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The Amazing Rando

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Everything posted by The Amazing Rando

  1. The Amazing Rando


    ....You do realize everything that happens on the island takes place 3 years in the past building up to the return of the 06 3 years later right? Basically it's like this....... Island: After boat explodes/Helicopter crashes 3 years ago. We're finding out what happen to the people on the Island during the 3 years the 06 was gone. O6: Present day, 3 years after the 06 got off the island. I might be mistaken what your questioning though. It's just...are we really to believe that the people on the island survived for three years of random time skips? Or maybe when John left the island it time skipped and settled into place at some random point in Island time? In what is around 120 days on the island almost everyone has been killed except around 10 people, yet those 10 are somehow going to last three years? It's pretty much a given that the skipping has to stop, and I really think it'll be next week as the preview saw Locke going down into some giant well or something into a great expanse of light. I assume that is how he gets off the island and maybe that freezes the island in place for the time being. Doesn't really explain why Hawking only gave Ben 70 hours to get everything ready, but we don't know the circumstances of that time frame.
  2. The Amazing Rando


    I know I made the Walt comment earlier, but now I am worried that it won't happen because I don't see a reason for Walt to need to come back. Also, Ben has never mentioned him. It was only mentioned that Locke went to see him. Also, I'm 110% sure that the dying Boone vision and the wet Walt backward talk vision were just that...visions. How, I do remember reading an interview with the creators that said that they knew Walt would age quicker than the storyline would allow, and they 'planned for it', and I don't think that meant just getting him off the island and then skipping forward three years.
  3. The Amazing Rando

    WWE Raw - February 2, 2009

    I want Kofi Kingston to do that to Rey (or some other face) and then still come out to his matches ignoring any boos from the crowd and still doing his entire big smile, boom boom boom, jump around and high five shtick. Then, when someone finally questions him, he just acts like it never happened, but then continues the attacks with that big smile on his face week in and week out and still acting and wrestling the same as he has since his debut.
  4. The Amazing Rando


    I have this feeling Walt will have to come back to the island at some point because I think hiim appearing to Locke at the Dharma grave was actually the real Walt on the island during a time skip and unlike Sawyer seeing Kate and Claire he actually jumped out and said 'hey, they need you", hence why Walt "seemed taller" to Locke.
  5. The Amazing Rando

    Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

    Pfft... you forgot Ratbat and Buzzsaw (but he also had Overkill, Slugfest, Beastbox, and Squawktalk. Blaster had Rewind, Eject, Ramhorn, and Steeljaw. There was also Raindance and Grandslam, who could combine to be SLAMDANCE.
  6. The Amazing Rando

    Most Intense, Passionate Promos of All Time

    Cane Dewey.
  7. The Amazing Rando

    Biggest "Drop the Ball" Moment in Ever

    I could be wrong, but Vince brought in Goldberg, Flair and the nWo after their Turner contracts ran out, meaning they were probably brought in under the wwe payscale and under wwe contracts not the guaranteed WCW variety. All those under Turner contracts were getting crazy money, probably much more than what the top wwe guys were getting at the time. Yes, but they could have waited till sometime in 2002 to start "the Invasion" with Vince getting more and more paranoid as the months went on knowing that his son was planning his demise, because "if anyone can beat a McMahon, it's another McMahon". THEN you get Nash, Hall, Hogan, Flair, Goldberg, and others that can be brought in with the undercard group and have the undercard be the ones that jump from side to side while the main core stays the same. They could have run the storyline for a solid year if not longer if it was booked properly and, as people have said, Vince checked his ego at the door. Of course, WWE would have inevitably been the victor in the whole thing, but the story getting to that point could have been done much better. Hell, done in a certain style there might not have ever needed to be a true winner, just an ongoing continuous state of war between the two or three main groups.
  8. The Amazing Rando


