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Rob E Dangerously

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Everything posted by Rob E Dangerously

  1. Rob E Dangerously

    And it starts...

    Friday was the last Friday of the month, the usual day that they do that anyways. The RNC just happened to be coming into town. Now, if they tried to clog the streets on a convention day. "I'd expect them to do that" is not proof. In a court of law, using the argument "Well, this sounds like something he'd do" without any proof doesn't go over well. As a total number or a percentage? Don't worry about the traffic light thing, i'm just messing around there. There's other small jokes I could use to expand on that though, like "If they're riding in South Carolina, they would need mountain bikes" I might be wrong about the traffic circle claim though
  2. Rob E Dangerously

    And it starts...

    More on what happened. http://www.times-up.org/cm.php http://www.times-up.org/rnc_2004.php Oh yeah, the Democrats are sending out the Critical Mass bike people. "How can we protest the RNC?" "Get people to ride bikes in New York?" "Brilliant!" Right Mike.. just wait until the Bike-people come to your state, it'll clog the traffic around the state's one stoplight. (Nah, I know there's at least 30 stoplights in South Carolina and a traffic circle too)
  3. Rob E Dangerously

    GOP hates New York

    let's be fair, the Anti-Christ will not be a woman
  4. Rob E Dangerously


    Gordon Eubanks, May 1993, you can now modify your argument accordingly
  5. Rob E Dangerously


    NoCalMike, you forgot the time that Bush said that Lay was a supporter of Ann Richards
  6. Rob E Dangerously

    Maybe Cleeland can explain this

    probably. Outside of Hollywood, most jobs with 'director' in the name are a bit cushy I'd imagine he did it more for the Ex-Im-ness than for the 'working for Bush'. Either that, or he really loves that check. Not a big fan of forgiveness, are you? Although I'm not too sure how accepting an appointment is that much help. Granted, due to my lack of ESP, I am unable to tell you more about why Bush and Cleland did all that. And if I had ESP, I would use it to get women. That's an off-topic note. Kerrey replaced Cleland too. You may know a bit about the Ex-Im, but who would Cleland be working for? Another question: It sounds like Cleland would say that, but do you have a source to back that up? just curious Same goes with a lot of these retired politicans who get director jobs from various corporations. granted, I'm not totally sure on the timeline, but maybe Ex-Im was less frustrating to him than being on the 9/11 commission. He came to the ranch to give the letter to Bush. Was the President too busy to come out? I'd imagine in Texas in August, if somebody comes with a letter for you, you come out, and then maybe you invite him to come in the ranch. Something to show hospitality. Instead we get this: There's no way to deny it wasn't a bit of a publicity stunt. They announced it. And reporters don't usually hang out in that spot anyways. Politics is cheap sometimes. I'm sure that the first "photo-op" involved a politician. I'm sure Max will try Fed-Ex next time.
  7. Rob E Dangerously

    President Bush, the worst president in history?

    you voted for the Ficus, didn't you?
  8. Rob E Dangerously

    GOP to back ban on gay marriage

    Does Article IV, Section 1 of the US Constitution have any comment on this matter?
  9. Rob E Dangerously

    President Bush, the worst president in history?

    Granted, I don't think the initial mission of Reno at Waco was to invade the compound. I'm sure if that was Plan A, they could have probably done it quickly. Oh, i'm sure that would have went over well. That's due to minimal lawyer participation in the invasion
  10. Rob E Dangerously

    Maybe Cleeland can explain this

    Not only that, Cleland makes the job sound less cushy than the NRO has reported. http://www.google.com/search?q=cache:03A99...22+export&hl=en Those Ex-Im people have big egos. Misc. info: http://www.georgiatrend.com/site/page5966.html One more thing i've found is Cleland was on the 9/11 commission and either resigned due to his feelings that Bush was stonewalling the commission or to except the Ex-Im job. Either way, if Cleland stayed on the commission, i'm sure 'major head explosions' would have occured. So, the point you're making is that Max Cleland is an ingrate because Bush appointed him to be a bank director? I'm sure the opportunity of being a bank director is something that requires stringent loyalty. As for the money, none of us know what Cleland does with it. He could be using it for good things, something with a ray gun or nothing. As for Bush following though to offer a spot to Cleland. He's a uniter, remember?
  11. Rob E Dangerously

    President Bush, the worst president in history?

