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Rob E Dangerously

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Everything posted by Rob E Dangerously

  1. Rob E Dangerously

    O'Reilly Sues Over Extortion Scheme

    My eyes.. ze goggles.. dey doo nuffing!
  2. Rob E Dangerously

    O'Reilly Sues Over Extortion Scheme

    Vibrators.. Phone Sex.. SHUT UP! SHUT UP!
  3. Rob E Dangerously

    Modern Stone Age Families for Nader!

    Nader fought hard so Fred Flintstone's car would stop tipping over when he got the ribs!
  4. http://www.thecourier.com/issues/2004/Oct/101204.htm#story4 This is one reason why you'll hear John Snow's name tonight. You better get used to it. (I wonder if the surplus being imaginary makes the record deficit okay) The Kerry response (which will probably be repeated tonight): and the "Davey" Edwards response, which doesn't promise healings (meaning it won't get as much play) I'm sure there's an alert we can raise for "Excessive John Snow" I wonder if there's some stuff to show that Bush will end this term with more jobs than in January 2001. (Well, granted, I bet the rebuttal is "We have more people employed in 2004 than in 2001.. ignoring the fact that the labor force also grows and all) Beware the John Snowman!
  5. Rob E Dangerously

    O'Reilly Sues Over Extortion Scheme

    "Honey, Welcome to the No Spin Zone!"
  6. Rob E Dangerously

    Voter registrations thrown out in Nevada

    Actually.. the messenger is a member of the site. Each member has a "diary" for reporting various political stuff. And I don't even know where your thumb has been either
  7. Rob E Dangerously

    Treasury Sec.: "Bush's economic failure is myth"

    So.. did Bush know of the mythical stature of the surplus before he cut taxes? I recall that he said a surplus was proof of over-taxation. And if there was never a surplus.. does this mean we'll run a larger deficit than the current one, or a smaller one. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/business/2735269.stm Hmm.. ok Mike
  8. Rob E Dangerously

    Voter registrations thrown out in Nevada

    Seems like you're attacking the messenger
  9. Rob E Dangerously

    Voter registrations thrown out in Nevada

    I'm passing this on original source So here we have Sproul involved in three (swing) states, using a bogus GOTV name to disguise his organization's own name, and using fictitious names (Harry Miller) as "contacts" for those with questions. But that's just the tip of the iceberg with Mr. Sproul and the RNC. Keep in mind that in the recruitment ads for Voter Outreach, Inc, run on careerbuilder.com in targeted states (including Missouri and Arizona), the bottom of the ads included this statement: Paid for by the Republican National Committee. www.gop.com. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. Folks, this was an organized effort in swing states by the Republican Party using Nathan Sproul as their hatchet man. In fact, democrats.com noted Mr. Sproul's efforts in Oregon on September 22, 2004 with this piece: But they didn't put all the pieces together. Sproul is operating this bogus scam in numerous states. In Arizona, Sproul set up an organization to battle a proposed Clean Elections initiative that was to be placed on the ballot. Clean Elections would clean up campaign financing in Arizona by delivering public funds to candidates. Sproul wanted no part of that, as this article from azcentral.com makes clear. (Note: It's a cached file so I can't post a direct link.) The story includes some interesting history on Sproul: Apparently for Mr. Sproul, the law be damned. More tomorrow. I need to go to bed... Update [2004-10-13 13:18:12 by Bob Johnson]: I was in a meeting all morning (those pesky clients) and I came back to find a helluva' lot of great investigative work here. Essential to the story is the opensecrets infromation on RNC payments to Nathan Sproul and Sproul & Associates under different spellings/cases. Also critical is the fact that Sproul and his organization misrepresented themselves to voters as a legitimate, nonpartisan GOTV organization. That is fraud, my friends. We need to keep digging on this one. And we need our heavy hitters there (hi, Kos!) to make sure this info is reaching media sources who will take our information and use their sources to dig further. This story has the potential to upend the elections IF we can prove that these voter registration frauds were part of an organized and coordinated effort to disenfranchise voters in key swing states. That's why we need to WORK FAST. Americans don't like cheaters. And I imagine that many swing voters and even many soft Bush supporters would turn their backs on these guys if it can be proven that the RNC engaged in widespread fraud in an attempt to win the election. Please keep digging. Unfortunately, I actually have some work that must be done so I will be offline for most of today. Keep going... Bless the Internet. Because America's future leaders are all probably screwed when people use the net to find dirt on them.
  10. http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?...2023EDT0704.DTL Tom Coburn sure does have a way with words
  11. Rob E Dangerously

