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Rob E Dangerously

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Everything posted by Rob E Dangerously

  1. Rob E Dangerously

    The Official MLB Offseason Topic

    Vern.. oh yeah, I can draft Pierzynski. Al, no way would I draft Lima. While his BB:K ratio was bad this year. Lima usually doesn't walk too many and he was good against right-handed hitting. I was just mentioning it'd be good for him to go to a pitchers park. Preferably one where lefties are at a disadvantage. (Red Sox! )
  2. Rob E Dangerously

    The Official MLB Offseason Topic

    when it comes to relief pitching, on Yahoo in 2003, they counted holds, so it was worth some points to have a middle-reliever, just to get some holds. when it comes to players, I factor in that some players are going to be taken early. If it's a live draft, then it's better. But, a list-draft doesn't really justify putting all the big guys on the list like it's Santa's gift list. Soriano would be a good pick though. Pujols will probably be eligible for LF and 1B. I think he was eligible for third base in 2003. Weaver isn't an insane pick, right? he is going to be pitching in Dodger Stadium. I think Jose Lima should try and get himself signed in a good pitchers park. Like with the Marlins. Do the Mariners have a need for Lima Time?
  3. Rob E Dangerously

    The Official MLB Offseason Topic

    My ideal fantasy lineup for 2004 C- LeCroy (as long as he's classified as a catcher!) 1B- Sweeney 2B- (any suggestions?) 3B- Castilla (Cooooors!) SS- Berroa OF- Pujols OF- Ichiro OF- Juan Gonzalez Pitchers- Vazquez, Weaver (Dodger Stadium!), i'm sure some others will come up too. I had Nomo on my Yahoo team in 2003. And Clemens and Wells. I also got Sweeney, Ichiro and Pujols on my team. (Along with Griffey and Gonzalez, and Pokey Reese)
  4. Rob E Dangerously

    The Official MLB Offseason Topic

    via Rotoworld: Royals sign Juan Gonzalez 1 year, 4 million (up to 6 million if Juan stays healthy)
  5. Rob E Dangerously

    HOF voting announced Tuesday

    Cecil Fielder all the way baby!
  6. Rob E Dangerously

    Smartmarks Fake Baseball League

    When it comes time for me to leave.. I might be looking at a stay in Denver, Houston or Chicago.
  7. Rob E Dangerously

    2003 - A year of accomplishment

    Whatever it was, it slipped recently too Such as the one that noted only 339,000 people filed for unemployment this week, the lowest since February 2001. (LA Times) Then again, there was a rise in people trying to get benefits (by 81,000).. 3.32 million are getting those benefits. Nasdaq I didn't find a chart for the NYSE. It appears the Nasdaq was collapsing. From 5000 to around 2500. (Although anything around those numbers is rare). And now the Nasdaq is at 2006. Still, i'd say reaching 4000 isn't gonna happen for awhile. Dow Jones S&P (How the other exchanges just died in 2000) If he was more confrontational, would that mean he'd stop criticizing Howard Dean and other Democrats for "being too angry"? Granted, some of these wildfire problems wouldn't be as severe without people living in these woodland areas. The more skeptical side of us all knows that if you don't have trees.. then you don't have fires. hehe Although, in this woodland clearing, any idea if they'll get rid of branches on the ground? You didn't click on the link and read it, did you? I was expecting you to mention him being biased and evil for being a forest expert with the Sierra Club I was asking about Bush, not Clinton. I guess you didn't quite get that. Maybe I didn't clarify that because I was saying one thing, that doesn't mean the opposite would also happen. NCLB punishes districts for improving, but not meeting the standards immediently, true? Bush's claimed positive difference might be negated by the funding cuts for various districts, true? On some more checking, it appears the rate with Clinton was around 33 billion, and Bush got around 40 billion. Wait, you mean the Republican congress played a part in cutting the military to balance the budget? So, since Democrats "did it". Then when a Republican does it, it's to "balance the budget", and therefore uncriticizable? Except for April 1st, where they post "Ya know, let the fucking kids defend themselves" articles. And they said this? Or does A (rebuild foreign countries) plus B (doing it) equal C (Iraq is left out to dry) It seems from how this thing was laid out, there was a claim, and a refuting of it. Somehow you think the refuting of that claim was 'blaming Bush'. When you can see the claim wasn't quite accurate. You notice that was a joke quote and not a real quote? Um.. nevermind. There it is.. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/south_asia/2759789.stm "But in its budget proposals for 2003, the White House did not explicitly ask for any money to aid humanitarian and reconstruction costs in the impoverished country. The chairman of the committee that distributes foreign aid, Jim Kolbe, says that when he asked administration officials why they had not requested any funds, he was given no satisfactory explanation, but did get a pledge that it would not happen again." (whoops)
  8. Rob E Dangerously

    2003 - A year of accomplishment

  9. Rob E Dangerously

    Can you really be considered a legit team

    If so.. please call Quin Snyder. He needs to find a way to actually get Missouri to the NCAA tournament. In the Big XII, having to come from behind to beat Coppin State and Indiana isn't very impressive. Belmont? there's other teams in the state of Missouri that would whup Belmont.
  10. Rob E Dangerously

