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Zorin Industries

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Everything posted by Zorin Industries

  1. Zorin Industries

    9/11 report released

    http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/3092141.stm It would be very interesting to see whats in those 30 or so blacked out pages on Saudi Arabia
  2. Zorin Industries


    Here's a thought, what if hush is TWO people? Say it's one of the people on that list, but they have also brought another Bat charcetr back from the dead, hence explaning the Lazarus pit?
  3. Zorin Industries

    A Special "Caption This"

    Jake Roberts drug induced hallucinations continued to get worse and worse
  4. Zorin Industries

    Source for a 'sexed up' report found dead

    http://politics.guardian.co.uk/polls/story...1003342,00.html Looks like this situation is already staring to hit Labour hard
  5. Zorin Industries


    Oh yes, i know, what i meant was, if it could be anyone Alberto dosen't have the best motive. But I could see Falcone blaming Batman for the destruction of his empire and in an indirect way for his death.
  6. Zorin Industries


    Hmm, but I don't see Alberto wanting to take down Batman, yes Batman caught him, but he didn't kill him, Alberto was a shell of himself in Dark Victory, i just don't see it as Alberto.
  7. Zorin Industries

    Source for a 'sexed up' report found dead

    I agree with you completely about Charles Kennedy, I thought that he was going to take a decent stand on the issue, but then damaged himself by backing off. Then again, the tabloids would probably have crucified him for not supporting the troops. Speaking of the tabloids i can see this whole row getting REALLY dirty between the BBC and the tabloids, mostly the Sun. I was surprised that the Mail seemed to take most of it out on Blair, i guess there waiting till later to get the knife stuck into the BBC. Plus, where's Chave? I know he's in the U.K, i'd like to hear his views on this.
  8. Zorin Industries


    I'm starting to think, maybe it IS the Roman. After all there is a connection to Harvey Dent, but who would bring his body to the Lazarus pit, and how would he discover Batmans identity? Spoiler (Highlight to Read): I know he has one son left alive who might be able to get his body to the pit (can't remember the name off hand) and his body was seen incased in ice at the end of Dark Victory, so it would be in a decent state of repair. Possible, but not the most likely.
  9. Zorin Industries

    Source for a 'sexed up' report found dead

    Blair does seem somewhat obbsessed with his legacy I feel, so i'm not sure if he would think it would be a good idea to leave office soon or try and hang on and rebuild his reputation (an impossible task I think). If he does stay on, I could see the rift between Old and New Labour getting a lot worse, which would be awful for the party as a whole. Do you think the Torys could use this to their advantage or do you think the Torys are still too looked down upon?
  10. Zorin Industries

    Source for a 'sexed up' report found dead

    I meant in a general sense, i feel the MoD needs to be more open and cuplable (though I feel this way about all of the government.) Take a look, for example, at the recent furor at the deaths of the soldiers at that military base (I forget the name), the family want answers and the MoD is being very secretive about the whole matter. There has been to many incidents in the past of cover ups and possiable cover-ups and i for one am sick of having to listen to politicans worming there way out of situations like this. I think Campbell's head will roll for this as he has too many enemies, both in and outside the government. Blair however will take a lot of damage from this as well, i don't see him lasting past the next election. Not sure about the BBC, but I think it will be bad for them too, especially with the Murdoch papers trying to do a hatchet job on it.
  11. Zorin Industries


    I would love it to be Carmine Falcone personnelly, although I know it wouldn't really work, and be pretty dumb. But i've always loved the fucking Roman.
  12. Zorin Industries

    Source for a 'sexed up' report found dead

    http://politics.guardian.co.uk/iraq/story/...1002424,00.html This is bad for the BBC as well, if Tony is smart he'll use this sort of thing to his advantage and try to pass the blame on to the BBC. Another intersting piece in the Guardian today about the Ministry of Defence giving out Dr. Kelly's name to the press. I've thought for a long time there needs to be a shake up in the MoD, and this whole situation is just confirming that in my mind.
  13. Zorin Industries

    Source for a 'sexed up' report found dead

    I think Gordon Brown maybe, but he's the only one I can think of. None of the rest of the Labour Cabinet stick out.
  14. Zorin Industries

    Source for a 'sexed up' report found dead

    I think this is it for Blair, the last thing he needed was for anymore bad press and he is well mixed up in this whole situation.
  15. Zorin Industries

    The Long Halloween Comment

    I've read it many times, and to be honest, i DON'T think Gilda is Holiday. I just think the whole experiance has sent her crazy and she has become delusional. I mean, can anyone really picture her being able to get close enough to the victims and then getting away with it after she has pulled the trigger. I mean, you could at least she Alberto having the means to get to his victims, what info does Gilda have to use effectively?
  16. Zorin Industries

    TSM Comic Book Villain Tournament

  17. Zorin Industries


    Light a fatty for this pimp daddy
  18. Zorin Industries

    Backstage Fights

    Bradshaw vs. Duke Droese There was a scene between Bradshaw and Duke the Dumpster Droese, that has gained some fame. Apparently, Droese was making homemade GHB, and slipping it into girls drinks and raping them. The wrestlers backstage had told him how distasteful it was. But someone got word of it, and told Bradshaw to take care of it. So he essentially tied Droese up in the shower, and the stories vary from there. The most widely told version would be that Droese ended up raped in some way shape or form. I am more likely to believe that Bradshaw just made him think he was going to get raped. (thanks to Chris) I've never heard of this before, is it really true? I kind of doubt it.
  19. Zorin Industries

    TSM Comic Book Villain Tournament

    Joker Lex Luthor
  20. Zorin Industries

    Random Topics

    It's Thomas Wayne Just cause no-one else has thought of it
  21. Zorin Industries

    TSM Comic Book Villain Tournament

    (1) Joker (8) Two-Face (1) Lex Luthor (6) Ra's Al Ghul
  22. Zorin Industries

    The person above you thread!

    ^ has lots of pictures of Alan Cummings
  23. Zorin Industries

    Good freakin' Lord...

    Shit, now I have to change my underwear
  24. Zorin Industries

    The One and Only...

    I,m alcohol fueled right now
  25. Zorin Industries

    Good freakin' Lord...

    Don't mess with me brother