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Zorin Industries

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Everything posted by Zorin Industries

  1. Zorin Industries

    What the f*ck?!? Terror watchlist passenger...

    I know that he was refused entry to Israel 4 years ago, but not for this reason. Do you have a source?
  2. Zorin Industries

    The Gates of Hell.....

    I remember hearing the spillage story from a couple of horror magazines as well, can't remember if Fulci ever confirmed it though
  3. Zorin Industries

    What the f*ck?!? Terror watchlist passenger...

    I don't know how many of you know the story of Salman Rushdie, but he was a writer who had a fatwah put on his head by Ayotlloah Khomeni because of a book he wrote. At the time Cat Stevens had recently converted to Islam and was quoted in an interview saying that Koran would condone the fatwah against Rushdie. In later years he apologised for what he said, saying he made a mistake as he was new to the faith and made a mistkae in saying what he did. Maybe he is on the list because of the fallout from this?
  4. Zorin Industries

    What are you listening to right now?

    Cabaret Voltaire: Yashar
  5. Zorin Industries

    What are you listening to right now?

    Cabaret Voltaire: Sensoria
  6. Zorin Industries

    What are you listening to right now?

    PJ Harvey: Good Fortune
  7. Zorin Industries

    What are you listening to right now?

    ^ I love that song, unfortuantly my copy of that album is buggered At the moment: Kurtis Blow: The Breaks
  8. Zorin Industries

    Here we go again

    http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/leicest...ire/3659120.stm We'll see how this turns out, but the U.K. is quite a pro-censorship country, so it could turn out quite bad for the gaming community
  9. Zorin Industries

    Riots in London and people force their way into

    I found this quite amusing, as the people protesting are qite far from being hippies both socially and politically
  10. Zorin Industries

    17-year-old bride marries groom, 64

    Its getting better, but theres still not that many available women in my building at the moment, and none in my office. Don't really get a chance to fraternize with the rest of the building until Xmas. Add to that the fact i'm pretty bad at talking to women.
  11. Zorin Industries

    17-year-old bride marries groom, 64

    And I can't even get a date, the worlds not fair.
  12. Zorin Industries

    When Blairs Communications director visited...

    Funny, I was thinking of posting this. The fact that it comes from Campbell himself does increase the validity of the article
  13. Zorin Industries

    Here we go again

    Its maybe not the rabid censorship we had with the Tories but its still there, though maybe its transfering from videos to computer games, guess well see
  14. Zorin Industries

    Fox Hunting Ban passes first hurdle

    I have no problems with and humane and properly organizied way to cull the fox population. I DO have a problem with them being chased down and ripped apart by dogs
  15. Zorin Industries

    Fox Hunting Ban passes first hurdle

    About fucking time.
  16. Zorin Industries

    Here we go again

    I've never had much time for Democracy
  17. Zorin Industries

    Here we go again

    Unfortunatly, thats the U.K. for you. You can go back and look at the video nasties scare of the early 80's when a shedload of horror movies were banned, for prior instances of this type of thing. People always go for the easy answers, plus the tabloids jump all over stories like this since its an easy sale
  18. The Hunger 9/10 Simply a fantastic Vampire movie. Great atmosphere, slow and dreamlike, filled with Eroticism and Decay in equal measure. Its hard to believe that Tony Scott would goon to direct Top Gun just 3 years later, the two films could not be more different. Plus its got both David Bowie and Bauhaus in it, you can't ask for better than that
  19. Zorin Industries

    Best 80's music

    I forgot too add D.A.F. a great German early Industrial band, Devo's 80's stuff I enjoy too. I can't believe I haven't mentioned Bauhaus yet, just a fantastic band in every way, probably my all time favourite
  20. Zorin Industries

    Go ahead, tell me how this isn't screwed up

    Its mainly for the severly disabled who would not be able to take there own lives without assistance, it keeps their families and doctors from having to take illegal methods to end their lives.
  21. Zorin Industries

    Best 80's music

    I'm going to pump for Cabaret Voltaire to be right up there as well, I really like Klaus Nomi as well. Lovecraft231, most of your choices were dead on as well EDIT: Forgot to add Japan as well
  22. Zorin Industries

    Protestor ruins Olympic Marathon

    http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/olympics_2...ics/3610598.stm Any Grand Prix watchers probably remember him from a few years back. I think he did the same thing at a horse racing event as well
  23. Zorin Industries

    Margeret Thatchers son arrested....

    I thought all these African coups died out in the 70's. Guess its no surprise since E. Guinea has a shit load of oil deposits
  24. Zorin Industries

    Margeret Thatchers son arrested....

    I was overjoyed when I heard that Thatcher was arrested.... then I found out it wasn't Maggie, so the Champagne is still on ice
  25. Zorin Industries

    Albums Listened to Today
