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Rob E Dangerously

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Everything posted by Rob E Dangerously

  1. Rob E Dangerously

    Seperation of Church and State

    using the 2Facts news articles archives, here are some article quotations with 'jewish' or 'jews' in them from 1940 to May 1945 March 21st, 1945: "Jerusalem reports that High Commissioner Field Marshal Viscount Gort today proposed a system whereby the office of mayor will be filled in rotation by Moslem, Jewish and Christian councilors." from December 31st, 1941, a Hitler speech: "To the Army he says: "In 1942, with all the preparations which have been made, we will again seize this enemy of mankind [Russia] and beat him until the desire of the Jewish capitalistic and Bolshevistic world for destruction is broken." He says that he did not want war. "Is it not true that France and England declared war on us because we had wished to conquer the world? Was Danzig, then, the world? No! Exactly as 25 years ago this war was begun by the same people for the same reason [to destroy Germany]."" from October 1941 "200 Jewish Suicides in Berlin The Stockholm Social Demokraten reports that more than 200 Jews have committed suicide in Berlin since the September 6 decree requiring them to wear a yellow Star of David on their clothing" from December 1941 "Willkie Warns Against Intolerance Wendell L. Willkie says at a New York meeting sponsored by the National Conference of Christians and Jews that he pledges himself "to fight to the fullest extent against [the] intolerance" that always rises "under the stress and strain of combat." "We must preserve civil liberties for all or else all our sacrifices in winning this war may be in vain," he adds." from January 1942 "Urges Arming of Palestine Jews Rabbi Abba H. Silver says at the National Conference for Palestine meeting in Cleveland that "if Great Britain cannot arm the Jews of Palestine, presumably for lack of equipment, America should." "An Allied defeat in Palestine...would prove as costly and dangerous to America as to Great Britain," he adds." and just for note, RIGHT BELOW the story I just cited "Nazi Assails Christianity In a recently published pamphlet addressed to the Hitler Youth, M. F. Schmidt, vice gauleiter of Wurttemberg, asserts that "the theory of the community of peoples in Christianity...has outlived itself in the past 2,000 years" and that "we must install in its place a new ideal based on the fundamentals of National Socialism...which would exalt the principles of racial supremacy."" remember that one next time you get into THAT debate circa August 1943 "3,030,050 Jews Reported Killed A New York report of the American and World Jewish Congresses declares that 3,030,050 of 8,300,000 Jews in Europe when Adolf Hitler came to power have died because of persecution. Of this number 1,702,500 were murdered, 746,700 died of starvation and in epidemics, 345,850 died during deportations and 235,000 were killed in battle. About 1,800,000 escaped to Russia and 180,000 to other lands" the facts are that the US didn't go into Europe to save the Jewish people. and some more quotations to make June 1945 "Reich Murdered Many Jews Delayed dispatches from Frankfort (on-the-Main), Germany, say the Nazis exterminated at least 80% of the Reich's Jews and their program called for the killing of every remaining Jew in occupied Europe before the Summer of 1946. About 150,000 German Jews survived, Allied authorities estimate." and more info.. from December 1941 ""Your government knows that for weeks Germany has been telling Japan that if Japan did not attack the United States, Japan would not share in dividing the spoils with Germany when peace came," he says. "She was promised by Germany that if she came in she would receive the complete and perpetual control of the whole of the Pacific area--and that means not only the Far East...but also a stranglehold on the west coast of North, Central and South America. "We also know that Germany and Japan are conducting their military and naval operations in accordance with a joint plan. That plan considers all peoples and nations which are not helping the Axis powers as common enemies of each and every one of the Axis powers... Remember always that Germany and Italy, regardless of any formal declaration of war, consider themselves at war with the United States at this moment..." Other excerpts: "The sudden criminal attacks perpetrated by the Japanese in the Pacific provide the climax of a decade of international immorality. Powerful and resourceful gangsters have banded together to make war upon the whole human race. Their challenge has now been flung at the United States of America... The Congress and the people of the United States have accepted that challenge. Together with other free peoples, we are now fighting to maintain our right to live among our world neighbors in freedom and in common decency, without fear of assault. "So far, the news has been all bad. We have suffered a serious setback in Hawaii..." Therefore to speed up production, every war industry will be put on a seven-day-week basis and new facilities will be built. "... The United States can accept no result save victory, final and complete. Not only must the shame of Japanese treachery be wiped out, but the sources of international brutality, wherever they exist, must be absolutely and finally broken." Axis Aliens Seized President Roosevelt proclaims that "an invasion or predatory incursion is threatened upon the territory of the United States" by Germany and Italy, invokes "enemy alien" regulations and orders dangerous German, Italian and Japanese nationals rounded up by Federal agents. Nearly 1,300 persons are already under custody. The State Department announces that 470 Japanese firms and individuals in Latin America have been added to the U.S. trade blacklist." Meaning that if Germany encouraged Pearl Harbor, then even Rob would still insist not to hurt Hitler Whoo.. that's all one more note, under Johnstone's policy, there wouldn't be as many people, since he would have let Hitler kill them.
  2. Rob E Dangerously

