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Rob E Dangerously

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Everything posted by Rob E Dangerously

  1. Rob E Dangerously

    Learn World History from Rob Johnstone!!

    you could emerage from the 'non-existant' gas chamber to strike the victim like Myron Cope with a 5 foot rusty nail. Ooook, that didn't quite seem normal
  2. Rob E Dangerously

    Seperation of Church and State

    the only reasons I mentioned Cope was because I was watching the NFL films thing on him on the net and because I knew RJS was from Pennsylvania. Watch it.. I bet RJS is from Eastern PA or something, hehe
  3. Rob E Dangerously

    The spiral of death for KCSX 97.3

    You sure you didn't pick up the "CIA torture" radiofeed?
  4. Rob E Dangerously

    Seperation of Church and State

    In the spirit of Myron Cope: "Rob Johnstone is looking like a huge horse's post-eirir", it's funnier if you know what he sounds like. Bob, I bet RJS justifies Hitler breaking the treaties also.
  5. Rob E Dangerously

    Seperation of Church and State

    One question: if you support America fighting Iraq because they broke treaties with international organizations, why do you think that we shouldn't have stopped Hitler. Hitler also violated numerous treaties with the League of Nations and threatened our allies (England, France)
  6. Rob E Dangerously

    Seperation of Church and State

    Strange, I coulda sworn terrorists were a big threat, but I must have missed when the Chinese blew up buildings here.
  7. Rob E Dangerously

    Seperation of Church and State

    Yes that's quite logical. The man that brings up new ideas and no one supports them is always wrong. But that can't be true, look at newton,einstein...etc...... I am not trying to compare myself to these men but just making a point. --Rob New ideas? are you saying that the ideas you got from masturbating to Pat Buchanan's books and various holocaust revisionist 'work' is new? Rob, what would your stance be with the US in the Spanish/American war? just curious since that sounds anti-isolationist. "I agree to protect our allies" when why the fuck do you keep saying that the US shouldn't have went to war with Hitler?
  8. Rob E Dangerously

    Learn World History from Rob Johnstone!!

    just because you order 42 doesn't mean you'd win, somebody could still have order 42.. and you'd have to mug them
  9. Rob E Dangerously

    Learn World History from Rob Johnstone!!

    With the money that Rob gets from his history teaching, he can buy other history books and copies of 'the Diary of Anne Frank' and have them burned
  10. Rob E Dangerously

    Goldust is now the most electrifying man...

    So, will Goldust have superpowers when he comes back?
  11. Rob E Dangerously

    Seperation of Church and State

    I hear that David Duke and Matt Hale aren't too busy, so they could help Rob. If they weren't in prison
  12. Rob E Dangerously

    Seperation of Church and State

    you've had four hours and nobody else was replying. You could have constructed replies to a few people. Anyways, the thread is more like an 8 on 1 thing. It wouldn't have grown so much if you weren't a moron that denied the Holocaust
  13. Rob E Dangerously

    Raw from JHawk's Beak is up

    why didn't you do the first segment of RAW in Spanish?
  14. Rob E Dangerously

    NFL films archive online

    and apparently the NFL films site doesn't play videos "during NFL games" despite the fact that the season is over
  15. Rob E Dangerously

    Seperation of Church and State

    He also ignored your point about his policy on Hitler killing your grandparents. But then again, he turned into a horses ass when he started that BS
  16. Rob E Dangerously

    Arena Football on NBC

    San Jose @ Arizona, rematch of the last title game. Sounds like it'll whupass
  17. Rob E Dangerously

    Seperation of Church and State

    So, just to clarify.. Saddam Hussein is a bigger and more direct threat to the USA than Adolf Hitler Why is that? because Saddam from Iraw breaks his agreements. I'm sure that Hitler never broke any treaties while he went to war "I like jewish people very much. Jesus was jewish" but after Jesus, it just gets hard for Robbie Johnstone to name a Jewish person that he liked. Heck, allowing for them to be murdered because Hitler posed no threat is just tough love, eh? "Anyway Dr. Tom you could be right, but how many americans are you willing to sacrifice towards the demolishing of evil, an evil which has nothing to do with our union?" So, just because people could die means that we shouldn't bother to stop evil? Hitler had Quisling, Petain and others who ran his puppet states, he also could have kept France if he had a 'useful idiot' like RobJohnstone running America. Heck, Hitler and Johnstone could have lived in harmony, since Johnstone doesn't mind that whole "kill everybody who's Jewish" idea.
  18. Rob E Dangerously

    Most Tragic Sports Moments

    Actually, Brown didn't draft Davis. The Redskins drafted Davis but he was traded to the Browns for Mitchell. Davis found out that he had leukemia after he was traded to Cleveland but before he could play in the NFL Modell was mad at Brown because he wanted to put Ernie Davis in for one play, but Brown vetoed that idea.
  19. Rob E Dangerously

    Most Tragic Sports Moments

    it was Leukemia in 1962 and it also sowed the seeds of Modell firing Paul Brown.
  20. Rob E Dangerously

