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The Amazing Rando

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Everything posted by The Amazing Rando

  1. I love the visual of Kennedy and the ref laying side by side with the Taker lights shining..
  2. So THIS is how they set it all up... an attack 2 years ago plus a superkick on Murdoch to the cage door. Shouldn't Edge blame Murdoch for falling into the door? He should have been watching where he was selling that finisher.
  3. DDP should just run out and Cutter him, yell BANG! then run off, never to be seen again.
  4. It'll be Lita's plastic surgeon, Stevie Wonder.
  5. I wanna see the Write-Off...NOW.
  6. Those 5 guys have more time in the business than the entire Spirit Squad's ages combined.
  7. Classic Horsemen music!! Talk about goosebumps. Damn.
  8. What if the guest is.........................Isaac Yankem D.D.S. Kane could say that he lost the match but he'll be on raw as the Yankem character. LOopHoLe!~ How about him as Fake Diesel insted. He can take Nash's place in a reformed nWo. He can be the Christmas Creature, and tell people not to say "December 25th" or it causes him to freak out.
  9. That's badass from Finlay there.
  10. Notice how he tried to keep pulling the robe closed just in case.
  11. A friend of mine met him.......and after signing something for her he well randomly touched her boob. He thought they were rubys.
  12. He learned his english from Funaki ENGRISH... INDEED?
  13. Silly Mexican thinks all the shows are equal...
  14. Why would he get bleeped?
  15. JR: Benoit has Shelton on the ropes...literally. Yeah JR, not figuratively or emotionally....
  16. Chris Benoit IS The Shadow Of Hardcore Holly IN "Scooby Doo & The Shadow of Hardcore Holly"
  17. Michael Hayes comes out and explains how he is going to book Smackdown.
  18. Papa Shango Matt Hardy for no reason~