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Rob E Dangerously

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Everything posted by Rob E Dangerously

  1. Rob E Dangerously

    The OAO 9/30 Presidential Debate Thread

    Debate #2 is Town Hall Debate #3 is Domestic
  2. Rob E Dangerously

    The OAO 9/30 Presidential Debate Thread

    Bush talking over Lehrer was interesting as well. As for Bush's statement about the intelligence.. Bush drank 10 beers Kerry drank 10 beers Bush was driving the car and crashed So I guess Kerry was to blame for drinking too.
  3. Rob E Dangerously

    The OAO 9/30 Presidential Debate Thread

    Bush wasn't impressive Kerry didn't exactly KO him, but Bush was flustered. Bush was repetitive. Kerry won. For somebody who wants to stay on the offensive in the war.. Bush was very defensive tonight. The light system disappointed me.. I thought that they'd show a spotlight.. not that little light
  4. Rob E Dangerously

    The OAO 9/30 Presidential Debate Thread

    According to ABC, who sampled 35 Republicans and 35 Democrats, Kerry DID do better than a tie. I bet those Republicans were from Vermont.
  5. Rob E Dangerously

    The OAO 9/30 Presidential Debate Thread

    Don't grill Bush on slipping on the Saddam/Osama thing.. it's been awhile since he's said Osama in public.
  6. Rob E Dangerously

    The OAO 9/30 Presidential Debate Thread

    Former Congressman Matthew Perry (R-FL) said that Kerry won on MSNBC. Maybe Chris Matthews intimidated him.
  7. Rob E Dangerously

    Thought this may be interesting

    Iraq War: Against Big Gov't/Small Gov't: In-between. So the Government isn't a lardass, but a fit body. War on drugs: It's failed. Leave these issues to the states. Keep some fed help around for cross-state work or border smuggling. Abortion: I wish it didn't happen. But I won't unreasonably restrict it either. And PBA should be banned unless in cases of the mother's health. Gay marriage: No real opinion. Honestly, I don't know where we got to the point where the Government has put up so much influence on marriage (with tax breaks and other benefits). I voted against the marriage definition in Missouri. Social programs: Make sure the money is being spent well. Cut waste. Taxes: The taxes on the higher incomes could be raised a bit. I'd prefer something which increases revenue, so we don't run such a big deficit Pledge: Irrelevant Wedge Issue. The House is fucking stupid for passing the unconstitutional Pledge Protection act. Missouri is stupid for passing a law which requires schools to do the pledge once a week. Guns: Handguns = fine for defense. Hunting weapons = fine. Semi-Automatic and Military Rifles = bad. Affirmative action: Somebody should evaluate the changes in America since the implementation of AA and then maybe a reorganization of the policy is in order. Racism is dying out in America. The courts: there should be some sort of reform Death penalty: It should exist for the worst criminals. It is overapplied right now. But we shouldn't tie our hands by just banning it. Teaching practical sex-ed: The messege is fine, some of the people hearing it may not apply it Across borders racial profiling: We should have "Suspicious person profiling". If you look suspicious, you may be searched. I'd prefer not being so racial about it. Medical Care - Some sort of change would be fine. Bush - Fiscally irresponsible. Has had "bad luck" for 4 years (makes you wonder why he needs 4 more). Kerry - He's my SOB, that's for sure
  8. Rob E Dangerously

    Ok, actually

    NH results: McCain was 2000, Buchanan was 1996, Bush was 1992
  9. Rob E Dangerously

    USA Today: USA Today/CNN/Gallup polls = not biased

    yeah.. all 40,000 of them with 9 minutes left.
  10. Rob E Dangerously

    German Food

    is there anything that really stands out? I went to a German restaurant today (in-between giving money to some panhandler and whatever else I did today) and for being a country that has brought us hamburgers, their burger wasn't that good. The patty was small.. at least in comparison to the rest of the burger. I didn't mind the wine glass-ish thing of Coke or the potato wedges. I could have gotten something else though. But the people working there were real Germans. Here's an article about the place: http://www.pitch.com/issues/2002-09-26/cafe.html
  11. Rob E Dangerously

