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Everything posted by JasonX

  1. JasonX

    Veronica Mars Season Two

    IIRC Meg got dumped by Duncan, who only dated her because he was tricked into thinking he and Veronica were half-siblings and that his relationship with Veronica was pure going to hell incest. Logan meanwhile turned into a huge ass elitist jerk who helped burnt down the local free swimming pool to get revenge against the poor people in town after he was crucified by the press for killing a poor kid (though they've left the door open that Logan might have been framed for the murder). So Duncan and Veronica get together and Meg goes batshit angry at Veronica for what she feels is a huge ass betrayal of trust. Which ends up making things even worse for her when Veronica clears her of being a dope addict and she still acts like a bitch to her and her dying before the two could work things out (though her last act of spite ends up SAVING Veronica's life though, in a final twist of irony)...
  2. JasonX

    Get ready for your FOURTH Slice of Pie

    To be fair, there is enough material for two more American Pie sequels: American Funeral: One of the Pie characters die and wackiness happens at the funeral, culminating in Jim and Michelle seperating and Michelle hooking up with Stifler American Divorce: Jim and Stifler fight over Michelle as Jim begs and ultimately succeeds in getting Michelle to not go through with the divorce.
  3. JasonX

    NIP TUCK Season 3 Episode 2

    To be fair, the show's always worn it's gayness on it's sleaves. The show's creator is openly gay and has stated in numerous interviews that he sees the Sean and Christian friendship as being a metaphor for a gay relationship between two committed gay soulmates. As for the shockingness of this week's episode, just wait a couple of weeks until the much anticipated "The Origin of Christian" episode airs, as Christian finally learns the identity of his birth parents and the soul-crushing hell that follows as a result.
  4. JasonX

    The Complete Calvin & Hobbes

    FYI for the anal retentive C&H fans, "The Complete Calvin and Hobbes" is not fucking complete! Cut and pasted from http://www.newsfromme.com/archives/2005_09_22.html#010350
  5. JasonX

    Will Matt lose his heat by going to Smackdown?

    Another set of alternatives: Edge wins via cheating but Vince, feeling vindictive, decides to send Lita over to Smackdown with Matt just to fuck Edge over Matt wins and Edge tries to cripple Matt, causing Lita to turn against Edge and save Matt. Matt and Lita reconcile and leave for Smackdown, with Edge victorious but with his heat killed off for good due to him not only losing the girl but having Lita beat the shit out of him after the match.
  6. JasonX

    G4 Tech TV

    Recently got hooked on "X-Play", the G4 Review show; I've never ever seen/watched G4/Tech TV before as it was never part of my local TV package until I upgraded to digital cable. Can someone recommend me any other shows on G4?
  7. JasonX

    The Complete Calvin & Hobbes

    It lasted a long time because it lasted a long time? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Blondie has lasted 75 years for a variety of reasons: It's first four years was a massive storyline of love between Blondie and Dagwood, with the plot of Dagwood's rich parents hating Blondie because she didn't come from a wealthy family and ultimately disowning Dagwood when he picked Blondie over his wealthy parents and their money. After they married they had the proverbial storybook marriage complete with the births of their two kids and the overall theme of love triumpthing over all of the financial hardships the two (especially Dagwood) faced trying to start a family in the middle of the Depression. They were the underdog and that drove the series and led the strip to be so popular, that it spawn over a dozen movies from the late 1930s through 1950. I would agree that the middle of the 20th Century was hard for the strip but they bounced back with the kids growing up and having teen problems while at the same time giving Dagwood friends and enemies to give him people to interact with. Granted over the years the early years of the strip (mainly the fact that Dagwood is a disowned rich kid) have been ignored as they've brought the strip into the modern age. This was most notable in the early/mid 1990s when they SORAS the son into an actual teenager and them giving Blondie a storyline in terms of her starting her own business, which gave the strip new storyline outlets for stories besides the more timeless ones like Dagwood's carpool problems and his workplace relationship with his boss.
  8. JasonX

    Infinite Crisis #1

    Super-Villains Dogpiling on the DCU heroes in the form of the OMACs (who after this week's JLA may end up under Despero's control, since it's hinted that Despero may be responsible for Max turning evil) and the SSOSV with Spectre looming on the sidelines and an unknown double threat of whatever Donna Troy is building an army to fight (an army that includes GL/pariah Hal Jordan) and whoever Mockingbird is waiting in the wings along with possibly Brainiac if they can fit him into the plot. The story is about the heroes dealing with this threat, in a horrorifically pathetic fashion because the Big Three are pissed off at each other.
  9. JasonX

    The War At Home...