    Are we? Certainly some of them got picked off with arrows or mines and the herd got culled quite a bit but aren't there still folks unaccounted for? The woman (Elle?) mentioned there being 20 on the beach and asking Faraday, Miles, and Charlotte what happened to them. Juliet and Sawyer were the only others we saw accounted for. While some of them could well have been killed off the bulk of them could be running around flashing in time like the relevant characters. And conspicuous by their absence in the last episode were Rose and Bernard, who I assume would at least merit on an onscreen death. My guess is that sooner or later the group of characters we care about will run into Rose and Bernard leading a group of extras and we'll continue having a bunch of them for the near future. I think, taking the 20 that Ellie mentioned into account...I think there are like 3 redshirts left, along with Sawyer, Juliet, Miles, Faraday, Charlotte, Rose, and Bernard...and Locke. So, about 11 standing, although Ellie didn't know about Locke, so about 10 are left from the original beach group from after the island warped around. Rose and Bernard are probably somewhere in the jungle with the other three.
  9. The Amazing Rando

    WWE SmackDown - January 30, 2009

    Tremendous work, Spoilers writer. Might as well have just written the report to say other things like "Undertaker and Mark Henry had a match". Seriously, what the hell is that shit. Anyone seen anything more detailed than this? 411 is reporting the promo is basically "I am sick of taking care of my brother, the Hardy Boys are no more and Jeff is no longer my brother", just stretched out and with Matt holding "the very same chair" he used at RR.
  10. The Amazing Rando

    WWE SmackDown - January 30, 2009

    last year they had three on the same show
  11. The Amazing Rando


    haha shit I did, my girlfriend was talking about Whinny the Pooh as I was typing and Winnie The Pooh was done by AA Milne
  12. The Amazing Rando

    WWE Raw - January 26, 2009

    I would also bet cash that they will play the "Shane assaulted me and all I tried to do was run away" card.
  13. The Amazing Rando

    WWE Raw - January 26, 2009

    Again, the fact that Randy was BEGGING to be fired would pretty much clear Steph and WWE from any wrong doing, as he was asking for his release.
  14. The Amazing Rando

    WWE Raw - January 26, 2009

    Shane does what the entire locker room couldn't. Way to go.
  15. The Amazing Rando

    WWE Raw - January 26, 2009

    If he asks to be fired, can't that get them out of the lawsuit?
  16. The Amazing Rando

    WWE Raw - January 26, 2009

    They should just suspend him till WM
  17. The Amazing Rando


    Faraday stated point blank that the rules do not apply to Desmond, so he can interact with people at all points. When Desmond came out of the station he said "have you been banging on my door for the past twenty minutes" even though it seemed like Faraday was only just starting to knock, so that means that Desmond did hear Sawyer freaking out, but just didn't come out.
  18. The Amazing Rando

    WWE Raw - January 26, 2009

    Why does everyone seem to be crediting Rey with this move? Kendrick and Noble have done it in Battle Royals. I just want to see video of it, as I missed it last night
  19. The Amazing Rando

    WWE Raw - January 26, 2009

    Part of me still thinks DiBiase will win Money in the Bank this year. Not saying he was to win, we just need our spot monkey to compete with Shelton for the "Jesus he's going to kill himself" spot of the night. Morrison's top rope moonsault whilst holding the ladder last year was top notch stuff
  20. The Amazing Rando

    WWE Raw - January 26, 2009

    Good nickname for that Punt. The IED would be a good by very politically incorrect name for a finisher. They could even give it an unassuming real name to play off that... Something like (Pick what you want I and E to stand for) Driver I'd rather see "The Extremely Specific Driver". The Piledriver that makes only a spot just to the left of the top of your skull hurt.
  21. The Amazing Rando

    WWE Raw - January 26, 2009

    He knows that if Steph ends up with Randy Orton that eventually he'll kill her and himself right before a PPV. It's just what happens in wrestling.
  22. The Amazing Rando

    WWE Raw - January 26, 2009

    Good nickname for that Punt.
  23. The Amazing Rando

    WWE Raw - January 26, 2009

    Orton has fantastic lunatic eyes.
  24. The Amazing Rando

    WWE Raw - January 26, 2009

    For a very brief second, I really thought Charlie Haas was going to come out as Cena
  25. The Amazing Rando

    WWE Raw - January 26, 2009

    Angry Whopper is going to be the Big Show's next gimmick