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The Amazing Rando

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Everything posted by The Amazing Rando

  1. The Amazing Rando

    OAO Raw Thread for 1/9/06

    But why trust Lita? I don't think it's really worth the rithk.
  2. The Amazing Rando

    OAO Raw Thread for 1/9/06

    Look at Lita..."lucky" isn't exactly the kind of word I'd use to describe what he's getting. Chlamidya, though....
  3. The Amazing Rando

    OAO Raw Thread for 1/9/06

    Cena just made sentences out of every word Iverson has spoken since he was a rookie. Edit: Good thing Edge knows what's right and sends out the mic-worker of the duo.
  4. The Amazing Rando

    OAO Raw Thread for 1/9/06

    John Twena
  5. The Amazing Rando

    OAO Raw Thread for 1/9/06

    I know this isn't the thread to say it...but if Mark Henry somehow wins the world title from Batista, the meltdown that I will go through will be more entertaining and at the same time depressing than anything the WWE has done since March of 2001.
  6. The Amazing Rando

    OAO Raw Thread for 1/9/06

    Cena's going to do the stupid thing, and try to verbally attack Vince, even though what he was doing was completely fair, as he was doing what the contract (barring World or WWE title stipulations) said. Similiar to the crowd booing JBL (and Kurt Angle) after he fairly won the WWE Title in the bullrope match against Eddy
  7. The Amazing Rando

    Stephanie McMahon is pregnant

    Unless the Quad Tear was already the Karma attack. Nah. The Quad Tear eventually led to the HHH vs. Stepahnie (w/Y2J) feud.
  8. The Amazing Rando

    Stephanie McMahon is pregnant

    You know bob...I was going to go there, but decided to take the path less traveled by. I predict that HHH will rape a diva with his eyes, and Vince McMahon will give him a title shot because of it.
  9. The Amazing Rando

    Stephanie McMahon is pregnant

    Who knew an awkward pause and long stare in a parking garage of an arena could get someone pregnant? THIS IS THE GREATEST MEDICAL NEWS IN THE HISTORY OF OUR GREAT SPORT!
  10. The Amazing Rando

    OAO NY Revolution Thread 8/1/2006

    Masters and Cena, baby!
  11. The Amazing Rando

    OAO Royal Rumble Thread Jan/29th/06

    The MitB thing should run out, and then the night after WM Edge would somehow find Mick Foley and steal his pile of blank contracts.
  12. The Amazing Rando

    OAO NY Revolution Thread 8/1/2006

    I want Lawler to do a Memphis Destroyer. I think my head would explode as though it were a giant watermelon.
  13. The Amazing Rando

    Kid Kash BROKE an ARM during Deep South Taping?

    Kid Kash + 3 Minute Warning + Little Spike Dudley = 3 Pounds And Change. They can be a bizarre Pro-Irish group and can come to the ring to "Walk In The Irish Rain". Hell, they can even have a valet named "Katherine".
  14. The Amazing Rando

    All who we lost in 2005

    ...Because they are impersonating cars and airplanes, duh.
  15. The Amazing Rando

    Kid Kash BROKE an ARM during Deep South Taping?

    Leif Kashidy? /Vos
  16. The Amazing Rando

    Apple core!

    And I popped a cap in his ass.... ...word.
  17. The Amazing Rando

    Apple core!

  18. The Amazing Rando

    Apple core!

    Glad we could be of service. Please drive around to the second window and have your money ready.
  19. The Amazing Rando

    SD/Velocity non-spoilers

    Mike and Todd: The Shane Twins. They also dressed as walking penises in TNA as "The Johnsons Ah yes, thanks. When will The Johnsons fight The Dicks? When you learn the true meaning of love.
  20. The Amazing Rando

    SD/Velocity non-spoilers

    That was that Boogeyman and Jillian Hall.
  21. The Amazing Rando

    Apple core!

    Say no more, mon-amour?
  22. The Amazing Rando

    Regarding Name Changes

    Although I liked "Stroke Victim Jesus", DocOck might be better suited as "Cross-Eyed Jesus"
  23. The Amazing Rando

    Favorite Tribute Video

    I have Tell Me A Lie on CD somewhere... that song rules and I'm not afraid to say it, regardless of the fact that he was actually pretty much telling a lie anyway. Edit: I meant the HBK video, not the song (which is part of the music Anthology)
  24. The Amazing Rando

    Survivor Series 88 Question

    I think the real problem is that the first poster appeared to be cheating by using an almanac during a trivia game. Shame On You!