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The Amazing Rando

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Everything posted by The Amazing Rando

  1. The Amazing Rando

    Velocity/Smackdown Spoilers for 01/13/2006

    maybe they can say it was Vince that did it for him because of HBK screwing him over on Raw.
  2. The Amazing Rando

    What I want to see.

    Personally, I'd rather see a No Armed person on The Price Is Right, Press Your Luck, or Pictionary
  3. The Amazing Rando

    What I want to see.

    I saw Last Resort Anus Swirl in concert. They were a bit preachy.
  4. The Amazing Rando

    OAO Raw Thread for 1/9/06

    John Cena is no Diesel. Stop with the comparision. Diesel won his title in SEVEN SECONDS at a house show off a guy that only won the belt to further the Bret/Owen story. Cena won the belt at Wrestlemania after winning the Rumble. There's a big difference. JBL is more Diesel than Cena. Cena is basically a reverse of the Rock (going from heel to face instead of face to heel) but without the ability to really sell the emotions behind the character, at least so far. I think he might have it in him to really play the character well and get his larger fanbase back, but if he doesn't start soon - the crowd might just completely turn off on him, if they haven't begun to do so already. I don't like Cena's in-ring work. The Rock was never the best in-ring technician, but his natural charisma and entertainment value made up for his ringwork. Cena has both of those elements, but again, they haven't really been let loose. For Cena to regain again credibility he ever had, he and the writers both need to look at what he has accomplished in the last few months, and how the fans have went from cheering him for breathing to booing him against guys like Daivari. He needs to do his best to step-up in the ring, both in terms of his workrate and of his ability to simply entertain. Some guys can entertain solely on their workrate (guys like Chris Benoit, for instance), and some can entertain solely on entertainment (Hogan, Squash Era Goldberg), but most of those in the wrestling business need both. They don't need to be submission experts or Oscar-winners, but they...and John Cena most definitely...needs to be able to use whatever talents he has to keep the fans glued to the television from the time the first notes of his entrance music hit to the time he leaves. We know he can be entertaining, at least to a degree, he just needs to amplify that up and work a little bit on his wrestling skills. Again, John Cena doesn't need to be able to step into Chris Benoit's shoes, but he needs to be able to better tell a story in a match without blood and his same recycled moveset. He's tried adding the STF, and that's a good start, but he can do much better, or worse depending on how they choose to alter his character at this point and build upon it. Come on, WWE. You showed us that you could turn JBL into someone the internet could actually cheer for. You showed us that a Snitsky or a Eugene could be oddly entertaining, and though it took a long time, you proved to us that Brock Lesnar was worth a damn.... ...You don't have much time left with one John Cena. Prove me wrong, WWE. Prove me wrong, Vince. Prove me wrong. Prove us wrong. Make the WWE something important again.
  5. The Amazing Rando

    OAO Raw Thread for 1/9/06

    I find it...odd... that the crowd would CHEER someone ruining live sex...no matter who it was. It's not 1999 anymore, Toto...
  6. The Amazing Rando

    OAO Raw Thread for 1/9/06

    I'll bet you do... ........I'll bet you do.
  7. The Amazing Rando

    OAO Raw Thread for 1/9/06

    i was really hoping he would do that through the bed...
  8. The Amazing Rando

    OAO Raw Thread for 1/9/06

  9. The Amazing Rando

    OAO Raw Thread for 1/9/06

  10. The Amazing Rando

    OAO Raw Thread for 1/9/06

    ba-dum CHING
  11. The Amazing Rando

    OAO Raw Thread for 1/9/06

    Man... you have to actually wonder what IS going on under there...
  12. The Amazing Rando

    OAO Raw Thread for 1/9/06

    29 Remain? Kane is going in first?
  13. The Amazing Rando

    OAO Raw Thread for 1/9/06

    For some reason...I want KAAAAANE to interrupt the sex.
  14. The Amazing Rando

    OAO Raw Thread for 1/9/06

    Jesus doesn't care.
  15. The Amazing Rando

    OAO Raw Thread for 1/9/06

  16. The Amazing Rando

    OAO Raw Thread for 1/9/06

    I'm a little freaked out that Edge's one big thing he wanted to do after winning the title was fuck in the middle of the ring. He should dump the title in the garbage as he cums. RATINGS, PEOPLE!
  17. The Amazing Rando

    OAO Raw Thread for 1/9/06

    Hey, I've never taken steroids, I'm 23, and *I'M* going bald. Don't assume. Do you look like a professional body builder? No. I look like a slightly in better shape yet shorter George "The Animal" Steele body-wise. Green tongue, too? No green tongue. Well you should have your yellow face looked at by a specialist...unless you are an asian.
  18. The Amazing Rando

    OAO Raw Thread for 1/9/06

    One of my co-workers is at this show. I feel bad for him.
  19. The Amazing Rando

    OAO Raw Thread for 1/9/06

    Hey, I've never taken steroids, I'm 23, and *I'M* going bald. Don't assume. Do you look like a professional body builder? No. I look like a slightly in better shape yet shorter George "The Animal" Steele body-wise. Green tongue, too?
  20. The Amazing Rando

    OAO Raw Thread for 1/9/06

    Considering how well the finisher is being built up...it's not that big a stretch. But when you consider how well the finisher is built up, the fact that he's still not over is kinf of alarming. Oh well. If it leads to Shawn-Kurt 3 at Mania, no big deal. He's as over as any horrible mid-card heel wrestler with a built-up finisher ever was.
  21. The Amazing Rando

    OAO Raw Thread for 1/9/06

    I think they will have a match at the Rumble and then eliminate each other during the actual Rumble match. Or they will do their singles match as a "qualifier"
  22. The Amazing Rando

    OAO Raw Thread for 1/9/06

    Considering how well the finisher is being built up...it's not that big a stretch.
  23. The Amazing Rando

    OAO Raw Thread for 1/9/06

    Are they trying to double turn Angle and HBK possibly? I mean, Angle can still play asshole... but I think if HBk out-asshole's him....
  24. The Amazing Rando

    OAO Raw Thread for 1/9/06

    Killing teenagers at a juvenile detention facility. Ahhhh, shit. I forgot about his vacation.
  25. The Amazing Rando

    OAO Raw Thread for 1/9/06

    Apparently everyone in the crowd is chanting "Angle" whilst holding their tongues.