    Seperation of Church and State

    So let's take a look at what happens due to Rob's BRILLIANT policy. 1- we don't do jackshit to Hitler 2- Hitler fights Stalin 3- Stalin drives Hitler back 4- Stalin takes over most of Europe 5- We beat Japan somewhere in this 6- Stalin turns hostile to us, gets A-Bombs and the Iron Curtain goes from Sicily to Brussels at the least. What a beautiful world, this is!
  3. Rob E Dangerously

    Seperation of Church and State

    Let me go to your level a bit here Rob to rebut your idiotic statement.. "we had no business going to germany during wwII even if they did declare war." If we didn't go to Germany, then Stalin would have overrun Europe and taken much more land. I'm sure you would have LOVED that. Unless you wanna contend that no American participation means that Hitler wins the war by beating Russia. Argh.. *rolls his eyes*
  4. Rob E Dangerously

    Seperation of Church and State

    I will note that when I saw the link from the Institute for Historical Review, I just shook my head. You do know that is a 'revisionist' site, right? Gee Rob.. you're not making yourself look any better, why don't you say that Hitler and Goebbels were right when they said that Roosevelt and Stalin were wanting to take over Europe for Communism and Jewish people also. *rolls his eyes*
  5. Rob E Dangerously

    Seperation of Church and State

    The Chinese embassy incident was in Belgrade during the US/Serbian dispute, not in Sudan. Sudan included the 'pharmacy' It's not like he had much room to do anything else. Remember that his response was supposedly distracting people from Monica and not responding to Osama. Remember, at that time, it seemed that the bigger problem in the US was Clinton having an affair, not International terrorists plotting to blow up stuff. First, Clinton never sent in any ground troops Second, the conflict was in Kosovo (or as B1 Bob Dornan calls it Ko-sah-vo or whatever) Third, I don't recall any US troops dying in the air campaign Although I heard that the people in Kosovo weren't fond of him. Although afterwords, the revised history is that the Kosovo fighters were all Al-Qaida terrorists, Slobodan wasn't that bad, Clinton was a war criminal and the Serbians were a-OK EDIT- POST NOW MORE BETTER, WHOO! Historical note: Germany declared war on the United States. If they didn't do that, who knows how long we would have kept our noses out of Europe. Also, I don't think that ending genocide was really the motivation. The motivation was 'crushing Hitler'. It just turns out that the camps were discovered after the war was over. Remember, it's THEIR problem if they wanna kill each other, if you believe some people.
  6. Rob E Dangerously

    Seperation of Church and State

    I'd say that's a freudian slip.
  7. Rob E Dangerously

    Seperation of Church and State

    Speaking of Buchanan. I remember you making a few veiled anti-Catholic comments. (like "Catholicism is for people who like the pope" or jabber like that) You do realize that Pat Buchanan is a staunch Catholic, don't you?
  8. Rob E Dangerously