    #1 - Hitler declared war on us #2 - led us into World War II, is there something the sender wants to say about Pearl Harbor? I guess the pacific part of WW2 doesn't count Truman started the Korean War? Well.. then again, the North Koreans claim that South Korea attacked first. US troops were in the Korean War though the UN. But, this guy goes on to complain about Clinton not getting UN consent. Seems like he wants to have it both ways. Bullshit. Read a history book. I'm pretty sure "went to war" is a bit exaggerated. And it involved NATO. such claims by the Sudanese are dubious Last I heard, they were still around in parts. Around enough that Mullah Omar hasn't been seen. Which is why we're on Orange alert. by "a terrorist", you mean "Saddam Hussein", who would be better described as a "tyrant" The "compare this to Democrats" listing appears to be done either with extreme spin, or extreme ignorance of history.
  12. Rob E Dangerously

    BOOKING for the 9/2 show from Hartford

    Rick Shirley will be facing Dr. Max Anderson
  13. Rob E Dangerously

    Connections between Bush and Swift Vets

    Correction JTTS. As we approached the enemy, there was a brief exchange of gunfire. Bob Dole took a grenade in hand, pulled the pin, and tossed it in the direction of the farmhouse. It wasn't a very good pitch (remember, Bob Dole was used to catching passes, not throwing them.) In the darkness, the grenade must have struck a tree and bounced off. It exploded nearby, sending a sliver of metal into Bob Dole's leg-the sort of injury the Army patched up with Mercurochrome and a Purple Heart. Ha Ha Ha.
  14. Rob E Dangerously

    MoveOn's New Ads

    http://quote.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=1....8.2lI&refer=us This says it was Bradley Smith.
  15. Rob E Dangerously

    MoveOn's New Ads

    Wouldn't the chairman of a group who could decide this issue want to not make statements like that in public?
  16. Rob E Dangerously

    Connections between Bush and Swift Vets

    A speech which only mentions military service, over and over.. http://www.johnkerry.com/pressroom/speeche..._2004_0729.html Funny you fail to mention that long biopic about him that PRECEEDED it. Remember that gem? You know, the one that focused on Vietnam --- I'm not even sure if his Senatorial career got a mention. -=Mike So, in the scheme of things, the candidate's film matters more than his speech? Interesting..
  17. Rob E Dangerously

    MoveOn's New Ads

    I hear those papers that the navy records were printed on wheren't in the boat with John Kerry either.
  18. Rob E Dangerously

    Connections between Bush and Swift Vets

    A speech which only mentions military service, over and over.. http://www.johnkerry.com/pressroom/speeche..._2004_0729.html
  19. Rob E Dangerously

    GWAR-themed wrestler

  20. Rob E Dangerously

    GWAR-themed wrestler

    Who would he feud with? Would he be accompanied by the rest of GWAR? ok.. i'm out there
  21. http://shop.store.yahoo.com/brandsonsale-s...4-costumes.html Note: Parents buying these outfits may be reported to social services This kid pimps all the bitches in his class: http://store1.yimg.com/I/brandsonsale-store_1808_76753132 Brotha Billy don't take no shit! http://store1.yimg.com/I/brandsonsale-store_1808_71477274 Am I gonna have ta choke a bitch? http://store1.yimg.com/I/brandsonsale-store_1808_79452572 Hey, some parents sell their kids into prostitution, why not start your daughter in that field? She could get you candy, or money.. http://store1.yimg.com/I/brandsonsale-store_1805_9457418 What the hell happened to this country? (note to self: get pimp outfit, keep the hell out of a place where real pimps would kick my ass for dressing like them)
  22. Rob E Dangerously

    John Kerry guest on Daily Show tonight.

    It'll be interesting to see if Kerry (6'4") towers over Bush (5'11") when they debate each other. I missed the interview, and i'm sure it'll be replayed today though I know that when Kerry stood next to Dean in the debates, he looked like a monster... Monster? No. Tree? Yes. -=Mike I haven't heard anything about weight (in regard to Bush and Kerry) but it wouldn't surprise me if Kerry wasn't much heavier than Bush. You don't get the nickname "Lanky Yankee" for no reason.
  23. Rob E Dangerously

    John Kerry guest on Daily Show tonight.

    It'll be interesting to see if Kerry (6'4") towers over Bush (5'11") when they debate each other. I missed the interview, and i'm sure it'll be replayed today though
  24. Rob E Dangerously

    Connections between Bush and Swift Vets

    That's just rich. Also, appearantly Thurlow never read the citation of his own Bronze Star and wonder why it mentioned enemy fire. "Read? I ain't got time to read" - Larry Thurlow, Predator, 1987 (quote may be slightly inaccurate) Well, we'll see where this goes. *bites thumb at you* I check in on them from time to time. Well, i'm pretty sure on my quick check that there's stuff mentioning some news shows. They should use "Why don't you just call Fidel?" as a slogan though.
  25. Rob E Dangerously

    Connections between Bush and Swift Vets

    Well, a prominent lawyer who was working for the Bush campaign. The Bennett who represented Clinton and Carlson was Bob Bennett. Here's Bob: Here's Bill: I don't think they're brothers. Just so you know. (Bill Bennett did write 'Death of Outrage: Bill Clinton and the Assault on American Ideals') Have I done anything to suggest I would be employed? Anyways, Mediamatters is mostly transcripts. I'd think there wouldn't be too many people working on the writing part of the pages. So, Kerry's supposed to prove his innocence? interesting concept there. The legal system should steal it.