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Rob E Dangerously

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Everything posted by Rob E Dangerously

  1. Rob E Dangerously

    Rhode Island Republican probably won't vote for GW

    most of them wouldn't mention that possibility in public
  2. Rob E Dangerously

    Bad news in downstate Illinois

    The GOP would have a better shot at Obama if they picked Mr. T
  3. Rob E Dangerously

    Donald Duck in Naziland

    damn.. the link is dead.. well.. ok "By Special Proclaimation of the Fuhrer, Heil Hitler!" nothing like a Disney film where they use "Heil Hitler" 31 and a half times
  4. Rob E Dangerously

    Odd forum...

    WTF.. Anime.. ahhh
  5. Rob E Dangerously

    Rhode Island Republican probably won't vote for GW

    Holy fuck.. why hasn't he run for President? CIANCI: You know he's a crook, and you don't care
  6. Rob E Dangerously

    CBS tipped off DNC about Bush Guard story

    one forged memo = forged memos like one flat tire = flat tires This is such a red herring. Not to bash the quality of the herring, of course.
  7. Rob E Dangerously

    CBS tipped off DNC about Bush Guard story

    random question.. have you guys been able to find anything forced about any memo other than the CYA memo? I'd imagine "forged memos" refers to more than 1 memo
  8. Rob E Dangerously

    CBS tipped off DNC about Bush Guard story

    HOLY SHIT! He talked to that guy GIVE HIM THE CHAIR It seems that Lockhart and Cleland have one thing on Rather.. I don't think they fell over themselves for his one forged memo and the rest of his stuff
  9. http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/featu...4133617-5244945 yeah.. you have to crush people like the Iranians and Carl Levin. And the New York Times too. Ya know.. Coulter's positioning herself to move up the ladder after the election. Or jump off of it.
  10. Rob E Dangerously

    What are the most gerrymandered/weirdest

    Here in Missouri, we don't get that stuff.. but.. here's the site: http://nationalatlas.gov/congdistprint.html All credit to South Carolina for making their District 1 less crazy. The book I have with 90s districts makes it look like a mushroom going inland from Charleston to Berkeley county and on the coast. The current district looks more sane. The all stars of weird: Alabama-6: Arizona-2: California-46: Georgia-8: Georgia-11: Illinois-4: (this has to be illegal) Louisiana-2: Maryland-2: Maryland-3: North Carolina-3: North Carolina-12: I'm sure i'm ignoring some all-stars in Texas.. note to district drawers: it's possible to make a district which doesn't look like an LSD trip, this one's to you Georgia!
  11. http://www.canada.com/search/story.html?id...58-4205816266e9
  12. they did this in 2000 too
  13. Rob E Dangerously

    Who's the worst person you voted for?

    Being a rookie voter (who's first vote was in the Democrat Presidential Primary this February).. I don't have a worst to claim. My pick for President was Edwards. Missouri had Lyndon LaRouche on the ballot though. My choices in the Missouri August Primary faired.. badly (results here: http://www.sos.mo.gov/enrweb/allresults.asp?eid=116 ) Governor: McCaskill (won) Lt. Gov: Jacob (lost, 36% of the vote) Tresurer: I don't remember who I voted for, or who I was intending to vote for. I think I picked Abel Congress: Metzl (lost, 40% of the vote) Senate: Farmer (won) Amendment 1, Riverboat Gambling: I voted yes (and it lost) Amendment 2, Defining Marriage as Man/Woman: I voted no (and the amendment passed with like 85% of the vote.. or 71%) So far.. none of the people i've voted for have gone to Prison. But, we'll see there.. how about you guys? (you can always mention the "worst vote" too)
  14. Rob E Dangerously

    What are the most gerrymandered/weirdest

    I'm still sorta conflicted on the idea of a "majority black" district.. sure, it's nice.. but it also probably doesn't help the Democratic party by putting a heavily Democratic group in just one district. Louisiana is on to something with having elections in Saturday. That's something the rest of this country should think about trying
  15. Rob E Dangerously

    GIs forced to reenlist

    I really don't think there was much of a shot of the Bay of Pigs succeeding, even if JFK put in the full effort
  16. Rob E Dangerously

    What are the most gerrymandered/weirdest

    Actually.. I eliminated Maryland's 8th district due to the fact that I had like 14 districts at first
  17. Rob E Dangerously

    Head Navy Investigator Backs Up Kerry...

    BX, where were Kerry's sonic deathwaves when we needed sonic deathwaves the most? And I suspect Kerry could cover the "why you should vote for me" thing around a debate or something like that. Since I think all three debates get a last statement (Bush's last statement in one of the 2000 debates was "If you're voting for my opponent, please vote only once")
  18. Rob E Dangerously

    Kerry Builds Up the Alliances

    Look here BX: http://forums.thesmartmarks.com/index.php?showtopic=57222
  19. Rob E Dangerously

    Kerry Builds Up the Alliances

    At least Kerry has stopped his rapist brigade
  20. Rob E Dangerously

    Ann Coulter shares her thoughts about the election

    Mike is put under a form of hypnosis by the work of Molly Ivins so he's sensitive about the topic
  21. Rob E Dangerously

    Head Navy Investigator Backs Up Kerry...

    It's a shame that the Navy is smearing the noble Swift Boat Veterans while refusing to answer their charges. Damn you Navy! Damn you!
  22. Rob E Dangerously

    Finally, a political ad you can dance to

    http://www.newdem.org/flashmovie.php All other ads are boring by comparison.
  23. Rob E Dangerously

    Tips And Tricks !

  24. Rob E Dangerously

    Finally, a political ad you can dance to

    Do you dare to claim that Latinos might have high opinions of themselves?