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Rob E Dangerously

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Everything posted by Rob E Dangerously

  1. Rob E Dangerously

    Campaign commercials

    http://www.columbia.edu/itc/polisci/pollac...ommercials.html (including one of the Feingold ads) http://www.citypages.com/databank/23/1143/article10840.asp (the Wellstone ads are on the bottom) I'm pretty sure the Wellstone/Ventura agency wouldn't quite work in a national campaign.. but you never know My Kerry idea is a bit more mean. Get the clip or footage from the Bush 78 ad of him jogging (if possible/legal).. go over the negative parts of the record then mention something with his attacks.. and.. "With a record like that, you'd be running from it too" and also destroy all footage of Kerry running (just in case.. ha)
  2. Rob E Dangerously

    And a retrospective of the 2004 RNC

    http://home.earthlink.net/~houval/gopconstrm.mov #1 - this qualifies for CE, I suspect #2 - this guy is going to get nailed so hard in his next Earthlink bill #3 - the video must have taken a lot of time and patience (and not just for the Rudy samples {I felt the Rudy speech dragged on a bit}) I'm passing this on.. in fact.. it could replace a lullaby for the job of "stuff that will lull you to a peaceful sleep" (edit: point 4.. Cheney's voice is.. interesting)
  3. Rob E Dangerously

    And a retrospective of the 2004 RNC

    Not much, actually. wow.. such restraint.. I'm sure the directors cut is full of Hillary-arity
  4. Rob E Dangerously

    The OAO Vice Presidential Debate Thread

    Judge, they're clearly standing. Ya know. It looks like Edwards is eyeing Cheney's meal too
  5. Rob E Dangerously

    The OAO Vice Presidential Debate Thread

    I think "Headmaster of Spin" is one subtitle for the chairmen of both parties. You gotta put a positive face on a situation no matter what. Even if it may seem delusional. Clearly, Edwards is ignoring Cheney in the pictures
  6. Rob E Dangerously

    The OAO Vice Presidential Debate Thread

    Not that it matters, but since i've done volunteer work for the Kerry/Edwards campaign, I decline to really make much of a comment on this debate. More than likely, Cheney won. But the "Don't vote for A (Pres candidate) since B (VP) is bad" thing doesn't work either. Edwards has steps to take on foreign policy. Fun fact: Cheney met Edwards at a Prayer breakfast. I guess Senator Edwards didn't make a lasting impression on the Vice President. Or Cheney was exaggerating.
  7. Rob E Dangerously

    The OAO Vice Presidential Debate Thread

    You mean you haven't heard of oilwater? it's big in Oklahoma.. like the derrecks (sp?)
  8. Rob E Dangerously

    Oh BTW

    John Murtha (D-PA) and Pete Stark (D-CA) voted for it Charles Rangel voted against it. Yes, he voted against a bill that he sponsored Out of the 14 co-sponsors, 13 could vote, 12 voted against it, Corrine Brown didn't vote
  9. Rob E Dangerously

    The OAO Vice Presidential Debate Thread

    I'd say that Edwards didn't win. Most of the debate was on Cheney's strength too. And these online polls are providing hilarity. CNN is 85-12 for Edwards. Online polls aren't worth much anyways.
  10. Rob E Dangerously

    McAuliffe's spamming plan annoys Washington Post

    Here's the e-mail sent to people on the Bush mailing list:
  11. Rob E Dangerously

    Baghdad Year Zero

    i'm sure the first replies will involve source questioning (or attacking the messenger), but here goes http://www.harpers.org/BaghdadYearZero.html the concerns I have, if this is factual, and other thoughts are.. #1 - wouldn't the rapid change in the economic system be one thing which caused some of the violence in Iraq? (i'm not justifying it or anything.. but.. rapid economic upheaval isn't that far from rapid social upheaval, which is also worse in a lot of these countries) #2 - How much of a good track record was there for selling off formerly government owned businesses? Russia sounds like it's pretty much dirt poor these days. The article claims Bremer didn't get all the privatization done though. #3 - While transitioning away from the Baathist economic system is probably a good idea, how fast is too fast? What's a good pace to set to move to at least a capitalistic form of government #4 - Do we expect these business-friendly conditions to eventually help Iraqis in the pursuit of the almighty dinar? (sorry if I screwed up the name of the Iraqi currency) #5 - this may cover more than just oil when it comes to the "We went to war for the oil" talk.. we'll have to see there might be some holes in this.. but it's not the most helpful sign of affairs. I'll let the reactions, quoting and messenger attacking commence
  12. Rob E Dangerously

    And a retrospective of the 2004 RNC

    How many times was Hillary mentioned in the Dick Morris movie? just curious
  13. Rob E Dangerously

    McAuliffe's spamming plan annoys Washington Post

    granted.. I expect the ratings for a Friday night debate to lag a bit. we'll wait and see what happens. If they don't do it, then fine. If they do, i'm sure there's way for you to not admit it
  14. Rob E Dangerously

    McAuliffe's spamming plan annoys Washington Post

    Even more bizarrely, they didn't, you know, DO it. -=Mike are you living on Saturday morning? this is stuff for the debate on Friday night
  15. Rob E Dangerously

    McAuliffe's spamming plan annoys Washington Post

    it's a good thing that Bush doesn't do this.. http://www.georgewbush.com/blog/archives/w..._03.html#001809 very good..
  16. http://olympics.reuters.com/newsArticle.jh...storyID=6235077 Who has indirectly aided terror the most.. the guy who does drugs? or the legislator keeps making laws to get tougher on drugs, which forces a black market trade of drugs? Quite honestly, I don't see any real constitutional grounds for federal drug laws. And there's not much room to move. Since if you leave it up to the states, the Government can still withhold funds for highways if states dared to not ban everything. Anybody got a total amount on the money that we've dumped into the War on Drugs? and if you wanna know, I'm not a smoker of anything, and if you want to do that, as long as you don't hurt anybody else, go right ahead and do it. I am not your nanny and your government shouldn't be your nanny either. In a lot of ways, America is a "Nanny State" where we do things for the good of the person. Laws to pretty much put plastic wrap on anything sharp. And if you are doing drugs and you commit a crime, then you can be charged for that crime. To put this in an economic-ish light If Demand > Supply then the cost of the supply goes up and then the competition increases, leading to deaths and all that. Anybody care to tell the board about moonshiners after the repeal of Prohibition? No.. when prohibition died, the criminal trade of alcohol died out. The same will happen with some of the softer drugs when they are legalized. Stupid freaking Drug War
  17. Rob E Dangerously

    The OAO Raw is Snitsky in MSG Thread

  18. Rob E Dangerously

    The OAO Raw is Snitsky in MSG Thread

    if Test were healthy.. I'd stuff the ballot boxes to make a Test v. Jericho match
  19. Rob E Dangerously

    The OAO Raw is Snitsky in MSG Thread

    Is that Benny Hill?
  20. Rob E Dangerously

    The OAO Raw is Snitsky in MSG Thread

    Rodney Mack v. Chris Jericho!
  21. Rob E Dangerously

    The OAO Raw is Snitsky in MSG Thread

  22. Rob E Dangerously

    The OAO Raw is Snitsky in MSG Thread

  23. Rob E Dangerously

    The OAO Raw is Snitsky in MSG Thread

    Eugene v. Gene Snitsky would be a kickass feud
  24. Rob E Dangerously

    The OAO Raw is Snitsky in MSG Thread

    Eugene - "Special in more ways than one"
  25. Rob E Dangerously

    The OAO Raw is Snitsky in MSG Thread

    Eugene's got a boner!