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The Amazing Rando

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Posts posted by The Amazing Rando

  1. I also found it pretty funny that 1 episode after Sawyer told Jack how he's a better leader, and has got things under control, he ended up running to Jack to help figure out the Sayid situation (only to get side tracked by Kate).


    "No flaming buses in three years, but you're here ONE DAY...."

  2. Ok ok. I understand now. I don't know why I wasn't thinking of it like that.


    All this "What happened, happened" stuff is getting too much into destiny and no free-will. I keep wondering if the end of the show is going to be somebody exercising free-will for the first time and breaking with the whole destiny stuff.



    Already sort of happened with Ben pushing the wheel and leaving the island even though it was supposedly Locke's destiny, according to Jacob-by-way-of-Christian. Locke eventually did it, but apparently he was supposed to do it the first time. Had he turned the wheel, maybe it wouldn't have caused all the catastrophic problems of crazy flashes and time jumping and blah-blah-blah. We'll never know for sure.

  3. Ok, but if everything in 1977 has happened then how the heck do the Losties not remember the Dharma and the island when they crash?

    That... doesn't even make sense. They crashed on the island three years ago, and only afterwards did they have wacky Dr. Who adventures; why would they remember when they were younger about what their older selves did? This isn't Slaughterhouse Five here, it's basic Terminator time-jumping.



    Well we're saying Ben remembers the Losties when they crash because he met them when he was a child right? So if he remembers that after they crash (since it's already happened) then why can't the Losties remember being on the island and all the stuff about the Dharma Initiative?


    I mean I understand if you affect something in the past then it comes to you now as a dream. That made sense. But, if that were the case then Ben would not remember the Losties when they crashed like was suggested earlier.


    If Ben remembers the Losties from when he was a child when they crashed and is able to use that against them then they should also remember having been at the island.


    Well it makes sense in my head.



    For Ben to remember the Losties in the future, it means that what Daniel said is true and 'what happened, happened' and everything we are seeing with them in 1974-1977 was meant to happen and always happened. This does not mean that Losties remember being on the island in the 1970s because in their timeline they hadn't done it yet. It was the future to them but the past to Ben. If that is indeed the case, then this particular instance is completely different from the Desmond/Daniel/Hatch thing. We won't know for sure until Ben wakes up in 2007 (or whatever year the Ajira people are in). If he is suddenly "oh damn, I remember them from the 70s" then we know it's the same. If Sun brings it up and he is like "well duh" then we know he's always known it and that them going back in time in 2007 was always meant to happen.


  4. No, he's dead. He appeared out of thin air to Michael on the freighter. And IF he's alive in the flesh sense he would've been blown the fuck up.


    That's true. Maybe he can "project" himself though? I only think that he's flesh because he's been seen several times interacting with physical objects.



    I think he can interact with physical objects when he has to. I mean, he is basically Jacob's voice at this point. It was as though they needed someone to be Jacob so that they didn't have to come out and make the big reveal so soon, and he fits perfectly with that because his existence is just as much a mystery as Jacob's own.


    I will say that I think his existence is different than Locke's 'ressurection' though, and if they are indeed the same I don't see that information coming out until sometime in the sixth season.

  5. I thought they were going for a double turn a Mania, à la Austin/Hart, and that's why HHH seemed so unlikable, and Orton was coming off as slightly more sympathetic. But after watching Smackdown, HHH seemed to be staunchly face, again. So, HHH coming off as a jackass appears to be quite unintentional, which is the main problem with this storyline.



    Turning Orton face would be horrible. I hate it, but with Steph as a general manager she can't be 'with' a face wrestler. Authority figures always play heelish roles, so it seems fairly obvious Orton is going to beat HHH by siding with Steph (thus giving HHH another reign when he GETS HIS REVENGE ON HIS WIFE!!!!!!!) and making the storyling all about HHH vs. A McMahon instead of HHH vs. Randy Orton.