    Voter registrations thrown out in Nevada

    yeah.. I don't think the standards when it comes to felon eligibility are uniform making a uniform standard should be something that should be considered.
  12. Rob E Dangerously

    So, Think He Lost His Mind?

    meanwhile on Drudge maybe Dayton was getting out of down before the "Chechen Terrorists" got there
  13. Rob E Dangerously

    So, Think He Lost His Mind?

    Dayton better keep his female relatives away from John McCain!
  14. Rob E Dangerously

    Praise Be to Kerry/Edwards!

    If the Republicans keep the House, I don't see a Kerry tax increase happening on those making over 200K, much less other people Not through a lack of effort. He'll propose a "deficit reduction package" which will increase taxes. -=Mike Unless it's an absurdly thin Republican majority (such as 218 Republicans, 216 Democrats, Bernie Sanders).. I'm pretty sure that a tax hike wouldn't be passed though the house. (not to mention there's Democrats who wouldn't vote for that)
  15. Rob E Dangerously

    Voter registrations thrown out in Nevada

    yeah.. there's room to increase penalties for election fraud But i'm sorta baffled on what system to use, since they all have the potential to be manipulated
  16. Rob E Dangerously

    Praise Be to Kerry/Edwards!

    If the Republicans keep the House, I don't see a Kerry tax increase happening on those making over 200K, much less other people
  17. Rob E Dangerously

    Voter registrations thrown out in Nevada

    I'm seeing what you're going for.. but that statement doesn't get there. The system could use some means to reduce false registrations. Paying people to get people registered seems like an ingredient for messing with the system. I doubt the chances of people voting over 10 times, unless there's a huge absentee ballot operation (and yes, i'd say absentee ballots are necessary, since people may be out of town during the election) Do you think the Republican party has their hands clean when it comes to election fraud?
  18. Rob E Dangerously

    Damn that Liberal Media...

    *files this under "MikeSC election predictions"* I know. You're obsessed with me. It's borderline adorable. -=Mike Nah.. it's just amusing that you're going to eat crow in a little over 3 weeks.
  19. Rob E Dangerously

    Voter registrations thrown out in Nevada

    Supposedly this group was also working to get petitions for Nader in Arizona. That is still in court, according to Ballot-Access news ACORN is part of the conspiracy with ACT and Rock the Vote to give Mike a reason to not accept any Kerry victory. If you need a "Kerry cheated" banner, i'm sure somebody will provide it to you
  20. Rob E Dangerously

    Damn that Liberal Media...

    *files this under "MikeSC election predictions"*
  21. Rob E Dangerously

    Praise Be to Kerry/Edwards!

    Ya know.. this story's been the top story on Drudge all day it's a slow news day, isn't it?
  22. Rob E Dangerously

    Damn that Liberal Media...

    BX.. I doubt a WB station has a newscast.
  23. Rob E Dangerously

    I need a name for my new death metal band.

    John Wayne on Acid Al Sharpton's Hair (both stolen from Jello Biafra) American Idol Worship Jonestown
  24. Rob E Dangerously

    Praise Be to Kerry/Edwards!

    i'm sure somebody is already saying "See, only Rush, the Times Republican, an OpEd letter and Drudge have reported this".. conspiracy Is the audio out on the web yet?
  25. Rob E Dangerously

    Praise Be to Kerry/Edwards!

    the actual quote is http://www.timesrepublican.com/news/story/...004_newnews.asp