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Rob E Dangerously

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Everything posted by Rob E Dangerously

  1. Rob E Dangerously

    The OAO 9/30 Presidential Debate Thread

    pre-emptive reply to criticism of Gallup: "Blaming Gallup because Bush is tanking is sad" then again.. Gallup is probably in a conspiracy here.. they want to make it look like Bush is winning, because he is, then they stack it for Kerry, to try and discourage the massive landslide. We'll see what the interals are.. but here's the swings in the last 2 weeks LV- Now: 49/49 Week ago: 52/44 Bush 2 weeks ago: 55/42 Bush RV Now: 49/47 Bush Week ago: 54/41 Bush 2 weeks ago: 52/44 Bush
  2. Rob E Dangerously

    The almighty "Myrtle Beach Mike"

    It's probably my Bush sig *glances at arms*.. why does the Sun hate me?
  3. Rob E Dangerously

    Electoral Vote Predictor 2004.

    The new Gallup results: We'll have to see if they did the fair sample (40% Republicans) or the unfair evil sample (anything else.. they better not be sending mixed messeges).. But if you're relying on Gallup.. then Kerry erased a 13 point deficit (in LV) in just two weeks. RV was 54-41 Bush a week ago, and it's now 49-47 Bush. http://www.usatoday.com/news/politicselect...atodaypolls.htm But, I refuse to change my stance of "Gallup Sucks", especially not until we get the internals for this poll.
  4. Rob E Dangerously

    The almighty "Myrtle Beach Mike"

    No, I didn't. Brief enough for you?
  5. Rob E Dangerously

    The almighty "Myrtle Beach Mike"

    Which is why Rob scares me so. high-larity Mike.. since you're never wrong and all
  6. Rob E Dangerously

    The Praise Thread

    Except you. And I praise all my fellow Snitskymaniacs
  7. Rob E Dangerously

    The almighty "Myrtle Beach Mike"

    I'm so sad that I haven't made enough stupid statements. Really. I am. The avatar is enough most of it was on a Sunday morning. But still.. it's not like I had anything better to do. nope.. but then again, weren't you posting around the same time on Saturday Night? It's called alliteration. Baghdad Bob. Myrtle Beach Mike. We love you for your accurate predictions.
  8. Rob E Dangerously

    The almighty "Myrtle Beach Mike"

    I just got finished with sleeping and you never know when you need a MikeSC quote. Especially when he keeps mentioning that Kerry is melting down and going to lose. Just for the sake of whoever.. I'll go a bit more in-depth on the quotes. 2003: 1 though 4 - basically that was Strom-related backtracking (from, I voted for his staff to I voted for him since there was nobody better) 5 - Mike usually gives the GOP credit for passing the Civil Rights Act, ignoring that the GOP didn't take credit for it in 1964 when they nominated Senator Goldwater (who voted against it) 6 - This is either tragic or humorous, depending on how demented you are, but then again.. it is a tough spot to be in 7 - Nothing like some AARP dissing.. old people = confused 8 - Crappy Kerry prediction #1 from Mike 9 and 10 - 10 saves 9 from being viewed as blatantly racist. Although that depends on your opinion 11 - Strangely enough, he didn't provide a specific example, unless that "sub-human terrorist monkeys" thing covers entire nations now. Which would be questionable January though May 2004: 12 - We're to blame for the violence in Iraq! 13 - One of the few accurate Kerry-related predictions from Mike. And it seems Kerry is adapting well. 14 - Election-related prediction 15 - So.. Mike hates a culture which has a lot of terrorists. Which would probably include Islam. But there's probably a cover to this too. 16 - The SC stands for "Super Cool" 17 - It's not a quoteable withoutt homoeroticism 18 - or flattery 19 - nothing like promising to piss off an entire board a lot. 20 - "It's not my fault" June: 21 - another PSA from Mike 22 - Probably true 23 - That's from the evil reporter thread. I don't have anything from the "Democrats are hiring rapists" thread or the Outsourcing thread 24 - Unfortunately, Mike fell out of his chair before he was able to finish this statement. Nah.. he just didn't finish it. I also didn't put in the quote about how Rock the Vote was partisan. 25 - This is what we call "projection", sorta like when Jimmy Swaggert condemns porn. Project your problems onto others subconsciously. 26 - Mike shows his debating skills by declaring "file this under tough shit" 27 - I think that would be a typo.. but yourless isn't close to useless 28 - Mike hears something from Drudge.. believes it, massively 29 - Turns out Edwards did win NC.. something I noted then. 30 - Drudge = double plus reliable July: 31 - Kerry-statement 32 - Projection 33 - Projection 34 - Bush is very smart.. and he shows it by making people think he is dumb. But he has an advantage in terrorism. 35 - Strange how that's worked in Iraq 36 - Pure opinion about the genius of George W. Bush 37- Kerry-prediction 38 - Mike misses the reason why Quayle was mocked 39 and 40 - The NAACP invites you to a black cross burning.. ya know. August: 41 - First statement on the SBVFT ad. Which is seemingly contradicted by later statements. 42 - I think this is another statement that was later contradicted. 43 - Kerry prediction 44 - Personal insult September: 45 - Kerry-prediction 46 - Mike puts amputees in their place 47 - probably out of context. 48 - Time is everything 49 - Cleeland-insult 50 and 51 - more fun shots at Kerry, from noted war hero, MikeSC 52 - Kerry-prediction and Watergate revisionism 53 - Kerry-prediction 54 - Illogical 55 - "Kerry is doomed" statement October: 56 - "Kerry will lose easily" I don't expect any minds to be changed. I did store some of the Kerry predictions. The rest was searching for posts by him with a term in them (which is easy).. it's not like I had anything else to do. I slept this morning probably High-larity..
  9. Rob E Dangerously