    I don't know who is going to win the Triple Threat (probably Cena) but it's a fair bet if this goes on in the middle of Wrestlemania that Steph is going heel with Orton and Cena wins to close the show. If the Triple Threat goes first, then HHH is finally getting a Mania win (since he's gone like 3-5 in this decade and hasn't had a win since WM 19)

  6. The match was Lethal and Creed vs Steiner and Booker with the two teams getting to pick 2 more partners for an 8 man tag. MCMG as the Mafia's choices was pretty obvious since they're feuding with Lethal and Creed. It was just a one time teaming but Tenay made a point to say how they're "Frontline in name only" and no Frontline member should be "bailing out" the Mafia when they couldn't find partners. The Guns have been heels for all intents and purposes for months now.


    The Frontline is weird. At this stage it doesn't even appear to be a stable at all, its just some kind of random tagging like roster breakdowns in video games that are just used to sort people. There's no discernible leader. Joe and AJ don't interact with them anymore. The lower guys are feuding with each other. Rhino and the Dudleyz are just doing their own thing. They don't do those group locker room skits anymore. Its weird.


    I kind of assumed that Joe and AJ would be Lethal and Creed's partners and that would help clarify the Frontline breakdown. But at this stage I really think TNA would be best served to just blow the stable up to clean up this mess and maybe save face for the face side of this feud. Joe and AJ coming out to open Impact after successful PPV wins and just saying "The Frontline failed!" and regrouping. Officially kick out the Guns, shed Rhino and the Dudleyz if they're not part of the story anymore, ignore ODB was ever there because it never made sense in the first place. Just isolate the group to whoever the hell you want to be in it. And IF the Frontline vs Mafia is the Lethal Lockdown match then it makes sense to do it using that as the motive. Regroup into a smaller team to go into the war in the cage.



    Well, when the big nasty heel group seems to be getting the best of EVERYONE, it's hard to book a face group against them. Hell, it's hard to book a face group, period, and I think that is where most of the problem lies. I just don't think Russo knows how to make a face stable work, especially when it is more than four guys and it's an even bigger problem when the other group is all Main Event guys (it's in the name) and outside of Joe, AJ, and mabye Rhino/3D, none of the others involved are perceived at that level.


    If they stick with the five I just mentioned and Jarrett going against the MEM, it doesn't really elevate anyone. The storyline is perfect for a brash face midcarder or two (or three) to try and fight back and take their lumps early on but in the end stand triumphant as stars. Unfortunately, that could never happen in TNA.


    I can't even remember a compelling face group in wrestling the past 15 years except MAYBE the face DX (who started as heels and just got popular) and....that's it. For a face group vs. heel group storyline to work, the heels needs to have the advantage as much as possible but eventually go down in a burning ring of fire. Sadly, I can't see that happening with MEM unless Angle turns face or something (and if THAT happens, then it would be Angle turning, and not the original face group, that did the damage and that elevates no one).

  7. Well, I think the Sayid/Young Ben thing will work similarly to the Desomnd/Daniel thing in that when Daniel talked to Desmond at the Hatch door, Desmond then "dreamt" it around 3 years later, and it might have taken that long due to the time effects of the island. So maybe when Ben comes to with the New Losties in that bunker on Hydra Island he'll 'remember' having met Sayid as a young boy and then he'll know that is probably where everyone else ended up.


    Also, it appears a good chunk of this episode (at least concerning Sun/Frank/Ben) took place before the events on-island when Locke comes back to life. So by the time Locke is up and moving and fingers Ben as his killer, Sun and Frank already know that the rest of the group is in 1977 (but then Ben might know too due to the situation I described above).

  8. Off topic, but can anyone help me find a Twilight Zone episode I seem to think that I've seen but can't find. It's got people waking up in a Road Side cafe that they can't escape from. I think the twist is that it's either limbo, or it was aliens doing an experiement. Anyone know?



