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Zorin Industries

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Everything posted by Zorin Industries

  1. Zorin Industries

    Idi Amin

    I have to say, it's hard to hate a man who dressed like that, and called himself "Big Daddy"
  2. Zorin Industries

    R2DFooster McSockman

    Anybody know who's irish and scottish on this board
  3. Zorin Industries

    R2DFooster McSockman

    Belfast reprazent ya bastards
  4. Zorin Industries

    R2DFooster McSockman

    I'm feeling need for a new clique, the Scots-Irish connection
  5. Zorin Industries

    Idi Amin

    True, very true, but militant Islam just isn't the same as the Soviet Union
  6. Zorin Industries

    Idi Amin

    I've always been interested in dictators,and the polictics of the cold war,and it just seems like the last remenents of it are finally fading away. I'm just wondering what sort of world is coming now, from what i've seen so far I don't like it.
  7. Zorin Industries

    Idi Amin

    I have to say i'm finding this really strange. Saddams gone and now Amins dead, it seems like the world I knew is really starting to change. I'm sure that makes no sense to you guys, but it does to me. P.S: Incase anyone is confused, i'm not sorry Amin is dead, far from it. Didn't want anyone to get the wrong impression.
  8. Zorin Industries

    The Hutton Inquiry

    http://media.guardian.co.uk/mediaguardian/...1020592,00.html Good article here on the reporting of the Hutton Inquiry by the press
  9. Zorin Industries

    The Hutton Inquiry

    http://media.guardian.co.uk/huttoninquiry/...1021074,00.html Looks like this is getting close and close to Blair, if he does survive this (and he problely will) I think the last of his crediablity will be shot.
  10. Zorin Industries

    Has anyone heard about this?

    http://observer.guardian.co.uk/magazine/st...,987172,00.html Must say it seems a little sinister to me
  11. Zorin Industries

    What are you listening to right now?

    David Bowie: Speed of Life
  12. Zorin Industries

    French fear up to 3,000 killed in heatwave

    Vern, if u honestly didn't mean to cause such offence then I can accept that and I apologise for accusing you of such.
  13. Zorin Industries

    Cornette to possible sue Torch and Keller

    Already a post on this
  14. Zorin Industries


    I orignally voted Tuner and Hooch, then i remebered the Burb's, thats a great fucking movie
  15. Zorin Industries

    Shit You Listened to Today

    Debbie Harry 25 years ago
  16. Zorin Industries

    What WWE superstar are you?

    Actually, thats a pretty good description of me
  17. Zorin Industries

    What WWE superstar are you?

    And I did WHAT to deserve this?
  18. Zorin Industries

    French fear up to 3,000 killed in heatwave

    I don't tend to post much in CE anymore, I never find it pleasant even if it is interesting, but seeing the deaths of 3'000 people used as the setup for a xenophbic punchline made my blood boil. Yes, the french disagreed with you over Iraq, GET OVER IT. It's in the past, done, finished. It's not like the U.S is whiter than white in International affairs. I am prepared to let Vern Gane say his piece on this however, I want to hear him say why he thinks this was acceptable. If we have made a mistake and this was not his intention then I will apologise. However if he meant this to be a crude and unfunny joke then he will find no condonment from me.
  19. Zorin Industries

    Shit You Listened to Today

    Just the one so far
  20. Zorin Industries

    Suicide Blast Disrupts Calm

    No,everybody seems to want to treat the Palestinians like a regular fighting force, which it is anything but. Killing Arafat and his ilk simply makes more martyrs for their cause, its not like a regular army where cutting off the head will cause the rest of the body to cease to function. After all it's easy to see what one person with a bomb can do.
  21. Zorin Industries

    French fear up to 3,000 killed in heatwave

    I'm not kidding. Are American people trying to not be as fat? That can go a long way in beating the heat. Hey Vyce and Gange, funny now?
  22. Zorin Industries

    What are you listening to right now?

    Cameo: Candy
  23. Zorin Industries

    Shit You Listened to Today

    I've been in a very electronic mood today
  24. Zorin Industries

    Top 50 Worst Music Artists of All Time

    33. Japan WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!