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Rob E Dangerously

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Everything posted by Rob E Dangerously

  1. Rob E Dangerously

    The REAL media bias

    That's just because you live in KC, like me, where the news is about KCTV5 hunting down pedophiles, WDAF4 exposing "Car stealing rings out to get you" and all that stuff. But yeah, I've been saying it for years. The Media is biased towards money. The New York Times makes more per ad they sell than per subscription. Who do you think has the bigger voice?
  2. Rob E Dangerously

    Which skipper gets the boot first?

    Pena resigned at random. One rumor claims that Pena was sleeping with married women.
  3. Rob E Dangerously

    The Republican Spending EXPLOSION~!

    You all mean that because the Republicans control the Government, they're spending more money? Unthinkable!
  4. Rob E Dangerously

    Kerry takes bold stand

    In general, I don't have a strong opinion on Gay Marriage and all that. I voted against the amendment to ban it in Missouri though. I feel it's a distraction from more important issues and I felt that the amendment was rushed. I'd prefer more energy be spent on finding ways to fix the roads and the schools instead of finding a way to "show them liberals" When it comes to discrimination of all times, if we were all blind, we would discriminate based on sound. Sadly, discrimination has been constant though history and it will still linger. I'll get back to you on all that if I end up getting with this one African-American woman in one of my classes. I'm sure it would be enjoyable.
  5. Rob E Dangerously

    The Current Events folder. It's a lot like Hitler.

    I support the intervention of Benny Hinn in the case of feeding tube issues. And if that didn't work, I support pulling the feeding tube, unless the thread is thought to be able to consume jello. But, if the thread is able to consume jello, I will then fire at the thread using an exact-o-laser. Or something
  6. Rob E Dangerously

    The Current Events folder. It's a lot like Hitler.

    I'm for displaying locations with the group, post count, and all that. I also feel that the individual folders can handle their own stuff, and they don't need any more power. I also support the marriage of any board member to any other board member. It's their decision to make.
  7. Rob E Dangerously

    The Current Events folder. It's a lot like Hitler.

    I like my banning like I like my death sentances, given to those who deserve it. Dr. Tyler appears to be soft on Trollcrime
  8. Rob E Dangerously

    The Current Events folder. It's a lot like Hitler.

    I don't know if I want to support Tyler or run on my own. While Tyler has moved to the center, he has forgotten that phony Republican-lite does not work. I am more to the center than any other liberal. If I ran for Supermod and if I were elected, I would repeal a lot of gun laws and legalize marijuana, therefore making everybody happy. I'm genuine Republican-lite. Don't settle for less. DLC.
  9. Rob E Dangerously

    Dean For DNC Chair Thread #2

    I feel unloved.
  10. Rob E Dangerously

    The Current Events folder. It's a lot like Hitler.

    Did Mike ever convince you to change your mind on an issue? I tend to doubt it, wouldn't that make you equally stubborn? Did you ever see the threads where people would keep pasting stuff and citing evidence and Mike would keep moving forward with his POV? I'm sure those threads exist. As for my stubbornness. I'm pretty sure i've admitted that I was wrong sometime. So, it was too hard for people to debate him but you didn't care? OK. Yeah.. I didn't take it seriously. So? Sure, but much more reasonable than "Bush=Hitler." Yeah, a lot of things are more reasonable than "Bush = Hitler". I don't recall Mike ever bringing any proof to that claim either. Other than being amazed that I missed some ad in Missouri. What's the problem with that statement? For one, it's not true and not possible. Judges, though a repeal of a law, do not make a new law starting the opposite.
  11. Rob E Dangerously

    The Current Events folder. It's a lot like Hitler.

    Memories post (thanks to the guy who made sure that search was faster, faster meaning 'takes less than 4 minutes') Mike to me: Mike to Rant: I decline to find a quote from June, July or August talking about how John Kerry was doomed. Oh yeah, if you want to, you can always blame the "line for line" stuff on me.
  12. Rob E Dangerously

    Dean For DNC Chair Thread #2

    I'll be taking a more moderate position than Robot. Well, just because. And if you get heated in real life because of a post on the internet, that's your own problem. You can discuss things without becoming angry and all that. It's sorta sad when you have to resort to "IT SMELLS LIKE HITLER SPIRIT" If the Mods wanted to be like Hitler, they would have also wiped out Mike's account. Instead of just banning him and leaving his account up.
  13. Rob E Dangerously

    The Current Events folder. It's a lot like Hitler.

    What caused the previous warnings? No Mike thread is complete without mentioning "subhuman monkeys". So I just mentioned it. Yeah.
  14. Rob E Dangerously

    The Current Events folder. It's a lot like Hitler.