    It might be "Stopover In A Quiet Town" as well, but it's a couple being in a house and finding everything is fake in the "world", trying to ride the train out of town, and then realizing they are in a giant alien girl's home after they were captured from Earth.

  9. I guess if it's a preggers god or something that would make more sense


    Taweret (Taueret, Taurt, Toeris, Ipy, Ipet, Apet, Opet, Reret) - The Great Female - was the ancient Egyptian goddess of maternity and childbirth, protector of women and children. Like Bes, she was both a fierce demonic fighter as well as a popular deity who guarded the mother and her newborn child.



    Here's an idea, maybe because the statue went down it cursed the Island and women can't have babies on the Island.



    But, while we didn't see the statue after the Locke Flash, I would assume it was already gone or they probably would have mentioned it again before going into the "Beach/Orchid" argument.

  10. I still wanna know why Richard appeared to be the leader in the 50's and the 70's, but Ben was in charge after. Did he willingly give it up or was he ousted...was he looking for a new leader?


    I think Richard advises the leader of the Others and works along side of him.



    But then we never see another leader. So far Ben, Richard, Jacob, and Widmore have either shown or stated (in Widmore's case) that they were the leaders of the Others. In Widmore's case, it might just be a ruse, but Richard is the one that is always around (probably due to his apparent inability to age). I think that Jacob is the controller of the island and everything on it (like a god/demi-god), Richard is his 'second', living ageless and choosing "leaders" to try and make sure that what needs to happen on and off the island happens (because for some unknown reason he isn't able to do EVERYTHING himself).


    This goes back to my groundhog day/donnie darko theory of the island timeline repeating itself indefinitely with certain people acting as guides to try and make the other people do what needs to be done to fix/stop the loop and save humanity.


    Another small theory is that births were still able to happen on the island until "the incident" at the Swan, which we don't know exactly what happened during.

  11. Arcadian Larry

    Jaxxson Mayhem

    Kammerrone Kentavious

    Indie Anna

    Rondarion Jyquez


    Araya Sunshine

    Feenix Akio


    Jack Welcome III



    These are ok. I think Jack Welcome is the best. Sounds like a Mortal Kombat fighter.



    Indie Anna is okay but Ally Bama isn't?

  12. Koko B. Ware should be a lot lower.


    Legend Killer is a gauntlet style mode. You create a Legends on you go after 7 statute's. Each one has you wrestling against one wrestler after another. Between bouts you get a health bonus and after you defeat one tier you get experience points to put towards your legend.


    English please.


    Is the steel cage match the blue bar cage or mesh cage? Why is Hell in the Cell in a "Legends" game? That doesn't make a lot of sense. I like that the Battle Royal is a match mode. That could be really fun, but does that mean there is going to be lots of wrestlers in the ring at the same time or is it gonna be a 8 man battle royal?


    Hope its the classic Blue Bar Cage, some of my favorite matches have happened in that cage. Sometimes wish they'd bring it back to WWE billed as the 'Classic Cage Match' claiming the thick blue bars did more damage or whatever.

    Hell, even if they don't use the blue bars, they can still bring back the classic cage.


    If I remember correctly, Austin/McMahon at St. Valentine's Day Massacre was a bar-style cage, but the bars were black insted of blue.


    ...then again, they may not be able to use it because of the stunt they had done with Big Show throwing Austin into the cage, and the wall opening up to let Austin go to the floor.



    Bobby Lashley dove "through" the mesh one during the Umaga feud. I'd assume it was as set-up for the spot as the Show/Austin spot was.

  13. only like 6 more episodes left this season...that sucks. I wanna learn more about The Others and Dharma...and Jacob...is Jacob Horace? Wasn't he the dead guy last season Locke was talking to that was building a cabin



    He was talking to Horace, who said he was building a cabin for him and his wife (i think), but no Jacob and Horace aren't the same person.

