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Rob E Dangerously

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Everything posted by Rob E Dangerously

  1. Rob E Dangerously

    Kerry helped the North Vietnamese

    I'd prefer to get all this out of the way now, so Kerry might be cut down before it's too late. http://www.newsmax.com/archives/ic/2004/2/10/222651.shtml
  2. Rob E Dangerously


  3. Rob E Dangerously


    Dear MD2020, If George W. Bush wants to make this election about banging women, I got three words for him. Bring it on! Sincerely, John F. Kerry P.S.: I even look like a President!
  4. Rob E Dangerously


    Kerry could have always been linked to another heiress..
  5. Rob E Dangerously


    Unfortunately for John Kerry.. the Vietnamese government makes it hard for any heiresses to exist. The story I sent into Fark a few days ago was about people concerned with legalizing polygamy and the Massachusetts marriage dealie and I gave it the headline of "John Kerry will be able to marry three or four more heiresses if the Massachusetts legislature allows same-sex marriages"
  6. Rob E Dangerously


    Three purple hearts.. well.. that's not the only throbbing purple thing that John Kerry brags about
  7. Rob E Dangerously


    ya know.. Wesley Clark is a pretty honorable guy.
  8. Rob E Dangerously

    Kerry helped the North Vietnamese

    and how will John Kerry differ from Bush? Kerry voted for the Iraq war and offered a weak excuse that makes him seem gulliable. Kerry is a war hero who is anti-war but voted for the war but he protested the war he was a hero in.
  9. Rob E Dangerously

    Happy Birthday Big Show

    Big Show's from the Dominican Republic? nah..
  10. Rob E Dangerously


    various internet searches.. it appears negative campaigning isn't something invented in the 1960s. http://www.cnn.com/2000/ALLPOLITICS/storie...orrow2_21.a.tm/
  11. Rob E Dangerously


    the 1800 election is tops for 'negativity' How about this from 1828? or 1824
  12. Rob E Dangerously


    Awwwwww yeah..
  13. Rob E Dangerously

    Are you some kind of moron or something?

    Perverted-Justice.com is down at the moment.. but some of the transcipts on the site are just fucked up. Come on. You fucking morons. You're like fucking 25 and you're messeging 14 year old girls to try and get in their pants? I became aware of the site due to a sweeps story in KC where some people posed as little girls or boys and then those stupid fucks came to their house to have sex. What in the hell would make you go to the house of some kid to have sex with them? Ya know the fucked up thing? there are alot of these fucking morons in the KC area. a few personalized comments to this guy: What the fuck? put on some fucking clothes and stop trying to get little boys! to this guy: Fucking Burt Reynolds look-a-like. Motherfuckers.
  14. Rob E Dangerously

    Who the fuck designed this ride?

    wouldn't it be hard for Donald Duck to eat pussy?
  15. Rob E Dangerously

    To You Power Ranger Marks

    wouldn't the Power Rangers just shove the Ninja Turtles on their backs?
  16. Rob E Dangerously

    What the hell is my college doing?

    get a prostitute and pay her to be your significant other
  17. Rob E Dangerously

    Ernest Miller Released

    so.. the Cat was let out of the bag?
  18. Rob E Dangerously

    What the hell is my college doing?

    and masturbation
  19. Rob E Dangerously

    What the hell is my college doing?

    Insist that your kissing method involves nipple kissing. "You do not like it? Racists!"
  20. Rob E Dangerously

    MIA members of TSM

  21. Rob E Dangerously

    To You Power Ranger Marks

    what the fuck.. the Ninja Turtles were gonna fight the Power Rangers?
  22. Rob E Dangerously

    MIA members of TSM

    I do the chop to emphasize the size of my.. ya know.
  23. Rob E Dangerously


    What about the time I got Rod E Dangerously and Robbie Dangerously banned? Was that legal?
  24. Rob E Dangerously

    Are you some kind of moron or something?

    yeah.. i'm sure that when 14 year old girls were having sex with 24 year old men back in 1872, the girls weren't that mature. And then they died of childbirth
  25. Rob E Dangerously

    MIA members of TSM

    *crotch chop*