    Gene Snitsky looks like a tool

    Snitsky for WWE champion!
  12. Rob E Dangerously

    Ok, actually

    It's all about momentum. Most candidates don't have the system to run a nationwide campaign. But the momentum carries them. One tactic would involve getting support in Texas, California, New York, and other big states, while also making sure that you get good momentum from Iowa and New Hampshire.
  13. Rob E Dangerously

    Happy Hour For Kids

    I haven't drank yet in my 18 years.. but it had to happen sometime for those kids
  14. Rob E Dangerously

    Electoral Vote Predictor 2004.

    and when it comes to E-V.com.. I question how a site could mix up the DC and Deleware poll numbers. Basically E-V does throw a lot of stuff out there
  15. Rob E Dangerously

    I would like to apologize on behalf of all of us

    It seems competant competition was a bit of a problem.. via the 1998 Almanac of American Politics: yeah.. running on "My opponent is too old" is around the "My opponent will die and leave his VP to run the nation" tactic in the number of times it's worked. And the 1984 Almanac of American Politics did speculate that Thurmond would retire.. but they figured he was able to keep living.
  16. Rob E Dangerously

    Signs Signs, Everywhere's Signs

    "I'm voting for Kerry to face HHH!" "Eugene is my math tutor" "Gene Snitsky = American Hero" "Lita fears Snitsky" "Lita fears Literacy"
  17. Rob E Dangerously

    USA Today: USA Today/CNN/Gallup polls = not biased

    I guess you'll get out of bed and look West for the rising sun. I guess Republicans make up 39% of America too. I'm pretty sure you've been declaring Kerry dead for the last month or so. How long can one tank? Can one tank while moving up in polls? Can one overcome a 13 point Gallup deficit with less than 3 weeks left? ( http://www.cnn.com/2000/ALLPOLITICS/storie...7/cnntime.poll/ ) Note to self: do poll, sample 80% Republicans, get it posted.. wait for MikeSC to declare that Kerry is 'tanking' "He's melting down. When he loses, you'll point to this also." - Mike, 8/21 "He's losing support quickly and it's only getting uglier. His campaign is progeressively looking less and less serious." - Mike, 9/9 "Somebody linked to intentionally planting stories to turn an election they're losing BADLY is worse than somebody covering up a 3rd rate burglary." - Mike, 9/21 "Blaming Gallup because Kerry is tanking is sad" - Mike, 9/29 Myrtle Beach Mike.. bring you the news on the meltdown of John Kerry.. now in day 38!
  18. Rob E Dangerously

    List your aliases..

    LesnarLunatic Rob E Dangerously
  19. Rob E Dangerously

    The great Noam Chomsky

    True fact: at first, I thought his name was Norm Chomsky
  20. Rob E Dangerously

    Gene Snitsky looks like a tool

    He's the son of Test and A-Train He should have tights that say "IT'S NOT MY FAULT" on them
  21. Rob E Dangerously

    Chris Candido signs; to work for OVW

    Candido could always feud with Simon Dean too.. if Candido is actually a guy people could like
  22. Rob E Dangerously

    Alright, so I missed RAW...

    His pumphandle slam shouldn't be the Gene Pool it should be the SNITSKY SLAM~! and yeah.. Snitsky is fucking hiliarious. Snitsky is the shitsky.. POLISH POWER!
  23. Rob E Dangerously

    Alan Keyes wants to lose his race I guess..

    there wasn't a Democrat running against that minion of lucifier (Osbourne) [bitter KSU fan/Osbourne-basher] {but John Elway is lower on the list of people I like}
  24. Rob E Dangerously

    So the Bears lost Grossman for 18 months

    Eric Crouch is available
  25. Rob E Dangerously

    Major Miscommunications With RAW

    It's not Snitsky's fault that Lita didn't know she was supposed to be in Kansas City