    Seperation of Church and State

    I would have found out who did it which they did, and then send the mil;itary to take them out without going through UN sanctions and bullshit like that. Simple enough --Rob and now suppose you're a President who is in constant trouble over sexual affairs like Clinton was, and that you were a Democrat "I would have found out who did it which they did, and then send the mil;itary to take them out" Republican opposition: "HE'S DISTRACTING THE PUBLIC FROM OUR INVESTIGATIONS AND HIS SCANDALS! HE'S MAKING UP A THREAT!" GOP opposition #2: "This is just like Wag the Dog" "without going through UN sanctions and bullshit like that" Republican opposition: "President Stone is risking lives to distract people from his personal troubles" GOP opposition #2: "I hear Mrs. Stone is a lesbian" Republican opposition: "I hear she screwed Vince Foster" GOP opposition #3: "I bet Vince Foster was a transsexual and he was killed to conceal that" Gee Rob.. now it's not so easy, eh? Especially if you take into account the attitude at the time
  9. Rob E Dangerously

    Seperation of Church and State

    Hey Rob, what would you have done if you were President after the embassy bombings?
  10. Rob E Dangerously

    Seperation of Church and State

    You mentioned the USS Cole, not the bombings in Kenya. You realized how much of an idiot you looked like by just mentioning Cole and you're trying to change the subject now. I'm sure that establishing a Christian-based theocracy would have stopped the angry Muslims. Rob, could killing their leaders and converting them have stopped this terrorism?
  11. Rob E Dangerously

    Wrestler's Ages

    I just mentioned Meltzer's bio on WCMB, the board that I think he's on, or if not him, it's some Dave. I'm sure it's Meltzer
  12. Rob E Dangerously

    Most Tragic Sports Moments

    yeah.. you're right
  13. Rob E Dangerously

    Most Tragic Sports Moments

    Derrick Thomas and even if it was before my time, I'm sure that Joe Delaney was bad (he drowned while trying to save two kids in a river) Brandon Burlsworth is another good example. He was a lineman at Arkansas who was drafted by the Colts. He wore black rimmed glasses and looked like a larger Drew Carey. He was hit and killed by a semi before he played in the NFL
  14. Rob E Dangerously

    Seperation of Church and State

    "We would stil have the WTC is Clinton acted on the bombing of the U.S.S Cole. Your intelligence pointed to Bin Laden and Clinton did nothing." Cole was in October 2000, and Clinton was out of office in three months. So, how was he supposed to do anything about the Cole? "I see this a lot around the Internet, is it an American thing? Since when were Catholics not Christians?" since some Americans decided that Catholics worship statues or when they said that the Pope is the anti-Christ. Anyways..
  15. Rob E Dangerously

