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Rob E Dangerously

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Everything posted by Rob E Dangerously

  1. Rob E Dangerously

    If all the U.S. Presidents Wrestled

    1 George Washington - Cherry Chopper 2 John Adams - Adam's Apple AxeBomber 3 Thomas Jefferson - Louisana Purchase 4 James Madison - Star Splangled Powerbomb 5 James Monroe - The Monroe Doctrine 6 John Quincy Adams - Adam's Apple 1K825 7 Andrew Jackson - Hickory Log 8 Martin Van Buren - Old Kinderhook Krusher 9 William Henry Harrison - Death in 30 Days 10 John Tyler - Tyler-Made Slam 11 James K. Polk - Total Polka 12 Zachary Taylor - Cholera Creamator 13 Millard Fillmore - Millardia 14 Franklin Pierce - Piercing 15 James Buchanan - The Bachelor Kick 16 Abraham Lincoln - THE RAIL SPLITTER! OOOOOOOHHHHH YEEEEEEAAAAHHH! 17 Andrew Johnson - Brandy-ca-rana 18 Ulysses S. Grant - US Slam, Greetings from Grant's Tomb 19 Rutherford B. Hayes - ZZ Top Rope Splash 20 James A. Garfield - The Guiteau Shot 21 Chester A. Arthur - The Mutton Chop Rope DDT (Just look at a picture of his!) 22 Grover Cleveland - Cleveland Clipper 23 Benjamin Harrison - Benjamin Brainbuster 24 Grover Cleveland - Term Number Two 25 William McKinley - The Handshake of Doom 26 Theodore "Speak Softly and Carry a Big Kendo Stick" Roosevelt - Getting shot and delivering a speech before being treated. 27 William Taft - The Tub Buster 28 Woodrow Wilson - Morning Woodrow 29 Warren G. Harding - Regulation, Tea Pot Dome Dropkick 30 Calvin Coolidge - Silent but Deadly 31 "Double H" (Herbert Hoover) - The Great Depression 32 FDR - Packing the Court 33 Harry S. Truman - The Sclamation Point 34 Dwight D. Eisenhower - Ikexecution 35 JFK - Marilyn Monroe Thruster, Profile in Kicking Your Ass 36 Lyndon B. Johnson - Begal Lifter 37 Richard Nixon - The Big Dick Driver 38 Gerald Ford - The Slip that don't Rip 39 Jimmy Carter - Malaise 40 "Hollywood" Ronald Reagan - The Memory Killer 41 George Bush - The Wimp Drop 42 Bill Clinton - The Sax Machine 43 George Walker Bush - Pre-Emptive Powerslam
  2. Rob E Dangerously

    What Happened To Batista?

    Wasn't Levithan's gimmick that he was some demon? It has been awhile since we've had a Satan gimmick in wrestling.
  3. Rob E Dangerously

    Montreal Expos may move to San Juan, Puerto Rico

    So.. how long until San Juan games are cancelled when a hurricane comes though the island?
  4. Rob E Dangerously

    The Time Cube, it's insane-a-riffic brutha!

    "Tis Time to kill any educator who does not teach Cubicism above cubelessness. To save humanity from extinction, like prior civilizations perished, youth must redirect self teachers, or destroy them. Stupid Educators know of the Truth I speak and know that it will indict them as the most evil bastards on the Earth. Dumb ass educators fear Gene Ray and his Time Cube Creation - and they run from any mention of Time Cube Debate. Only a dumb student can be educated - as in brainwashed and indoctrinated. Time Cube debate denial is educator evil. It is not immoral for students to kill all educators who ignore Nature's Harmonic Time Cube or suppress free speech rights to debate Time Cube Creation Principle. Ignorance of Time Cube is Greatest Evil." "St. Petersburg Times is Evil for refusing to inform public about the recent discovery of Nature's 4-Day Time Cube - greatest scientific discovery of humanity… proving Time Cube obscurantism as equal to Forbidden Knowledge, or to a criminal brainwashing of children by the educators. Demand the Times 893-8111 to print Nature's Time Cube." Gene Ray is the Wisest Human to ever live on the Earth, and is also the world's first and only true Cubic entity. ---- ya know, this guy is nuts.
  5. because I've noticed some newbies who are coming out and being Undertaker and HHH markboys on the WWE board. TakerGirl excluded because she's female and has an odd fandom for Undertaker. But the others are just potential troublemakers. I wonder if any of them have been banned before.
  6. Rob E Dangerously

    The One and Only SD Thread

    "Mid-American title loans, for when you need money after HHH holds you down!"
  7. Rob E Dangerously

    The One and Only SD Thread

    WHOOOOOO!!! Ric Flair is on my TV!@ For Mid-American title loans! Whooooooo!!!!!! Whooooo!!!!
  8. Rob E Dangerously

    Should I go for a Chris Jericho beard?

