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The Amazing Rando

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Everything posted by The Amazing Rando

  1. The Amazing Rando

    The OAO RAW Thread 8/5/2006

    Even if that was fake...that was fairly disturbing.
  2. The Amazing Rando

    The OAO RAW Thread 8/5/2006

    She's with Edge.
  3. The Amazing Rando

    The OAO RAW Thread 8/5/2006

  4. The Amazing Rando

    The OAO RAW Thread 8/5/2006

    Maybe he doesn't want the movie released. Perhaps there is a scene where he dances to Cotton Eyed Joe while wearing a straw hat and tutu. If you knew that was on film and coming out May 19th, you'd be pissed as well. I'd pay 7.50 for that. And I'd buy the DVD. Then I'd ask him to sign it. Repeatedly.
  5. The Amazing Rando

    The OAO RAW Thread 8/5/2006

    You can't avoid the countless hype, for a worthless self-promoter he can really out promote alot of organizations. Vince needs to meet with him and learn a thing or two about shameless promotion. Vince d. God > Blaine holding his breathe and sitting in ice.
  6. The Amazing Rando

    The OAO RAW Thread 8/5/2006

    That's the only reason I'd ever watch him. Michael Jackson believes in him, doesn't that mean anything to you? ...only because Blaine wants more attention than a five year old and will do anything to get it.
  7. The Amazing Rando

    The OAO RAW Thread 8/5/2006

    "We're sorry, your call did not go through...please deposit another twenty five cents please"
  8. The Amazing Rando

    The OAO RAW Thread 8/5/2006

    We'll call that the Slick Kick
  9. The Amazing Rando

    The OAO RAW Thread 8/5/2006

    How about... "Tonight, you'll be facing... *AIRHORN*"
  10. The Amazing Rando

    The OAO RAW Thread 8/5/2006

    ...cause, ya know, if any place is a nostalgia hotbed of Extreme Championship Wrestling, it's Anaheim
  11. The Amazing Rando

    The OAO RAW Thread 8/5/2006

    Edge is such a better poser than Cena.
  12. The Amazing Rando

    The OAO RAW Thread 8/5/2006

    HHH really is a paint-by-numbers douchebag.
  13. The Amazing Rando

    The OAO RAW Thread 8/5/2006

    "The Game calling out John Cena...it would seem" IT WOULD SEEM!? Do you need him to hold up a big neon sign?
  14. The Amazing Rando

    The OAO RAW Thread 8/5/2006

    bizarro sign 1.... HHH curtainjerks in a match
  15. The Amazing Rando

    The Great American Bash

    Well then, now we know how the Khali feud is going to end.
  16. The Amazing Rando

    Alright, so Finlay is awesome and most of us love the guy.

    If that's true...that's awesome. I would try to meet him and tell him his jokes were "above average"... RDRR.
  17. The Amazing Rando

    Mustard or Mayonaisse?

    when i get fast food burgers,it's usually just mustard, pickles, and onions... i hate ketchup and mayo.
  18. The Amazing Rando

    Alright, so Finlay is awesome and most of us love the guy.

    "I SAID A PONY~!"
  19. The Amazing Rando

    I graduate from college this week!

    Why not? Think of all the young minds out there you could make a difference with. You could be the next Michelle Pfieffer
  20. The Amazing Rando

    Alright, so Finlay is awesome and most of us love the guy.

    Downhome killed Loch Ness to spoil Finlay's push!
  21. The Amazing Rando

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    "Dad, I wanna win at Wrestlemania, give me a vial of your blood!"
  22. The Amazing Rando

    29 issues of Christmas

    I loved me some Next Generation... I can't believe it's been gone as long as it has.
  23. The Amazing Rando

    ** 2006 WWE Televised Win-Loss Standings **

    Ha! Rey is 6-10 ...that's horrible.
  24. The Amazing Rando

    E3 2006: The Thread

    A few notes on the SD vs. Raw trailer... - Angle looked like Shrek - Cena's selling of the monitor shot was horrendous. - Cena sold a german onto concrete like RVD sells his legs - Cena went for a f'n gorilla press drop instead of the F-U, when both have a similiar setup - Angle spider-man'd up to the balcony, as there seemed to be no way to get up there from where they were standing.
  25. The Amazing Rando

    What is the future of the Smackdown Main Event?

    I thought Rhino's ECW belts got stolen from his apartment.