.
  18. RepoMan

    With Live 8 around the corner

    I think Live 8 will help a very, very little bit, but it's worth the effort. Did they announce who's playing the Toronto date yet because I'm thinking about going to that.
  19. "I'm here to chew gum and kick ass, and I'm all out of chewing gum." Piper got screwed.
  20. RepoMan

    Did he know?

    The whole extent of the Holocaust was not know to the Allies until they happened to liberate some of the camps. FDR and the US goverment as a whole did nothing to modify immigration laws that helped keep many Jewish refugees from making it to the US before the war.
  21. RepoMan

    49ers-Cardinals regular season game to be played

    THe Ralph still seats 73,000, its still big for an NLF team and it's in the 2nd smallest market in the NFL. Don't think of putting the Bills in the toilet w/ the 49ers and Cards, they almost mad the playoffs last year. If they ever get outsourced they'd go to Toronto anyways.
  22. RepoMan

    NHL to experiment with blue ice...

    This is one of the dumbest ideas I've ever heard. Is a casual fan who been truned off from the NHL by Bettman's dumbassery going to come back next year because the ice is a different color? The Sabres need to go back to the classic blue and gold and drop the goathead logo. and GO AMERKS, the best team in North America
  23. RepoMan

    Alchohol Ban On College Campuses

    The probleme in this country and alcohol is that legal access is delayed for such a long time. Freshmen/ High School kids are going to drink to get drunk everytime they drink because their is a certain amount of uncertainty about the next time they'll we able to drink. If a freshman comes to your apartment and gets alcohol posining, some pepole are going to neglect to call the authorities because of the likelyhood of legal ramifications. If it were legal for that freshman to drink, no one would hestitate, or he could have gone to a bar which would have cut him off when he was too drunk. Or he could have just drank in his dorm and avoid the trouble of involving other pepole, possibly driving, or getting in trouble on the walk to or from campus. Countries like Germany and France have low or non-existant drinking ages, very tough DUI/DWI laws, and a lot less binge drinking/ drunk driving. It's better to ease kids into drinking.
  24. RepoMan

    How does your city handle....

    At home in Rochester, NY i'd get a newer episode at 6, and an older one at 7. I go to school in the Cleveland market and I only get 1 show at 6 from the past 3 years that really suck so I hardly ever watch.
  25. RepoMan

    The World Cup of Hockey Thread

    I'm hoping the USA comes out in the Ducks jerseys to honor our historic victory over Iceland.