    2003 - A year of accomplishment

    I don't think Hoover went around saying he produced positive results either. 1.259 million of them? Cite please? Interesting revised version of history. Dropping like a rock. Hyperbole. He's being bullied into spending more and more? Interesting. Removing smaller branches can't really be called logging anyways. Then again, those smaller branches can't be made into much either. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2003/12/03/...ain586582.shtml source of that CBS news story. Which was a quote from a Sean Cosgrove. So, did he stringently reduce mercury, sulfur dioxide and all that, or not? and hell.. it's only the inner city schools that will be losing funding, since the NCLB stuff penalizes districts for not meeting the standards, even if they improved on previous scores. There some misspending of funds, all that too. And hopefully that positive difference isn't stunted by the funding cuts. With the patterns of spending from Bush, it wouldn't be too stunning. I wouldn't mind seeing more than a claim in regards to that though. It's nice to hear that 'anything' can mean 'veterans benefits' too. That must make your heart warm every November 11th. Massive bias, or something else? I wouldn't mind if they mentioned that in their 2003 year in review. Did I miss the part where they mentioned that in this? Did I? It's not an accurate claim, is it? Unless we're playing 'word games' here Yep.. word games.. "18 out of 25 supported it. Most of them didn't send troops. But, some sent snack food." Dubious claim by the WH, isn't it? didn't Bush accidently leave Afghani rebuilding funding out of a plan back in March? Did somebody else misplace the funding? Was it warlords? Or what? Well, maybe they're freezing money without an understanding of how this works. So it may not be having much of an effect at all. Possibly. Ok then as for the Year in review.. Mr. TookMyBabyAway. The WH YiR was filled with some lies and bullshit. Such as the fiscal responsibility, the 'clear evidence' of 'illegal weapons' (notice, not weapons of mass destruction, the thing we had 'clear evidence' on back in February. You know.. WMDs, not missiles, but anthrax) It's for the better that people challenge some of the BS claims in that. I'd say that 'terror groups' claim was a bit off too.
  11. Rob E Dangerously

    The Official College Football Bowl Thread

    and those ACC refs should stay the hell out of any bowls.
  12. Rob E Dangerously

    The Official College Football Bowl Thread

    there should be instant replay in college football
  13. Rob E Dangerously

    The Official College Football Bowl Thread

    as for the game.. not much you can do about Ell.. he wasn't too great, but he's the best available option. Given another 10 seconds.. K-State gets into the endzone
  14. Rob E Dangerously

    The Official College Football Bowl Thread

    the clock stuff was just a coincidence.. i'm sure with the idiotic ACC refs and the disappearing 10 seconds and all KSU did finish well, considering that emmense screwjob
  15. Rob E Dangerously

    The Official College Football Bowl Thread

    Who knew the same college could bribe the officials in two straight years?
  16. Rob E Dangerously

    Bored's Bowl Pick 'Em Conests Results

    if Tennessee can win, then i'll go up by 18 on 2Gold
  17. Rob E Dangerously

    Bored's Bowl Pick 'Em Conests Results

  18. Rob E Dangerously

    The Official MLB Offseason Topic

    http://www.baseballprospectus.com/current/...wlreport03.html Bow down Vern! Top 30 ML Starters (ranked by SNWs over a .425 pitcher): Vazquez #7 Unluckiest 10 ML Starters (ranked by (W - E(W)) + (E(L) - L)): Vazquez #8 Javier, with LEAGUE AVERAGE run support, wins 16 games and loses 9 in 2003.
  19. Rob E Dangerously

    White Midget Power

    Now, as we know.. Midgets are good enough for some entertainment. But, when you get the show of Midgets who want a Midget President and all that. How the fuck am I supposed to turn the channel when I see this? Really? this is fine staged entertainment.. with Tiny and Jason declaring that the Midgets need to unite, and the Midget Klan being held back by security. and Tiny (Black Midget with the weird haircut) threatens everybody and does a crotch chop.
  20. Rob E Dangerously

    The Official College Football Bowl Thread

    Jeff Schwinn earned my disdain for being such a talentless POS in the Marshall game. Roberson will earn it if KSU loses the game tomorrow
  21. Rob E Dangerously

    The Official College Football Bowl Thread

    http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2004/foot...pect/index.html Roberson, you fucking dumbass.. you're gonna force Jeff fucking Schwinn into a bowl game.. fucking idiot
  22. Rob E Dangerously

    The Official MLB Offseason Topic

    one of my early picks for fantasy baseball: Javier Vazquez
  23. Rob E Dangerously

    Bored's Bowl Pick 'Em Conests Results

    would Matt Jones fit in the NFL?
  24. Rob E Dangerously

    Bored's Bowl Pick 'Em Conests Results

    I might have a shot at overtaking 2Gold
  25. Rob E Dangerously

    The Official College Football Bowl Thread

    10-0 for Utah