    Say what you will about him. I'm not exactly going to party over all this. Mike's not in a position to read this anyways. Mike was probably the most stubborn person around the board. Getting into discussions with him was not a great idea for some. For myself, I didn't care. It was pointless for me to continue discussions with him, but it's not like I had something more important to do. Here's a few Mike-related things I remember (not counting the long thread I put in NHB) #1 - The NAACP is as bad as the KKK (which was a huge logic reach) #2 - Tom DeLay isn't as bad as Robert Byrd, Ted Kennedy or an NAACP member #3 - I'm bad for not being angry with Robert Byrd #4 - Judges make laws all the time #5 - Being able to throw random references to his home state at him (randomly or not) Was I the biggest offender when it came to long arguments with the guy? probably Does it matter to me that i'm not mentioned as a "Bad Liberal who needs a banning"? Nope.. I really haven't been active enough to earn that anyways. His actions in the F9/11 thread were pretty much flamebaiting, considering the location of the thread. At least Mike didn't like Strom Thurmond. I think the line when it comes to bannings is the line between being reasonable and being an assclown. You can discuss politics, even in a heated manner, without being an assclown. I think that Mike was an ass at times, but then again, I am not in a position where my judgement there matters. Mike will float on and live on. Ya know, half the complaining here is probably because this was anti-climatic. But i'm probably wrong -=Rob ...Someone will step into Mike's shoes anyways
  15. Rob E Dangerously

    White supremacist J. B. Stoner dead at 81

    I was checking in on my J. B. Stoner page on Wikipeda and I found that he died. http://www.ajc.com/news/content/metro/0405...stonerobit.html The article doesn't mention Stoner's ads for one of his candidacy that went to the FCC. (source) Either way.. evil is swept off of this planet in the snap of a finger.
  16. Rob E Dangerously

    White supremacist J. B. Stoner dead at 81

    National States Rights Party is a bit of an oxymoron, headed by a moron too William Pierce and Richard Butler have both died recently. When it comes to the "White Supremacist Death Pool", after Willis Carto and maybe Zundel, I don't know who to pick. Unless you suspect someone is going to get Matt Hale in prison.
  17. http://www.alldumb.com/item/144/ "Do you want to spend 20 dollars on a set of bling stickers?" I counted five different white women in this ad. I know that they're not aiming these bling stickers to African-Americans. "It's not just a kid thing, I love to bling" I'm sure your kids would be proud if you blinged up your sunglasses. (oh yeah, nice giant loop earrings) Or blinged up your laptop. But the teens in these ads must have been rejected for the "I still wet the bed" ads fhey run. "Must be 18 or older to order" It's that blingtastic.
  18. Rob E Dangerously

    John Rocker, Victim

    He looks a lot like Steven Richards
  19. Rob E Dangerously

    Bling It On: a trap to catch stupid people

    "Killing Time"
  20. Rob E Dangerously

    Reefer Madness

    Except you WON'T. I will have to pay taxes to support you and your family when you decide to waste your life on any drug. Get rid of the nanny state and I'll be happy to discuss legalization. -=Mike Right now, you're having to pay, indirectly, for the operation of federal and state prisons which are filled with people put in prison for crimes relating to marijuana. I'd imagine the costs would go up more with the more drug offenders you put in prison.
  21. Rob E Dangerously

    Bling It On: a trap to catch stupid people

    I have the episode of Beavis and Butthead where that video is played.
  22. Rob E Dangerously

    KaZaA Lite no more?

    I basically only use Kazaa for porn Everything else can be handled by Soulseek or Limewire
  23. Rob E Dangerously

    Reefer Madness

    When it comes to Marijuana, under US law, under the Controlled Substances Act, it is Schedule I ("Schedule I drugs are defined as those considered to have high potential for abuse, with no recognized medical use in treatment in the US.") Cocaine, PCP and Meth are Schedule II ("Schedule II drugs are those with a high potential for abuse, but recognized medical use; and a high incidence of physical or psychological dependence. These are available only by prescription, and distribution is carefully controlled and monitored by the DEA.") Honestly, Marijuana should be in Schedule II When it comes to users of Marijuana, that's really irrelevant. I don't care if pot makes you stupid or if you can be smart and smoke pot. It's your choice and you should deal with the consequences. A lot of the dangers of Marijuana are exaggerated to further justify a failing and directionless drug war. And when it comes to drugs in this country, the fact is that nobody has the guts to really figure out an effective way to reduce the drug trade. Maybe reducing the street value of those drugs can put some of the dealers out of business.
  24. Rob E Dangerously

    Who will win the general election then?

    Way to go.. you voted for the one British party that was more for the Iraq War than Labour. A shame the rest of the people against Blair will vote for the LibDems
  25. Sorry if the headline for this sucks, but hopefully they can find the girl http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20050428/ap_on_...HNlYwMlJVRPUCUl