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The Amazing Rando

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Everything posted by The Amazing Rando

  1. The Amazing Rando


    I hear you're more of a breast and wing man.
  2. The Amazing Rando

    hey leena

    Did it feel like all-weather or off-road tires when you rubbed lotion on his back?
  3. The Amazing Rando

    hey leena

    It was either a weight joke or a small penis joke, possibly both. However, be ye not deflected from the central issue at hand: Leena's racism. Because we all know that she's just covering her tracks, now. I'm appalled, frankly. Both. And it wasn't a joke. And I never cover my tracks. I'm sure everyone knows by now that I'm racist, sexist, and filled with nothing but evil intentions. Quite funny that you say that because Hoff is filled in a similiar manner of a pregnant Michelin Man. My cousin used to look like the Michelin Man until he stopped shaving his head and lost a bunch of weight. I hope he at least wore clothes...
  4. The Amazing Rando

    hey leena

    It was either a weight joke or a small penis joke, possibly both. However, be ye not deflected from the central issue at hand: Leena's racism. Because we all know that she's just covering her tracks, now. I'm appalled, frankly. Both. And it wasn't a joke. And I never cover my tracks. I'm sure everyone knows by now that I'm racist, sexist, and filled with nothing but evil intentions. Quite funny that you say that because Hoff is filled in a similiar manner of a pregnant Michelin Man.
  5. The Amazing Rando


    In terms of a relationship. Yes. Only because I'm incapable of feeling such emotions. In terms of someone to have fun with. No. Everybody has someone to have fun with. Themselves. I know that's what you meant and I am SHOCKED and quite frankly APPALLED that you would try and break that poor Saint's heart with your cruel and callous words. You ought to be ashamed of yourself and if this was an episode of any show Zack Malibu watches religiously you two kids would be off somewhere drinking a nice tall chocolate malt with two straws and staring into each others eyes. Why are you trying so hard to hide your true feelings for a man of the cloth. I don't think Dijiboutian religion minds if he sucks on your face for a while, so I think you need to stop hiding behind your lies before someone gets hurt.
  6. The Amazing Rando

    Ultimate Warrior Files Lawsuit Against WWE

    ...does he have a plumber brother named Marior Marior?
  7. The Amazing Rando

    Canadian Chick

    I bet you bathe in it.
  8. The Amazing Rando

    The WWE Folder

    ...Like any number above zero.
  9. The Amazing Rando

    OAO RAW Thread for 1/16/06

    I don't think it matters.
  10. The Amazing Rando

    OAO RAW Thread for 1/16/06

  11. The Amazing Rando

    OAO RAW Thread for 1/16/06

    1) Edge could have easily just grabbed the belt there. 2) Lita's horrible acting is rubbing off on the crowd! RUUUUUN!
  12. The Amazing Rando

    OAO RAW Thread for 1/16/06

    Make that October. That's when we got that fucked up RAW with Goldust, Vader, etc... Ah yes yes. it's been a fun little run so far with the absurdity.
  13. The Amazing Rando

    OAO RAW Thread for 1/16/06

    Cuban Flag! DRINK!
  14. The Amazing Rando

    OAO RAW Thread for 1/16/06

    Has Flair, outside of kayfabe, ever actually been in a ladder match before?
  15. The Amazing Rando

    OAO RAW Thread for 1/16/06

    I want Flair to win this week and lose next week... just to continue this trend of BIZARRO events that started last November.
  16. The Amazing Rando

    OAO RAW Thread for 1/16/06

    Maybe they mic'd her tits.
  17. The Amazing Rando

    OAO RAW Thread for 1/16/06

    She'll kiss Big Show.
  18. The Amazing Rando

    OAO RAW Thread for 1/16/06

    WGTT vs. Kane/TBS in our future? Let us pray...
  19. The Amazing Rando

    OAO RAW Thread for 1/16/06

    *ahem* ....KAAAAAAAAAAANE!!!
  20. The Amazing Rando

    OAO RAW Thread for 1/16/06

    BIG ASS! ...titties, titties, ass, ass, titties, ass, titties.... then a Pepsi Bottle EXPLODED, and I think we all know what that is. That's Vincent Kennedy McMahon.
  21. The Amazing Rando

    OAO RAW Thread for 1/16/06

    Chris Masters looks like a bad caricature of a 1930's playboy.
  22. The Amazing Rando

    OAO RAW Thread for 1/16/06

    Edge didn't fuck Chyna, thus he wins. Yeah... Edge did this...
  23. The Amazing Rando

    OAO RAW Thread for 1/16/06

    I love that new Starburst commercial. They should combine that, See The Baby, Bod, and FFX-2 and have the ultimate commercial with which to take over the world...
  24. The Amazing Rando

    OAO RAW Thread for 1/16/06

    That was the best kip-up counter EVER.
  25. The Amazing Rando

    OAO RAW Thread for 1/16/06

    They are trying to grab and keep some ratings away from UFC.