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Everything posted by RepoMan

  1. Cases of genetic defects as a result of incest are vastly exagerated to help reenforce the socail taboo against it and usually have to develop after generation of inbreeding. Did you mean "generations of inbreeding" or "a generation of inbreeding"? Although the entire human race being descendants of 2 people would certainly qualify as either "generations of inbreeding" or "a generation of inbreeding", so your point is moot. I ment to say generations. The sort of thing I was talking about happened sometimes in Royal families that hade a limited amount of pepole w/ Royal blood they could breed with. This ussually ment genetic diseases would be passed on, not physical deformities.
  2. RepoMan

    CM Punk banging Maria?

    It feels like a lot of pepole are in 5th grade DARE class over the whole Maria smoking thing. If someone dosn't want to smoke or drink good for them, they'll out live me. But once someone labels themeselves as straight edge they turn into an ultra annoying dickhole 99% of the time.
  3. Cases of genetic defects as a result of incest are vastly exagerated to help reenforce the socail taboo against it and usually have to develop after generation of inbreeding.
  4. RepoMan

    Christy Hemme is

    Are pepole really expecting to find female compaionship on a pro wrestling message board?
  5. RepoMan

    NHL Thread

    MSG has picked up the Sabres for Upstate. We get MSG, FSNY, and Yes but no local sports channel
  6. The Catholic Chruch holds that there is no conflict in evolution and the existence of God. Nice to see they use common sense sometimes, if only they'd let pepole use birth control.
  7. RepoMan

    Places For Outside WWE Events

    The Central Park idea could work, they've had a few concerts there that have drawn well and I'm sure it wouldn't cost that much to set up, all you need is a ring, stage and some big screens ect.
  8. RepoMan

    The Nip/Tuck season 3 thread

    Gina is my finale guess as well.
  9. RepoMan

    WWE Power 25 Rankings.

    You'd think WWE would at least be smart enough to rank one of the maineventers in what was an upcoming PPV.
  10. RepoMan

    Tim White's "Suicide" skit

    "White could be used as a semi-regular character in the future." [PWInsider.com] It's looking like the zoombie ref is going to happen, or its some stupid "he shoot a rat" angle. They might as well go completly over the top with the magic powers now.
  11. RepoMan

    South Park Season 9 / Drawn Together

    Trey and Matt are flaming libratarians, which makes them as right wing as they come minus Jesus freakism. They are more hardcore global warming deniers than the fucking Cato Institue. I also loved the show where the two white writers got their black charactor preach against hate crime legislation. I love the show, but their right wing tendencys are impossible to overlook if you have half a brain.
  12. The Yankees are just making this claim so they can blackmail the NYS legislator w/ the threat of moving to NJ is they don't approve the new Yankee Stadium.
  13. RepoMan

    College Hoops: December

    It's really stupid to look at or give credence to any sort of computer rankings before January.
  14. RepoMan

    'Silent Night' secularized

    Does anyone else think the War on Christmas is just some conservative talking point so they don't have to talk about Iraq?
  15. RepoMan

    Worse SNL parodies

    The only thing I've ever seen on MadTV that I would like to see again is "That's My White Mama."
  16. RepoMan

    Man Shot at Airport

    That whole situation just sucks, probalbly shooting him was the right course. I just think if they wanted to be really safe they should have at least shut down the whole airport for a couple of hours at least.
  17. RepoMan

    Tajiri released by WWE.

    The guy is also a licensed dentist if I remember correctly. Ah...now I get hit. He kicks people so hard in the mouth so he can get business. GENIUS! I'm legitmently suprised they never did an angle like that.
  18. RepoMan

    South Park Season 9 / Drawn Together

    I guess I'm the only one who didn't like it. It just seems like they're really bitter about AA. I mean yeah, the probalbly can't tell between a real alcoholic and person who just did something stupid when they're drunk, and if your not religious it sucks for you. Alcoholism might not be like cancer, but their is a genetic pre-disposition for it in some cases. Virgin Mary sub-plot went no where. I think there's enough things messed up about Catholicism or any religion in general to rip on that you a ass bleeding Virgin Mary is just being lazy.
  19. RepoMan

    Winter Horror Movie Schedule

    Jewish horror fans need somthing to do.
  20. RepoMan

    Worse SNL parodies

    Comparing Mad TV and Who's Line is like watching the Special Olympics.
  21. RepoMan

    The Nip/Tuck season 3 thread

    I thought tonight was too episodic for my tasts, it just seems like the had an extra show and they couldn't think of any way to advance most of the plots. It redeemed itself a lot at the end.
  22. RepoMan

    Wrestlecrap's Gooker Award Nominees Announced!

    I'd actually agree with that. I really don't understand how Jillian's Mole is Wrestlecrap. Sure it's stupid, but it's not Wrestlecrap. Stuff like Kurt Angle: Sexual Predator and the whole JR angle are Wrestlecrap. I fail to see how how Jillian isn't Wrestlecrap. Painfully unfunny (except for the MNM "would you?" comment), didn't get anyone over, and took camera time from actual wrestlers. Do you hold your definition as Wrestlecrap for only the crapiest of angles, so in your opinion it wasn't bad enough to qualify? I don't think bashing Jillian is a good example of smarks being to bitchy about everything.
  23. RepoMan

    South Park Season 9 / Drawn Together

    Shouldn't the whale have exploded on entering into space due to the lack of pressure or whatever? It would have made a better sight gag.
  24. RepoMan

    Wrestlecrap's Gooker Award Nominees Announced!

    I voted for the Matt/Kane/Lita/Snitsky saga b/c it was the most drawn out and the most non-sensical. Kane's "unauthorized" biography deserved a nod also.
  25. RepoMan

    Eugene Hospitalized

    At least Flowers for Algeron is good source material to rip off.