  14. I can think of plenty of matches better than the iron man match, here's 8


    The Rock vs Stone Cold Steve Austin - Wreslemania X7

    Stone Cold Steve Austin vs Bret Hart - Wrestlemania 13

    Shawn Michaels vs Razor Ramon - Wrestlemania X

    The Rock vs Stone Cold Steve Austin - Wrestlemania 19

    Randy Savage vs Ricky Steamboat - Wrestlemania 3

    The Rock vs Hollywood Hulk Hogan - Wrestlemania X8

    Kurt Angle vs Shawn Michaels - Wrestlemania 21

    The Hardyz vs The Dudley Boys vs Edge and Christian - Wrestlemania X7



    they said 'of the last millennium', so that removes all but 3 of those.

  15. I have a theory, a slightly bizarre theory at that.


    The Numbers are part of the Valenzetti Equation which is supposed to predict the end of humanity. DHARMA has been working to try and change the equation (and thus the numbers) but according to them they have yet to actually be able to do it.



    WHAT IF, in a bitch of Hitchhiker's Guide sort of way, when the equation does change things reset back to a "zero" and as long as the equation/numbers are 'wrong' then the same loop of time is repeated, just with different numbers and possibly different people playing out the roles we have seen so far on the show. Due to the 'course-correct' nature of the Island, it is still trying to 'correct' itself and fix the equation, so as long as it is wrong it pushes people toward a way to change the equation and thus reset everything. In this way, the island is somewhat 'knowing' of the situation and is manipulating whomever it feels necessary to make things right.


    So, in a way the island is almost like the universe shown in the film Groundhog Day, just over a much longer period of time (the period being however long it takes the island to change the equation and hopefully save humanity.

  16. So HHH's real life marriage to Stephanie is a storyline now? Or did they get storyline married within the last couple of years? When HHH was shoving Vinces head into Big Shows ass that was just family hijinks? Pedigree your father-in-law is cool beans, but kicking him in the head is crossing the line? Was Stephanie stone cold stunnered since she has been married?


    All wrestling is real, but some wrestling is more real - makes no sense. I don't know why I watch this stuff, but I know why they're going back to pg programming - they get you when your young. Attracting new adult viewers is pretty much impossible. Marketing to adults is pretty hard as well - nobody wants to wear wwe t-shirts in public. The anonymity of the internet has probably saved pro-wrestling - where folks can get on line and find other wrestling fans to talk wrestling with. Actually speaking about wrestling, saying the words, is cringe worthy to hear in a public setting.


    I'm a self-loathing wrestling fan.



    It makes sense if you think that Stephanie and HHH divorced but got back together, keeping it quiet. I don't know how you explain HHH kicking the crap out of Vince and Shane all those times, though. I mean, they could at least try to explain it, but it doesn't seem like they intend to.


    Especially given that DX segment when they talked about pregnant Steph and HHH saying "I bet that guy has a huge..." before being cut off by HBK. And when Steph was actually at the hospital Shawn mentioned HHH was "out, having to tend to things" or whatever. Also, I'm pretty sure Steph has been pedigreed at some point, and that is just as much a death move as The Punt.

  17. Lightning striking the sarcophagus thing was badass, really. It hit and then Taker was just laying there and Kane & Bearer freaked the fuck out. Taker then sat up and stood up. Kane did his arm raise-lower fire thing and it blasted across the entire stage and Taker walked through it and towards the ring. It was on the first Best Of Raw VHS, I think.



    Edit: gotta love that youtube has "undertaker returns 1998", "2000", "2003", etc...

  18. whoever sets up the gimmick (table, chairs, ladders, glass, lightubes, barbed wire whatever, in any combination) ends up being the one getting thrown through it.



    That's actually a good literary technique called 'irony'. It's probably one of my favorite parts of gimmick matches, like Bubba and D-Von setting up the four tables at TLC 1 and then Bubba flying down through them about ten minutes later.