    The Steve Rhodes era MWC would do quite well today, what with the fact that there is a much bigger economic gap these days between the lower-middle class and the upper class as well as the fact that actors like Katey Sagal and Ed O'Neil with their (in the early days at least) low-key performances would get good reviews given how that would be different than most over-the-top sitcom stars these days. Alas though, there would be no way in hell that fine actors like Amanda Bearse and David Garrison would get the roles of Marcy and Steve since nowadays most yuppie types are in the early to mid 20s and uber-image conscious to the point of looking like mindless models from an Abercrombie and Fitch porno magazine "catalogue". Their roles would be cast with prettyboy model types and have crappy acting skills and fail to capture the dynamics that O'Neil/Sagal/Garrison/Bearse had that made the show work....
  10. JasonX

    New FX Comedies-Starved and Philly

    To be fair, their first post-Shield original comedy "Lucky" was a critical darling (and IIRC won an Emmy) but was pretty crappy humorwise and was promptly cancelled after one season. That said, I've always felt that if they REALLY wanted to push the boundaries with original comedies, that they should have made Family Guy and Arrested Development FX exclusive shows. Both would thrive better on FX than on regular Fox, especially a show like Arrested Development which is more of a critical hit than a commercial hit....
  11. JasonX

    Family Guy Switched

    Smith has always been a huge ass hypocritic who talks shit about everyone in earshot, especially though who criticize his work, so that his fanboys will hate his critics and not bother to realize how shitty Kevin Smith is creatively..... I wouldn't be suprised if Kevin Smith included that bit in the Clerks cartoon just to pick a fight with Seth and sit back while Smith's horde of idiot fanboys tear Seth to shreds the moment Seth fires a volley back at Kevin and how Kevin's shit stinks no matter how many fanboys he has telling him it smells like roses. Which is probably why Seth hasn't retaliated against Smith, since he knows that ignoring the little shit is the best way to fuck him over.
  12. JasonX

    Family Guy Switched

    I think Parker and Stone are just pissed as fuck that MacFarlane gets away with the shit he gets away with and on prime time network TV no less while they are stuck on late night cable and Comedy Central still has their hands wrapped around Parker and Stone's throats when it comes to Parker pushing shit that crosses the line between funny and just plain vile and undefendable (IE Butters and his abusive parents, which led to CC permenantly banning one episode of South Park from ever being aired on TV again).
  13. JasonX

    Family Guy Switched

    Sort of.... The Season three set will contain the third season AND the TV edit version of the three-part direct to DVD Family Guy movie (which were the final three episodes of the 13 episode third season and have yet to air on TV yet). Fox has said that the set's SRP will be $40, which means that it will probably cost $25-$30 when it hits retail.....
  14. JasonX

    q: how great is fleetwood mac's RUMORS album

    No, Rumors is an album you listen to when you are depressed and have the lights off and you need to listen to people who have even more fucked up lifes than you have. "Go Your Own Way" has to be one of the perfect "fuck you" songs of the 1970s.
  15. JasonX

    New FX Comedies-Starved and Philly

    "It's Always Sunny in Philadelhpia" is pretty decent though "Starved" is pretty crappy despite having a better premise.
  16. JasonX

    Family Guy Switched

    Sort of.... When Fox brought Family Guy back, they only bought first run network rights for 13 episodes (Cartoon Network bought the first run cable rights to all 35 new episodes but can't show any episodes Fox buys the rights to for about a month). When the new episodes did great in the ratings, they quickly exercised their clause to buy the first run network rights for the remaining 22 episodes. So technically it's still two seasons.
  17. JasonX

    The Complete Calvin & Hobbes

    It'll never happen; the product is being made solely for those people who can afford a $100 hardcover product. If it's any consolation, the C&H book will probably not be a cheaply made piece of crap like the Farside HC was, since I know a shitload of people complained about how pages fell out due to crappy binding of the books....
  18. JasonX

    Millar and Hitch's "Ultimates" Replacement...

