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Rob E Dangerously

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Everything posted by Rob E Dangerously

  1. Rob E Dangerously

    NFL Draft 2003...

    My top 10, remember, I'm no expert, but I do know that the Bengals should get more sacks, not risk it with another big name college Heisman star 1. Cincinnati Bengals - Terrell Suggs, DE, Arizona State 2. Detroit Lions - Rien Long, DL, Washington State 3. Jacksonville Jaguars (from Houston) - Charles Rogers, WR, Michigan State 4. Chicago Bears - Byron Leftwich, QB, Marshall 5. Dallas Cowboys - Andre Johnson, WR, Miami 6. Arizona Cardinals - Carson Palmer, QB, USC 7. Minnesota Vikings - Terrence Newman, CB, Kansas State 8. Houston Texans (from Jacksonville) - Jordan Gross, OT, Utah 9. Carolina Panthers - Eric Steinbech, OL, Georgia 10. Baltimore Ravens - Jimmy Kennedy, DT, Penn State and I pick the Chiefs for the draft
  2. Rob E Dangerously

    College Hoops

    and KU almost blew it also. I don't know what is up the the Jayhawks, they can't seem to convincingly beat ranked teams. They got creamed by Arizona, Florida, and they even lost to friggin Colorado. They did manage to blow that surething 90-85 lead late and give Texas a shot at a tie. Texas schools can't play basketball. but KU will be in trouble against OU or OSU. I don't know about MU, because they roll over for every ranked team.
  3. Rob E Dangerously

    Osama Bin Laden found!

    Well, I saw the pic on Rense because I go thru his site, WND and Newsmax for anything odd to submit to Fark.com. Not too many places have the "Osama Rock" pick up. I will admit that the 'Reptilean eyes' article turned out to be a disappointment.. I'd imagine that pic really freaks out David Icke (British nutball who claims reptilean aliens run the world)
  4. Rob E Dangerously

    Osama Bin Laden found!

    well.. Rense's site is considered to be at the least, a nutjob site and at the worst 'anti-semetic'. I had a few suspicions of why or how you got the pic, which were answered. The pic isn't too much anyways. So, how about the world not ending in 2012?
  5. Rob E Dangerously

    Osama Bin Laden found!

    ok.. the fact was that the pic had a URL going to his site. So I was suspicious
  6. Rob E Dangerously

    Osama Bin Laden found!

    Hey Johnson.. way to steal images from Jeff Rense's website. www.rense.com and for our information, other headlines and news from Rense.com "UFO Sightings Continue In Buenos Aires Province EU Rules Would Force Churches To Hire Pagans, Satanists Does Blair Know About Flies Feeding On The Dead? Chemtrails Over Toronto Chemtrails Over The UK Chemtrails Over North Texas More Chemtrails Over UK - More LaRouche State Of The Union - Tuesday Netcast Was Flight 93 Shot Down On 911? - Witnesses Saw Military Jet The Real Terrorist Is George W. Bush Hillary Tainted By Bin Laden Cash? Solzhenitsyn Reveals Jews' Deadly Role In The Revolution N Korea May Be Planning Mass Attack Against South Is Someone Trying To Kill The Venice FL Dutch Boys? UFOs - Demonic Deception? Whose Playbook Are We Using Anyway? Allegations Rabbi Faked His Stabbing Stuns French Jewry Parody Of African Internet Money Scam Surfaces The US Press And The Israeli Government Real Reason Tom Daschle Didn't Run For President British Troops Point Repitilian Eyes Toward Baghdad New Picture Book For Kids Has Gay Theme UPDATE Mayan Calendar 2012 - The World Will Not End [WHOO HOO!! - Rob E] Chicken-Suited Protesters Greet US GM Corn In Oz The Media Monopoly Game - Who Owns What Bush, Blacks And Jews Amsterdam May Be First Jewish Dutch Prime Minister Millions Infected With Deadly Parasite Spread By Cats Bush To Announce Manned Nuclear Rocket To Mars? Bush's Arab Holocaust In The Making" So.. just curious, do you go to Jeff Rense's site for the stories, pictures or to doddle.. no offense intended
  7. Rob E Dangerously

    The One and Only WWE Raw Thread for 1/27/03

    that's not a heel turn..
  8. Rob E Dangerously

    The One and Only WWE Raw Thread for 1/27/03

    Yay Vanilla Midgets!
  9. Rob E Dangerously

    The One and Only WWE Raw Thread for 1/27/03

    I'm cheering for Matt "The Cat" Cappotelli to pound John "The Pawn" Hennigan
  10. Rob E Dangerously

    The One and Only WWE Raw Thread for 1/27/03

    Matt Crappotelli and John Hennigan!
  11. Rob E Dangerously

    The One and Only WWE Raw Thread for 1/27/03

    Chris Nowinski resents the newest TE winners.. DRAMA! and who are the guys? I'll call them "Blonde guy" and "Pancho"
  12. Rob E Dangerously

    The One and Only WWE Raw Thread for 1/27/03

    CHRISTIAN! CHRISTIAN! Hurricane fighting a mascot! Goldust-impersonator! Maybe the WWE should move to Japan
  13. Rob E Dangerously

    The One and Only WWE Raw Thread for 1/27/03

    this must be settled.. Regal Storm v. Dudleys.. IN A 15 FOOT STEEL CAGE!
  14. Rob E Dangerously

    The One and Only WWE Raw Thread for 1/27/03

    Molly never did lose her virginity to Chris Nowinski. Well.. at least they never mentioned it
  15. Rob E Dangerously

    The One and Only WWE Raw Thread for 1/27/03

    how would the WWE explain Molly turning face and readopting her old gimmick?
  16. Rob E Dangerously

    The One and Only WWE Raw Thread for 1/27/03

    note to Bubba: it's January, don't wear your camoflauge shorts
  17. Rob E Dangerously

    The One and Only WWE Raw Thread for 1/27/03

    maybe these are veiled 'anti-illiteracy' ads
  18. Rob E Dangerously

    The One and Only WWE Raw Thread for 1/27/03

    Jazz v. Victoria, a feud to see who is more evil or a feud for Stevie Richards heart. "But Jazz.. you were gone.. and she was.. AHHHHHHH!" *Stevie attempts to act*
  19. Rob E Dangerously

    The One and Only WWE Raw Thread for 1/27/03

    Have you considered that Raven wanted out of the WWE and he got his release? just an here.. as for Jazz and Stevie.. would you really WANT a Jazz/Victoria feud?
  20. Rob E Dangerously

    The One and Only WWE Raw Thread for 1/27/03

  21. Rob E Dangerously

    Lesnar vs Bautista

    sounds exciting
  22. Rob E Dangerously

    NFL Draft 2003...

    The Cardinals could draft Chris Simms or Jason Gesser or any west coast QB
  23. Rob E Dangerously

    The One and Only Super Bowl XXXVII Thead

    and the crowd chants "Na na na na hey hey hey Goodbye" HAHA!
  24. Rob E Dangerously

    The One and Only Super Bowl XXXVII Thead

    "Matt Burke, he went to Harvard" Matt Burke = The only NFL player to graduate from Harvard. j/k
  25. Rob E Dangerously

    The One and Only Super Bowl XXXVII Thead

    if the Raiders come back, it'll be the biggest comeback in Super Bowl history. Against the best defense in the NFL. It's not gonna happen, not with how the Bucs offense is scoring