    I figure that with the beard I have going, it's time for me to grow it out like Chris Jericho's beard. But, some obstactles are in my way. One of them starts in November or so, that's when I start debate. That prompts an urge to shave. So, should I go for it and grow out a Chris Jericho beard by the time I turn 17 or not?
  9. Rob E Dangerously

    People who look like wrestlers

    One of my old football coaches looked alot like Jeff Jarrett
  10. Rob E Dangerously

    Serial Killer Urges: Vote Republican!

    more here something tells me that Rush won't be giving this any coverage. Although if the killer was a democrat. Rush's head would explode while he cursed the Democrats for having a killer and causing deaths and all that. Let me note that the registiation of 7 guys in Buffalo and one serial killer really doesn't matter in the scheme of things, but if you think the Buffalo one matters, then so does this. *does the happy dance of REVENGE~!*
  11. my idea: dump crash test dummies out of planes over Baghdad. That would just screw with their heads. Wouldn't it? Iraqi guy: "Look! men are flying out of that plane!" Guy: "It's the end! We must surrender now!" other idea: Rip off Santa Anna.. dress our guys in the Iraqi uniforms and have us attack them, then hope they kill more of their own men than of our men. By the way, when Santa Anna tried this, it failed pretty badly. Maybe the Government can fly some of the stuff they have that people think are UFOs over Iraq just so they can be creeped out. Also, we can do this.. DROP GNOMES ON THEIR CITIES! Iraq will probably get so scared that they will surrender to the gnomes. So.. what weird military ideas do you have?
  12. Rob E Dangerously

    Chiefs are the oldest team in the NFL?

    we're not the oldest team, but we have the worst defense in the NFL.
  13. Rob E Dangerously

    Ellen Feiss

    Ya know, she's the stoned-looking chick in the Apple ads. the ad Would ya?
  14. Why not give the match stipulations like the first X title match? Two at a time, double elimination, winner leaves with the title. Any comments? I feel four way matches may be getting a bit worn out so having 4 or 5 of them in just a few weeks will be repetitive
  15. Rob E Dangerously

    The Rock announces he's gay

    This starts on Smackdown, with the post-movie return of the Rock. Rock is hyped as having a major announcement. When he comes out, he comes out in a pink t-shirt and pants, with bleached hair. When he gets the mic, he announces that over his time in the movies, he has turned gay. He redubs himself as "Rocky". Rikishi comes out to ask Rocky what the hell he is doing. Rocky comments that "whenever I was saying I was gonna shove stuff up people's asses, it wasn't a threat, it was a cry for help! and you ignored it!" Rocky then says that since he is the way he is now, he challenges Rikishi to a match. Rikishi mentions backing his ass up in Rocky's face, which Rocky replies to with "I'd move it! Rikishi, I've always had a thing for you! Bring those to me fattie boy!" Needless to say, Rikishi is creeped out, and he goes in search of non-thong pants. Only to find that Rocky has stolen them all, leaving him with one thong. As for the match, the creeped out Rikishi loses early after a Rock Bottom and People's Elbow. Rocky then goes on to bug John Cena, saying that he loves how Cena has a thing for being naked and slapping people, so Rocky offers him a deal. "Cena, why don't we get naked and slap each other some?". Rocky also comments that Cena "looks good in those shorts". Cena is also creeped out. Rocky then faces Cena and beats him, since he creeped Cena out so much. Rocky continues his sexual harrassment tour against Kidman, Billy, Chuck, Michael Cole, Crash Holly and then Rey Mysterio Jr. Rocky tells Rey, "I've always had a thing for little guys. I'll have to force you down hard and give you 619, but, I will leave out the 1" Needless to say, Rey loses also. Rocky keeps this up until he comes into the sights of Brock Lesnar. Rocky flirts with Brock and tells him all sorts of weird stuff. Until they sign a title match. During the match, Rocky french-kisses Brock, leaving him open for a Rock Bottom and Elbow for the pin and the title. Next SD: Rocky comes out with his normal clothes and hair, announcing that the reason he acted gay for months was to play mindgames and retake the title from Brock Lesnar. Therefore he become the Rock again, and all is well in the world
  16. Rob E Dangerously

    What the new Kane & ____ combo needs

    HurriKane is the perfect crimefighting duo!
  17. Rob E Dangerously

    The One and Only RAW 9/22 Thread!

  18. Rob E Dangerously

    The One and Only RAW 9/22 Thread!

    Carl, Hurricane and Kane... ROCK ON!
  19. Rob E Dangerously

    The One and Only RAW 9/22 Thread!

  20. Rob E Dangerously

    The One and Only RAW 9/22 Thread!

    Regal and Test being kicked out = title change or Hurricane turning heel
  21. Rob E Dangerously

    The One and Only RAW 9/22 Thread!

    HurriKane! Kane inspired Hurricane to be in public without a shirt on!
  22. Rob E Dangerously

    The One and Only RAW 9/22 Thread!

    so... would Hurricane and Kane be HurriKane?
  23. Rob E Dangerously

    The One and Only RAW 9/22 Thread!

  24. Rob E Dangerously

    The One and Only RAW 9/22 Thread!

    Kane's partner is Pete Rose!