    Fox News: We report

    nah.. to be a bully.. he would have to have some sort of power or reason for people to be scared of him. He doesn't have that.
  10. Rob E Dangerously

    Fox News: We report

    Well, if you feel taking the word of a fool is worth...oh wait, look who I'm speaking to here. Of COURSE you have no problem taking the word of a fool. -=Mike Possibly.. but I guess I would be taking the word of a jackass if I started to believe your posts. (Tyler is an expert at being a fool.. so in theory, he would be good at identifying fools) but then again, you're the "everybody but me is stupid" school of thought
  11. Rob E Dangerously

    Fox News: We report

    So, if Tyler is an expert, wouldn't that mean he's probably right about Mike?
  12. Rob E Dangerously

    Fox News: We report

    Tyler.. you were a bit off there "I will say, honestly, Drudge is about as reliable as the NY Times. Take it as you wish." - Mike, 6/30
  13. Rob E Dangerously

    Iron Chef America returning

    If Walken isn't in the Chairman Kaga role.. then it sucks
  14. Rob E Dangerously

    Electoral Vote Predictor 2004.

    Maybe because they figured out that sampling 2 Republicans out of every 5 people is an inaccurate sample of America. You only seem to take polls seriously if they refuse to admit that oversampling Republicans is inaccurate. You're probably still witnessing the meltdown of John Kerry, which started almost 2 months ago. Interesting how realistic samples don't show that Bush has a 12 point lead. Very interesting.. I'll have to remember that line for use on you. "I can say, and I am responsible for what I am saying, that they have started to commit suicide under the walls of Washington. We will encourage them to commit more suicides quickly. We made them drink poison last night and George W. Bush's soldiers and his great forces gave the Democrats a lesson which will not be forgotten by history. Truly. My feelings - as usual - we will slaughter them all! Bush will win in a landslide" "He's melting down. When he loses, you'll point to this also." - Mike, 8/21 "He's losing support quickly and it's only getting uglier. His campaign is progeressively looking less and less serious." - Mike, 9/9 "Somebody linked to intentionally planting stories to turn an election they're losing BADLY is worse than somebody covering up a 3rd rate burglary." - Mike, 9/21 "Blaming Gallup because Kerry is tanking is sad" - Mike, 9/29 "Kerry is STILL sucking eggs" - Mike, 10/2 MikeSC for President: "He doesn't shift in the wind, ever!"
  15. Rob E Dangerously

    Electoral Vote Predictor 2004.

    they're so horrible for making the sample more realistic So.. did the media oversample Republicans as part of this conspiracy?
  16. Rob E Dangerously

    McAuliffe's spamming plan annoys Washington Post

    Note to self: do not send form letter about Tuesday's debate until 11pm Tuesday
  17. Rob E Dangerously

    Electoral Vote Predictor 2004.

    Newsweek's sample was 35% Republican, 37% Democrat, 28% Independent which induced whining since it varied from the last Newsweek poll's sample which was 40% Republican, 31% Democrat, 28% Independent Damn you Newsweek.. for stacking the deck for Kerry.. by not polling 2 Republicans out of every 5 respondents. *shakes fist*
  18. Rob E Dangerously

    Electoral Vote Predictor 2004.

    Gallup is so non-biased.. since 39 out of every 100 voters they sample is a Republican. Misc. Poll news: http://www.drudgereport.com/flash1nw.htm
  19. Rob E Dangerously

    70% Chance Mt. St. Helens Could Erupt Soon!

    Harry Truman.. our first president to be killed by a volcano.. Harry Truman –- and his 16 cats -– refused to leave home at the base of Mount St. Helens before the eruption. The 83-year-old operated a lucrative lodge on Spirit Lake.
  20. Rob E Dangerously

    70% Chance Mt. St. Helens Could Erupt Soon!

    Is anybody going to just stay in their homes this time? (like Harry Truman.. who died in the eruption)
  21. Rob E Dangerously

    USA Today: USA Today/CNN/Gallup polls = not biased

    on checking.. it's bullshit It fails the Nader test. Head-to-head, it's 48-43 Bush I guess polls taken with parts of the state still recovering from hurricanes are accurate.
  22. http://www.usatoday.com/news/politicselect...p-defense_x.htm and Gallup is accurate.. if you believe that 43% of the voters will be Republicans. Pew thinks otherwise: http://people-press.org/commentary/display...3?AnalysisID=95 Pew Party ID: 33-29-38 (DRI) Gallup samples: 34-39-27 (DRI) Basically.. you have Gallup out, over-sampling the GOP, undersampling Independents.. and it seems that Bush does his best in Gallup polls. Of course, due to the MoveOn people's lack of real media experience, this will be ignored and the stuff about George Gallup's religion will be mentioned. That's a stupid point and pretty much irrelevant. If Gallup cares to produce evidence to back up the sampling of an unrealistic number of Republicans, they should do it. If they won't, then you might as well rely on an online poll.
  23. Rob E Dangerously

    Kerry Advisior puts his foot in his mouth

    Modesty rules.
  24. Rob E Dangerously

    Mike you'll love this

    Right place. Right time. Here's the field of candidates for the Democrats in 1976:
  25. Rob E Dangerously

    Klingons are voting for Kerry

    (I don't think this qualifies for CE.. so here goes) well.. I hope they vote absentee, or there's a Star Trek convention near each polling place so lure them out to vote.