    LeBron James done with high school ball

    "Given the money these athletic associations are making with no pay to the players, I'd say they can afford it." and how are these athletic associations making money off LeBron. Specific examples. PPV and tickets are disqualified since the money goes to the High School, not the association (unless you can prove otherwise) "I find it funny that schools can offer ME tons of cash because I'm good at mathematics, but can't do the same with LeBron because he's good at basketball, despite the fact that whatever they may say, they take the basketball just as seriously as the academics." I bet your state doesn't have rules stating it's against the rules to "capitalize on mathmatic fame by receiving money or gifts of monetary value." either. Ohio does. "Wow, haven't heard that one before..." Does that make it false? "Of course, now all these jealous losers are coming out of the woods with all their "I hope LeBron gets injured before he can sign a pro contract" garbage." Where did I say that I hoped he'd get injured. I just stated that if he doesn't play, he is less likely to have even a small shot of getting injured. "Silly me, I thought the US was a capitalist country." and Capitalism also requires working for stuff and PAYING FOR IT. LeBron did not pay. "Might want to remind them of that before me." You're the one who wants all the star HS players to get free gifts from wealthy college boosters. "One of my teachers gave me an advance copy of his new textbook for free, I guess I should return it then since it will undoutably cost more than $100..." Were you "capitalizing on athletic fame by receiving money or gifts of monetary value." by getting a textbook? Answer is.. no. Hell son, even if you did play a sport, you didn't get the book because you had fame playing it. "The "sanctity" of being an amateur is so overrated, the only reason it exists is so greedy people can freeload off of the accomplishments of others." Then why bother having NCAA Basketball in the first place, under your logic. "So it's ok for them to work in a mill, a factory, a software company, etc. but they can't play pro sports?" There is a difference here. Many more people are able to work in a mill than play pro sports and the very few able to play pro sports at 18 should go to college before turning pro. "I go to university and work 4 part time jobs on the side." Good for you, do you plan to pick the best one? why the hell else could you bring up such an irrevelvant point there. "Why not, it's his decision how he wants to live his life and chase the "American Dream", as long as he's passed the age where he can drop out of school on his own volition." So 16 year old high school dropouts should be able to play in the NBA. Yay.. Anarchy in the NBA. Anybody (not in a school) can play! One more thing.. quoted from the article. "According to the source, who spoke with LeBron and mother Gloria James, the James' feel as if they have been set up and that someone purposely wanted him to be ruled ineligible. The James' plan to meet with lawyers Friday night to ensure that they go about the appeals process correctly." Johnny Cochran. Race Card. That's my sense.
  16. Rob E Dangerously

    LeBron James done with high school ball

    For one.. taking things on a 'case to case' basis opens up massive time consuming appeals that costs money from having every suspendee appeal for mercy. Maybe we can put in a new clause "No player can get gifts, unless he's not gonna bother with college and ESPN is pimping him 24/7" The rules are the rules. LeBron is saved from the possibility of ending up as Basketball's Willis MacGahee if he was injured. Now he can go into the draft and get picked by the Cavs or Nuggets. "I suppose the current combination of communism/slavery/fascim is better then" As opposed to getting free stuff from anybody? Note to HMW: High Schools and Colleges are for learning, not basketball. One who is in these schools cannot and should not get large gifts. Anyways, What is the limit on your corporate whoring of amateurs? It's already ridiculous enough that 18 year olds can play for the NBA. What's next? "He's the hottest junior high school player in the US, but will he declare for the NBA Draft, the choice that Chance Scout must make"
  17. Rob E Dangerously