    Your political beliefs

    Abortion: Pro-choice. But, people should be responsible. If the person is in danger of dying, or was raped, or it was a kid via incest, then they should be allowed to have an abortion. I'm also against partial-birth abortions unless it's one of those three circumstances. Free speech: I'm for it Gay rights: Homosexual people shouldn't be hated for just being homosexual. The talk of gay rights can be attributed to the hatred and discrimination that some dished out. Some of it is way too special and their rights will be used and enjoyed once people realize that homosexuality is merely something that is brought out by a person due to things that have happened to them or various other things (I cannot give you a full answer on that). Drugs: Marijuana should be legalized. All that other stuff shouldn't be. Marijuana has alot of money to be made off of it anyways, which you could hear about if you asked a drug dealer. The drug dealers make money on pot because it's illegal and the ads against it are just asinine. Religion: I'm a Christian, I go to Assembly of God (Pentecostal) church dealies, not on Sundays though. I'm most likely to the left of most. I realize that the New Testament has alot of stuff that people should read and follow. If you do something charitible, then you can keep it to yourself and not brag about it. Alot of people screw up the possibilities of faith, people that miss the point of what they preach can send as many people to hell by inadvertently (sp?) turning them off and sending them away as people who would intend for them to turn to evil. It's a sad fact. Affirmative Action: The best person for the job should be hired for the job. I can see times where that would be harmed by bias. If the best person for an NFL coaching job is black, white or wearing a diaper, then that person should get the job. We're all the same in a way, if you think about it. Welfare: Some people cannot find a stable job, and with the economy uneasy right now, that would be truer than ever. People who are on welfare should try to find a job or something to make a living with. If they're unable to work, then that's a different matter. Israel: The Israelis do alot of dumb things. The Palestineans do alot of dumb things. One side shoots another, then the other blows up a building then the other shoots a guy and then another blows themself up. It's a hamster running on a wheel. It is going nowhere. It might be possible for both sides to live in peace, but it's less likely as every violent measure is enacted. The voices of peace from the Israeli and Palestinean side are not being heard. Arafat is a terrorist who was funded by the Soviets once and who can only claim to have mellowed in his older years, while other groups blow up buildings. Sharon is not the man I want to be running Israel when it's possible that Iraq could strike Israel and Israel could strike back, causing massive Arab discontent against the war effort. I figure that it's becoming more likely that this conflict will end sometime around Christ returning or something huge. Foreign Policy: Treat nations the way you want to be treated. If a nation has repressive rulers, then try not to cozy up to them and alienate the US. It happened in Cuba, the US supposed Batista, then Castro came in, he wasn't too happy with the US, push came to shove and he established an anti-US repressive regime. When it comes to Iraq, War might be possible. When it comes to North Korea, Kim is a fucking lunatic and hopefully that nation can be toppled from within. When it comes to Iran, that nation is very very ripe for the clerics to lose power. Campaign Finance: It should be limited but not enough to limit free speech all together. Term Limits: It won't happen. Every society has had long-reigning leaders in the government and it won't change in the US. Gun Control: People should know how to use guns. People who are obviously crazy shouldn't have guns. Most laws against guns might work, but who the heck can be sure that they are working. I favor conceal-carry. Anyways, having guns will be useful in upholding the intent of the 2nd amendment, which is a militia of men. Death penalty: It should be upheld in Federal cases. It should be looked at in state cases to see if it's being properly dealt out and if people aren't dying while the real killer is out there. Plus, executions cost too much, i'm sure that cost could be cut. Remember, the constitution says cruel AND unusual punishment which means that if it's just cruel but usual, it's allowed, if it's unusual, but not cruel, then it's allowed. Just a brief there. One more thing, if it is a deterant then it is not being used properly. If you want to deter people at risk from doing this, then just let them watch some executions. If you want to deter the guy from doing it again by executing them, then it works, unless he comes back from the dead and feasts on your brain-tissue, then you're a goner. That covers it, I think.
  21. Rob E Dangerously

    Saddam to chair committee on disarmament

    http://wnd.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=30706 In other news, Iran, Ireland and Israel will also get shots at the chairmanship. What a weird world..
  22. Rob E Dangerously


    he's trying to sell that uniform
  23. Rob E Dangerously

    Seperation of Church and State

    the course of the thread Page 3: RJS says Clinton didn't do anything about Cole, I say he didn't have time, a debate about terrorism occurs Page 4: Kosovo and Genocide come up Page 5: RJS declares the Holocaust never happened and Hitler wasn't a threat to the US Page 6: the board crashes for 10 minutes
  24. Rob E Dangerously

    Seperation of Church and State

    with the 'killing Homosexuals' part, I was referring to the fact that Hitler didn't really like Homosexuals too much. Well, when you have a group of people killed, it's safe to say you don't like them much.
  25. Rob E Dangerously

    Seperation of Church and State

    Circa April 1941: "Gayda Advises U.S. Virginio Gayda, Fascist commentator, advises the United States in the newspaper Giornale d'Italia to appease the Axis before Great Britain loses the war, which he describes as "more than certain." America's aid to Britain "may be guilty evidence of a hostile policy which in the end will turn back upon the country," he says." from November 1940 Knox Denounces Hitler Secretary of Navy Frank Knox calls Hitler "a fanatic, greedy for world domination," in a speech to the New England Conference of business men and six governors in Boston. He says Hitler is "likely in the very near future" to attack Gibraltar through Spain and that "we are reliably informed that Germany has a whole division in civilian clothes in Spain itself." He states that the United States will not "appease anybody on earth [because] it doesn't fit the American spirit, the American purpose, or the American security to talk appeasement in a world like this where force and force alone determines the fate of nations." He describes Japan as "that nation now dominated by a secret cabal of military officers," and says in urging all possible aid for Britain that "I hope we will soon come to have as unanimous a public opinion in favor of helping China." He adds: "For your reassurance, I am glad to tell you as the Chief of the Navy that we have the strongest fleet today that floats the seven seas." I should note that Rob has claimed that Saddam Hussein is more of a threat to the USA than Adolf Hitler. (Unless Rob doesn't want to go to war with Iraq, which would be news to me.) I wish Marney was here, I'm sure she'd be against Buchanan and killing Homosexuals and all that