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Zorin Industries

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Everything posted by Zorin Industries

  1. Zorin Industries

    What are you listening to right now?

    M: Pop Music
  2. Zorin Industries

    What do you look like...

    I really don't see the Martin Short comparison
  3. Zorin Industries

    The person above you thread!

    ^ is pushing my limits
  4. Zorin Industries

    What do you look like...

    I'll take that as a compliment
  5. Zorin Industries

    The person above you thread!

    ^ has some very nice pictures of Chyna
  6. Zorin Industries

    What do you look like...

    A very, very old picture.
  7. Zorin Industries

    The person above you thread!

    ^ says the one thing everyone says about me
  8. Zorin Industries

    The person above you thread!

    ^ Has the scariest picture of HHH I have ever seen
  9. Zorin Industries

    N Korea threatens to 'destroy world'

    What I want to know is how we got from N. Korea trying to ease tensions about 6 months ago, to this mess?
  10. Zorin Industries

    Shit You Listened to Today

    Right I do what Incadenza said, but every time I try to post it just goes back to the enter your post screen?
  11. Zorin Industries

    Shit You Listened to Today

    How do I actually post a picture, I can't seem to get it to work?
  12. Zorin Industries

    What are you listening to right now?

    Coloursound: Fly With Me (Midnight Mike Mix)
  13. Zorin Industries

    What are you listening to right now?

    Well there me, so theres one person at least.
  14. Zorin Industries

    US: Nukes are no longer a defensive weapon

    I miss the USSR. At least you knew where you stood.
  15. Zorin Industries

    The person above you thread!

    ^ hasen't talked to me in while either
  16. This is exactley it. Although some Jews and Christians haven't evolved.
  17. The problem with Islam is that there is no real central authority like the Pope, so any fundamentalist leader can interprit bits of the Koran as he sees fit, with no one to say he is wrong. We also have to remember that Middle Eastern culture is extremely different from Western culture, as it has always seen itself as under attack from the West (and with good cause sometimes). This has hardend a lot of attitudes. Plus, like the bible, the Koran has probably been altered so much from its original version that it probably bears no resembalence to the original.
  18. Zorin Industries

    Israel Targets More UN Relief Workers

    Let me assure you that if Israel did kill Arafat and his advisors, his replacement would certainley NOT be a well educated Palestinian.
  19. Zorin Industries

    Israel Targets More UN Relief Workers

    Send in the U.N peace keepers already, they had to do it in the Balkans, this isn't much different.
  20. Zorin Industries

    What are you listening to right now?

    Sinema: G4 Man
  21. Zorin Industries

    In Too Deep

    Peter Gabriel, now THERES a musician
  22. Zorin Industries

    What Egyptian God Are You?

  23. Zorin Industries

    The person above you thread!

    ^ is the undisputed master of comic books, and always writes really good posts on the subject.
  24. Zorin Industries

    Good God, Vince...

    He reminds me of myself an awful lot so I do have sympathy for him.
  25. Zorin Industries

    The person above you thread!

    ^ is forgiven