    Moore's Superman is fucking overrated. Byrne, for all of his sins, did the right thing about Superman and having read some of Moore's Supreme (AKA his Superman fanfiction Moore convinced Rob Liefeld to publish) he would have kept the same old bullshit that ruined Superman going. As for Millar, he's publically said that he wants to make Superman outright be Jesus and God knows that given Millar did with Authority regarding religion plus the Authority version of Superman, he'd make Superman a walking punching bag complete with Batman shooting Superman in the eye with a Kryptonite bullet so he could stick his dick into Supes bleeding eye socket and skullfuck him for shits and giggles.
  19. JasonX

    Millar and Hitch's "Ultimates" Replacement...

    Don't ask me; it's a common sickness though that has contaminated a shitload of writters though, most notably Mark Waid.
  20. JasonX

    Millar and Hitch's "Ultimates" Replacement...

    He's not on drugs so much as he's an egomaniac who thinks he can do whatever he wants, damn the people who have to buy the fucking book, and has a martyr complex that says he can't have anyone tell him "no" without having his creativity repressed...
  21. JasonX

    Millar and Hitch's "Ultimates" Replacement...

    Won't happen; DC doesn't want Millar since Millar won't come back unless he has total and complete control over the Superman franchise, which won't happen since Millar has stated that if he ever HAD control over the Superman franchise that he would erase the last twenty years from canon and plunge the franchise back into the shit era of the 1960s Superman.....
  22. JasonX

    Millar and Hitch's "Ultimates" Replacement...

    Drew Uncanny X-Men on and off from 1994-1998 and became uber famous for his manga-inspired artwork. Then he pissed away his fame and credibility away by going to Wildstorm and publishing Battlechasers, which came out once a year as Joe Mad proudly proclaimed that playing his Playstation and drawing anime characters for assorted magazines was more important than comics.
  23. JasonX

    Which Marvel comics do you read?

    No. If any other book in the MU ever became as violent or dirty as today's Punisher book, then those would be the folks we could accuse of being "desperate" for attention and sales. The Punisher is fighting in a fucked up world. We're going to see some fucked up shit. Hell, we already have, as a country, over the past 5 years. Garth Ennis just did what every writer who, gave a damn about the Punisher, wanted to do but never could. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I don't see it that way; if anything the "mature audience/grim and violent"-ness of the Punisher series these last five years is a rather calculated and ultra-cynical sales ploy to get people to buy a book (Punisher) that most people consider stopped being relevent in 1994 (when the massive to the point of parody over-exposure of the character killed all interest in the Punisher) and that most people wouldn't touch with a six foot poll due to the contriveness of the character and the plots Punisher is associated with. Fuck, there is a reason they got the creative team of fucking Preacher on the book. They basically turned Punisher into a mature audience violence-arama to get people to buy the book just to see what new murder techniques Garth Ennis will come up with. Hell, I'd argue that the success of Punisher mature audience is singularly based on Garth Ennis's pressence as writer. Not the character so much as people being fans of Garth and his ultra-violent writing style......
  24. JasonX

    24 Season 5 update...

    Preferably if she uses it against Jack the next time he uses his serial killer voice to get Chloe to break the rules just for him.
  25. JasonX

    Cruel Intentions is on...

    If I know Disney, they just aired the fucking TV edit that every other fucking channel shows whenever they air Cruel Intentions. Meaning they bleeped the foul language and added the scene where Selma Blair's character's mom buys Katherine a dress as a reward for telling her that her daughter was lusting after a black man and that everything else is uncut.