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Zorin Industries

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Everything posted by Zorin Industries

  1. Zorin Industries

    SummerSlam 1999

    I remember always enjoying the Kane/X-Pac tag team, I thought they had a good big guy little guy dynamic going on. In fact i'd go as far to say it was the when X-Pac turned on Kane that really started the rot and led to the infamous "X-Pac" heat, up to that point he was still fairly over.
  2. Zorin Industries

    2008 Summer Olympics

    For all the great sport we've seen so far theres going to be only one thing i'll ever remember from the Olympics: Oh yeah!
  3. Zorin Industries

    San Francisco

    I'm heading to San Francisco for two days on the 22md - 23rd of August. Got my sightseeing in the afternoons pretty much sorted, but i'm wondering what to do during the evenings. Can anyone recommend me any good resturants, bars and clubs to head to? Foodwise i'll give anything a shot, bar and club wise i'd lean more towards Rock, Indie or Electro. If anyones got any good advice i'd be more than greatful, thanks in advance.
  4. Zorin Industries

    James Bond DVD Boxsets

    I never did get around to finish my reviews, watch this space...
  5. Zorin Industries

    Albums Listened to Today

    Last few days worth
  6. Zorin Industries

    San Francisco

    According to Google maps 180 Post Street should only be a short walk from my hotel so thats easy enough. Thanks. To change tack a bit, as a first time visitor to San Fran, is there anywhere I should be activily avoiding, theres dodgy spots in every town so i'd like to get the heads up before I take a wrong turn somewhere
  7. Zorin Industries

    San Francisco

    Nearly, its the Bishop, was watching it last night before I started posting, love that sketch. Thanks for your help anyway guys, one other question, are then any good camping goods stores near Union Square or the surrounding environs? Theres a few items I need to get before I leave SF on the Sunday morning (Fire Extinguisher, tent pegs and the like) and i'd like to not be spending most of my afternoons there searching one out.
  8. Zorin Industries

    The Myanmar cyclone

    Isn't that what happened a few months ago, and then pretty much the entire world community pretty much ignored it due to the Burmese government being well in with the Chinese?
  9. Zorin Industries

    Castro not to return to Cuban presidency

    Coming from the UK can anyone explain to me why Castro is still this demonised figure nearly 2 decades on from the end of the Cold War? I know its a pretty totalitarian regime, but its nowhere near the worst on the planet, and its not like the US hasn't made up with worse. Have economic sanctions really been necessary, you could argue they have had just as bad an impact as the regime. Is this just a case of Castro got one over on the US years ago and you've never forgotten it? The hatred for him in the States is really confusing looking from the outside in.
  10. Zorin Industries

    Karl Gotch dies at 83

    I was watchinh some 70's era Japanese wrestling a while agao, a tag match. Don't know who the other three were, but Karl Gotch was in it. Was expecting much, so accustommed to wrestling from the 80's onward I find stuff before then very slow. It was a match with a methodical pace but i'll be damned if Gotch wasn't so crisp and technically sound that I was transfiked for the whole 30 minutes. There weren't any big flashy moves or anything like that, but Karl Gotch just had this presence that kept me watching. I'll have to go and check out some more of his stuff now I think.
  11. Zorin Industries

    4,000 dead Americans

    So, before we went into Iraq, it was a fairly secular society, albeit a ruthless Dictatorship. Now that we've gone in and instituted Democracy, we need to build walls to keep the different communities from killing each other. The fact that no-one at the top is ever going to have to pay for their actions in a legal sense is a sick joke, though one we've seen time and again. PS: So much for an independant Iraqi government, seeing as how they don't want the walls and their being built anyway
  12. Zorin Industries

    Boris Yeltsin

    While he may have helped introduce Democratic reforms, his complete failure to control the economy has allowed Russia to slowly slip back toward Authoritarianism. If he had resigned in '96 he may have had a somewhat better legacy, but I can't help but think he will be judged as a failure in later years. Can't say i'm shocked by his death though, he probably drank more Vodka in a year than we will our entire lives.
  13. Zorin Industries

    Albums Listened to Today

    Last few days:
  14. Zorin Industries

    Greatest Interview in Sports Entertainment History

    Jake Roberts after he slapped Elizabeth This succeded in creeping me out, especially at the end
  15. Zorin Industries

    English Football

    2 -1 against Swden, there truly is only one David Healy! Northern Ireland top of the group and David Healy the top scorer so far, if you told anyone this would happen a year ago they would have laughed in your face.
  16. Zorin Industries

    British Hostage Crisis with Iran

    At most it would be airstrikes, but even that would be unlikely. Iran can cause shitloads of trouble in Iraq for the US if they wanted to, far more than their doing at the moment
  17. Zorin Industries

    British Hostage Crisis with Iran

    This happened before, about 3 years ago. Those sailors were released after a couple of weeks unharmed. The same will happen here, its just posturing by Iran, their just seeing how much they can get away with. No-one in the region can afford military action at this time I think, I don't see it becoming anything more serious.
  18. Zorin Industries

    Need some help....

    After years of searching, I finally discovered its called The House On Sorority Row. I'll have to check it out, i'm sure its awful
  19. Zorin Industries

    Need some help....

    Quite a few years ago I was watching some old slasher movie on TV. It was about some old lady who rented out rooms in her house to a bunch of college girls I think. Of course they get picked off one by one by the killer, in the end he turns out to be the old ladys deformed son who lives in the attic of the house. At one point one of the girls is drowned in the swimming pool, or is killed after getting out, something like that. I think the Killer dressed up as a clown, but i'm not too sure about that. I remember at the end, the final girl stabs him and he falls down the steps from the attic, but when she goes to look, the bodys gone. Thats all I can really remember, it was definatly late 70's/early 80's from the quality of the film stock. Not much to go on here, but if anyone can help i'll be very happy, this has been annoying me for years.
  20. Zorin Industries

    Pictures I Like

    Guess I should add a picture while i'm here
  21. Zorin Industries

    Pictures I Like

    I've been getting the McGowan comparison for many a year now
  22. Zorin Industries

    Pictures I Like

    HEY! Oh wait, I see what you mean...
  23. Zorin Industries

    Marvel's Civil War

    I really, really wish they killed Cap at the end of issue 7 and had the anti-reg side go underground and continue the fight in his name. Not only do I think it would have been a better ending, it would have saved us from the moronic Frontline 11.
  24. Zorin Industries

    Marvel's Civil War

    Thats more satisfying than the real ending
  25. Zorin Industries

    British posters of the board

    An Ulsterman and an Irishman