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Rob E Dangerously

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Everything posted by Rob E Dangerously

  1. Rob E Dangerously

    Brock and Big Show

    or Brock will finish the match with his side bearhug
  2. Rob E Dangerously

    Brock and Big Show

    I hate you, SOOO much. well.. i'm sure the Angle/Benoit 'tag team that hates each other' will go on until Edge wins the belts or something
  3. Rob E Dangerously

    Brock and Big Show

    meanwhile.. Angle is breaking trophies or some crap like that
  4. Rob E Dangerously

    WWE Hires Big Show A Personal Trainer

    THIS is how they will bring back Chris Candido. Skip Candido will be the Big Show's personal trainer to prepare him on TV for his title shot.
  5. Rob E Dangerously

    Vince Sends A Memo To WWE Workers Saying He Will

    If I was Steve, I'd demand the World title on my first night back, whores, and HHH being fired
  6. Rob E Dangerously

    Vince Sends A Memo To WWE Workers Saying He Will

    "nig ed" HHH is gonna reveal that Kane's real father was black! or not..
  7. Rob E Dangerously

    Wellstone dead

    8 on board. Wellstone, wife, and daugther dead. Wellstone just has to stay on the ballot, right? like Carnahan did.. that means if Wellstone wins, the next Senator from MN will be picked by Jesse Ventura. Oh yeah, Ted Kennedy was on another plane going to the same event. He's still alive.
  8. Rob E Dangerously

    Vince Sends A Memo To WWE Workers Saying He Will

    Vince is out of touch. Vince was lucky that he has Shane and Russo in 1997. Without them, the WWF would be dead
  9. Rob E Dangerously

    Wellstone dead

    the MN law is either 3 days or 16 days when it comes to how many days can be left until the candidates are replaced if it is anything higher than 13 days, then Wellstone cannot be replaced
  10. Rob E Dangerously

    Brock and Edge make it to FARK.com

    The Pictures for this my winner so far.. More on this as more people put up pictures
  11. Rob E Dangerously

    Brock and Edge make it to FARK.com

    Fark.com is a lifestyle.. it's a site of links to stuff.. and alot of boobies and photoshops. I was stunned that Brock made it to Fark.
  12. Rob E Dangerously

    Brock and Edge make it to FARK.com

    My first entry for this.. it works with the explanation I gave to the Farkers
  13. Rob E Dangerously

    New WWE Signee

    unless HHH doesn't want Steiner to 'steal his gimmick'
  14. Rob E Dangerously

    New WWE Signee

    Scott Steiner makes his debut, grabs the mic, cusses out Ric Flair for 4 minutes, and he gets fired.
  15. Rob E Dangerously

    New WWE Signee

    What tells you that Scott Steiner isn't being brought in to be the head writer of RAW?
  16. Rob E Dangerously

    New WWE Signee

    I'm betting he is out in 7 weeks
  17. Rob E Dangerously

    New WWE Signee

    maybe Steiner will debut by hitting Kane with his truck to save HHH
  18. Rob E Dangerously

    New WWE Signee

    I bet that Big Poppa Pump will be freer to talk about how he has scored with alot of 'freaks' and then he can get into a fistfight with HHH or Hurricane backstage. or Steiner, in the warped WWE world, will get over as a babyface as Big Poppa Pump I say that Steiner modify his gimmick so he can at least wear $500 t-shirts during interviews. Steiner could also beat up the writers one day or injure himself in his first match
  19. Rob E Dangerously

    New WWE Signee

    Steiner is a heel, HHH is a heel. I do not think Scotty Steiner is a sacrifice to HHH.
  20. Rob E Dangerously

    New WWE Signee

    Whooooo! how long until the WWE turfs Scotty? I say 5 months
  21. Rob E Dangerously

    Shane McMahon Speaks

    would Test have won the belt at SurSer99 and dropped it back to HHH one PPV later in the match where Steph turned heel?
  22. Rob E Dangerously

    Can you guess who this is?

    one sad sign: No mods have modified the posts of the banned trolls or anything. There is so much potential there. Anyways, Paul's gone again.. oh schucks!
  23. Rob E Dangerously

    Your porn name...

    Mozart McCoy.. eh...
  24. Rob E Dangerously

    OHHHHH YEAH!!!!!!!!!

    "Subsequent reports indicated that a hole had been drilled in the trunk of the Caprice, possibly to enable a gunman to fire from inside." WTF? shooting out of a hole in the trunk? what are the odds that we'll see this 'hole' in question?
  25. Rob E Dangerously

    OHHHHH YEAH!!!!!!!!!

    ya know somebody's gonna look like a horse's ass if we have another shooting in the same area. Still, if these are the guys, then finally they have been found. Execute them both.