    LeBron James done with high school ball

    HMW: You know why those "archaic" rules were adopted? so rich guys backing Alabama and SMU and all those other powerhouses couldn't give free cars and free houses to leading high school recruits to get them to go to college there. That is why the rule is in place. LeBron broke that rule. If LeBron would have paid for those jersies, then there'd be no problem right now. He didn't. The rules don't say "No gift-giving, unless the kid is gonna skip college", it says "no gift-giving" I guess HMW wants to return to the days where schools like Texas could give high school kids new cars to continue the Longhorn dynasty. It's archaic to fight corruption! *rolls eyes*
  18. from USA today: In a 60-second spot, the 6-foot-7-inch, 320-pound linebacker is sent by Reebok to a fictional company, Felcher & Sons, to enforce such rules as a ban on long-distance calls. Tate's the avenging angel, streaking out of nowhere with an open-field tackle to take out an office mate goofing off with a game of computer solitaire. "You want to play games, Gene? Well, when it's game time, it's pain time!" exulted Terry over the cringing victim. The spot was created by Arnell Group, New York and Hypnotic, Los Angeles. The ad, starring actor Rasta, finished No. 6 in USA TODAY's exclusive 15th annual Ad Meter testing, beating out spots with the likes of Michael Jordan, Jackie Chan and the Osbournes. It was No. 2 with consumers in the key ages 18 to 45 and was the ad with the biggest differential in scoring for younger vs. older consumers. Ad Meter scores come from a focus group, which is polled as the ads appear during the Super Bowl. In unscientific reader voting at USATODAY.com, the "Office Linebacker" ad is scoring much higher, alternating at No. 1 with the Anheuser-Busch Instant Replay ad. (Related: Vote for your favorite, and see latest results.) Rasta (real name Lester Speight) plays Tate as a combination of superhero, football player and wrestling star, all roles he's had at some point (see accompanying box), and he performs his own stunts. The 56 on Tate's jersey is for legendary former New York Giants linebacker Lawrence Taylor. ............ from http://www.geocities.com/smokyrobmoore/jp012599.htm WWF Funkin Dojo: 1/1 - 1/9/99 Hawk, Giant Silva, Brian Heffron (Blue Meanie), Kurt Angle, Glenn Kulka, Todd Passmore, Steve Bradley, Shane Sewell, Lester Speight, Kevin Loughnane, Andy Lewis. --------- BRING TERRY TATE TO THE WWE Wouldn't you feel like cheering if Regal was foiled when Terry Tate ran out and tackled him. "DON'T USE BRASS KNUX IN YOUR MATCHES, WILLIAM" Or if he comes out to beat on Rosey and Jamal in the back. "SNACK TIME IS OVER, ROSEY AND JAMAL, GET YOUR BUTTS PREPARED, YOU WRESTLE TONIGHT!" Sure, I don't want Terry to wrestle, he can just show up backstage, for what might be no apparent reason, until the truth is revealed. The truth, if I said so, is that Terry Tate (WWE Linebacker), is on loan to the WWE because Linda McMahon made a deal to control RAW by having Terry enforce the rules on bad guys. "Terry Tate just attacked Triple H as he spit that water" Terry Tate: "DON'T SPIT WATER IN THE WORKPLACE HUNTER! PEOPLE DIE DUE TO LACK OF WATER. YOU ARE HERE TO WRESTLE, NOT SPIT. THIS IS NOT YOUR GAME TIME. GAME TIME IS PAIN TIME!" Long live Terry Tate, who first stole our hearts in GWF as Rasta the Voodoo Man
  19. Rob E Dangerously

    Wrestlers/gimmicks you enjoy

    Scott Hall Chris Nowinski
  20. Rob E Dangerously

    Check out this BULLSHIT

    Lita, when she returns to health, can get to choose between heel Jeff or heel Matt. She can choose Matt, then Matt can treat her like dirt for awhile. Would it get heat if Lita turned face with Shannon Moore to face Matt Hardy?
  21. Rob E Dangerously

    Check out this BULLSHIT

    MATT FACT: Mens Underwear > Womens Underwear.
  22. Rob E Dangerously

    Terry Tate trained with the WWF & he's a wrestler

    did Kulka sign off his rights to use his last name, so the WWE can have a guy named Kulka. KULKA-MANIA BRUTHA! as for Terry Tate.. *Terry tackles Steven Richards as he was hitting a trash can with a cane* "DON'T DENT THE TRASH CANS, STEVEN. YOU KNOW PEOPLE GOTTA PUT THEIR TRASH IN THESE CANS. IT'S TIME YOU RESPECT THE TRASHCANS" *Terry throws Steven in the can and rolls him off into the sunset*
  23. Rob E Dangerously

    Check out this BULLSHIT

    MATT FACT: Matt makes his dates pay for dinner MATT FACT: Matt wants a chicken pot pie, go make it woman!
  24. Rob E Dangerously

    Check out this BULLSHIT

    You know what the WWE SHOULD do to shut up those girls? Matt Hardy can become a woman hater with Mattitude. "Shannon, I saw you talking to that girl, don't you know what girls can do to you? Girls are the reason that you can't be as good as me. You sap your lifeforce. You need to ignore those dumb hoes because it does you no good to prove that you could tear out their insides like I do. If you want a girl, get one as an appeitizer, not a main course. Anyways, they're all stupid enough to fall for your charm"
  25. Rob E Dangerously

    Movie on wrestling

    I say that your friend is the champion and he's in a UFO cult and if you don't beat him, he'll go on his spaceship and take the title to Neptune.