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The Amazing Rando

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Everything posted by The Amazing Rando

  1. The Amazing Rando

    oAo ECW on Sci-Fi Thread // October 17, 2006

    HHH: And I have some good news! Edge: I'm not jobbing? HHH: Of course you are... and I just saved a bunch of money on my car insurance by switching to Geico!
  2. The Amazing Rando

    oAo ECW on Sci-Fi Thread // October 17, 2006

    Ah, Shit on it, Potsie.
  3. The Amazing Rando

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    They ran a Nitro last Saturday? Those were called "WCW Saturday Night" and Hogan would NEVER main event those.
  4. The Amazing Rando

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    It'll probably happen. There are just so many problems with the way the company is ran, that it's becoming almost unbearable to hear this kind of news. The entire IDEA behind professional wrestling or sports entertainment has always had the potential to be one of the more innovative genres/niches on television, because it can connect with the crowd more than almost all other fictional shows. It's just, what with the politics, the leadership problems, the egos, and the fact that Vince is spiraling ever more rapidly downward that is making it increasing harder to do anything to change the way the rest of the population looks at it. It's back to being a joke again, and the more things fall apart the tougher it will be to get it away from that. I don't think I've ever seen someone care so little about the people that make him all his money. Kevin Dunn doesn't make Vince his money. Johnny Ace doesn't make Vince his money. Michael Hayes doesn't make Vince his money. Hell, at this point most of the WRESTLERS don't make Vince his money. There are two things that make Vince his money... 1) Habit. 2) "The Show" Alot of people that watched during the last boom are long gone, leaving behind a small group of the big big fans that were created during the boom and the diehards that were around long before it. Vince is hardly creating alot of new fans outside of the occasional 13 year old boy that might find it a good way to see scantily clad women on free TV. "The Show" is basically my way of saying that while alot of the wrestlers by themselves might not be drawing well on their own, putting a dozen mediocre draws on a show gets a dozen small groups of people watching rather than one uber-draw pulling around a whole audience with him that might leave should the one person they cheer for leave as well. Sorry to say, but guys like the Rock and Steve Austin had HUGE fanbases, alot of which left when they did or lost interest in them when their appearances became less and less frequent. It might not have been completely Vince's fault, but he was left without much of a backup plan thanks to burials and politics. Also, Vince seems to have lost his touch when it comes to "creating stars". He his incredibly hit-or-miss when he tries to book a wrestler into the next big thing, and usually he fails unless the wrestler in question either gets lucky and is booked perfectly (like Edge) or has talent/charisma (Lesnar) or has been a long-standing proven guy that is just waiting for a breakout moment (Benoit/Eddy) or gets a decent rub off a top guy (Batista). King Booker, as much as everyone enjoys his antics, is basically a comedy world champion (much like JBL sort of was at the beginning of his run) and Cena just feels like he is dead in the water with the majority of wrestling fans (barring the usual women/children thing). Vince will be hard-pressed to find new female fans sitting through his shows just to stare at Batista or John Cena for a few minutes. There needs to be dramatic overhauls done from top to bottom. The fanbase might be fairly steady now, and has basically levelled off in the past year or two, but you can tell he is not happy with that. You can tell he longs for the days of ratings in the 6s. As long as he keeps raising the prices of his PPVs and merchandise, he'll never really see a HUGE decline in his profits, but I'm beginning to think that is what it's going to take for him to really get with it. The fans make Vince his money, and as long as he has dollar bills shoved in his ears and dollar signs over his eyes, he isn't going to listen to, see, or care about what the fans think of his product.
  5. The Amazing Rando

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Stupid me... editted for accuracy, but the point stands on who will win and how.
  6. The Amazing Rando

    The Official "52" Thread

    So then is that a sly reference at Ra's al Ghul (from when he tried to destroy the JLA by making all languages undecipherable) OR is it a reference to Luthor playing God, and confusing all of his minions by turning their powers on and off because he doesn't think they deserve it or are getting too strong?
  7. The Amazing Rando

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    They could go an hour with a match like that... unless they have the teammates purposely causing their partners eliminations (Orton RKOing HBK or HHH, Show attacking RVD or vice versa....shit like that) with rapid succession to drop it down to like 45 minutes.
  8. The Amazing Rando

    The Official "52" Thread

    It looks to be a fairly reasonable theory given that alot of the fireballs look to have SOMETHING behind them/inside them.
  9. The Amazing Rando

    Comments which don't warrant a thread

    Edit: Bah, Marvin beat me to the punch by a minute or so. Also, I hope for Survivor Series they change things up and go 5 vs. 5 vs. 5 first ever "Triple Threat" Survivor Match, with one guy from each time in the ring at a time.
  10. The Amazing Rando

    The Official "52" Thread

    Gotta love Dr Fate's helmet used to hold candy on the cover of 25... AND... there seems to be a flaming body flying down over Luthor's head on that one cover.
  11. The Amazing Rando

    1 vs 100

    i played the online game...got down to 1 vs. 2... 313 thousand. Then I fucked up.
  12. The Amazing Rando

    Favorite Wrestling Pictures

    Does that include his "I wanna fuck your husband gently" face?
  13. The Amazing Rando

    1 vs 100

    Shouldn't EVERYONE know what Monk is about?
  14. The Amazing Rando

    1 vs 100

    he should have walked at the 100 grand.
  15. The Amazing Rando

    The Olive Oil Thread

    It just means that there was no chemical treatment in the processing of it, and it came from the first pressing of the olives. It should also have an acidity of around or less than 0.8%. For similarities, Virgin Olive Oil has around 2% acidity.
  16. The Amazing Rando

    WWE meets TNA

    So...the girl gets on top of Cena and.... You Can't See Him?
  17. The Amazing Rando

    SmackDown Spoilers For 10/13/06

    Even if he doesn't have the title now...it's not hard to see that he's getting a good push. I mean, even Orton needed interference to beat Taker...Taker felt the need to GET DQed against Kennedy. That says alot.
  18. The Amazing Rando

    Booking for 10/12

    Hey, just because we're technically 3-3 now (since I finally no-showed) ...gives you no right to attack me!! I'LL GET YOU NEXT TIME, GAD-DIX!! NEXT TIIIIIIIIME!!!!
  19. The Amazing Rando

    Booking for 10/12

    Remember that technically Bruce, Bloodshed, and Landon can't be around....because they'll be at SWF Lockdown on the 12th.
  20. see...now I really want Jiminy Taker. PinocchiOrton would be swell too.
  21. The Amazing Rando

    The Official "52" Thread

    The Ambush Bug's shirt says "This Shirt's A Clue" on it (the cover of Week 24)
  22. The Amazing Rando

    Characters that should NEVER be allied.

    He's not saying it did...he's saying it shouldn't after that.
  23. The Amazing Rando

    The Official "52" Thread

    Hey.... That shirt's a CLUE!