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Everything posted by JasonX
ABC Family has jackshit to do with family friendly programming. It's a ghetto for Disney to show old sitcoms, cartoons, and movies and make a cheap buck as a result.
That would be the logical thing, especially if they connect him and Audrey together as the big bad, out to kill Jack dead for the way he let Audrey's husband die like he did. That said, nice to see Chloe back and hopefully they'll give her a bigger role this season. Given how utterly over the top the show has gotten, they need someone like Chloe to regularly point out the absurdity of the situation and give the normal person POV.
Now this is the $64,000 question. How do they cast Master Chief? And do they dare give Master Chief a face behind the featurleless faceplace of his? Casual fans will be pissed as fuck if they don't give Master Chief a face, or at the very least cast a famous person as the voice actor for Master Chief so as to offset the fact that the lead hero's face is hidden behind a featureless metal faceplate for the entire film......
Sort of coming; MTV/Viacom recently finalized a deal with Mike Judge to release the show on DVD with the first of three 3-disc sets coming out at the end of the year. The first volume is supposed to contain 40 hand-picked Beavis and Butthead shorts from the first couple of seasons (mainly the ones Viacom previously refused to release on DVD due to content) uncut and uncensored with about 5-10 selected (IE whatever videos Viacom can get the rights to on the cheap) music videos from the show added to the series as extras. Won't happen, since a lot of the shorts aren't owned by MTV/Viacom. Best bet would be to just hunt down the uber-rare "Best of Liquid Television" DVD which has a lot of the more famous shorts on it. Again, stuck in legel rights hell. Ironically, MTV's been trying to get The Maxx released on DVD for the last five years but haven't ever been able to come to agreement with Sam Keith over liscencing issues. The shorts are available on the OOP and ultra-rare Aeon Flux DVD MTV released back in 1999 along with the first couple of episodes. However, with a live action Aeon Flux coming to theaters soon, it's been rumored that Viacom is planning a uber-deluxe DVD set collecting the entire series and the shorts together on DVD.
Will be seeing it in a couple of weeks; Carrell is a no-talent hack who was carried by the vastly more talented John Stewart and Stephen Colbert during his time on the Daily Show. And Paul Rudd has only done one film (The The Shape of Things) that is actually watchable, so the less said the better.... But the film's got Seth Rogen in it and thanks to "Undeclared", I'm pretty much a huge mark for him since he's the only Judd Apatow Pre-Ferrell/Vaughn/Stiller/Wilson Brothers Smug Fratboy Axis of Evil period regular who I find funny.
Superman #166 was okay with me. I liked Alan Moore's take on Krypton life in the issue where Supes and Mongul duked it out since it made them seem a little more human. You couldn't do that with Byrne's version of what Kryptonian life was like so the storyline possibilities were less varied. Byrne really pushed the "he's from an alien world" angle with the Man of Steel revamp but I did not mind the change with #166. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Actually Superman #166 and it's follow-up arc "Return To Krypton" were so widely reviled that DC actually had the balls to make Jeph Loeb and Joe Kelly do a second "Return To Krypton" arc to purge Superman #166's retcon from canon, by revealing that it was a "Fuck-You" Pocket Universe Krypton designed by Brainiac 13 in the style of Buck Rogers to mess with Superman's head and ended with Superman and Lois Lane (dressed up like Pre-Crisis Nightwing and Flamebird, Batman and Superman's Kandor-themed identities) saving Pocket Krypton from exploding and taking Pocket-Krypton Jor-El's pet dog Krypto with him when Jor-El announced that his wife was pregnant. God the Kelly/Loeb Superman era was fucked up. Makes you wonder how Joe Casey, the only Superman writer at the time who DIDN'T want to raise the Pre-Crisis Superman universe from the shitter, lasted as long as he did without strangling someone. Let alone why DC still refuses to collect the Casey Superman run, what with the fact that it was the only Superman book of the period that people liked.....
More like scraping the bottom of the barrell"...
To be fair Sass, the Post-Crisis Luthor was portrayed as an egotist who would rather make Superman piss his pants FEARING he would destroy his loved ones than actually doing it; the fact that Lex tortured Lana Lang to the brink of death for shits and giggles showed that he could do it if he wanted to. Also, with the exception of Jimmy Olsen, Luthor already hated Superman's supporting cast and had his own revenge schemes in the work for reasons other than them being Superman's friends. He fucked Perry White's wife and was the father of the White family's only child. He outright ruined Lois's life just before Zero Hour and had her blacklisted when she found out Luthor framed an innocent man for a murder he didn't committ. Hell, he even blackmailed Metropolis's top cop Maggie Sawyer for being gay just because he could. One irony of all of this is that DC actually HAD Lex finally figure out Superman's ID when Smallville debuted. Of course he was later mindwiped by Joe Kelly pet character Manchester Black, but Jeph Loeb actually explained why Lex wouldn't do anything which was that even though Lex hates Superman and Lois Lane, Lex had a sudden epithany after realizing Superman's secret ID where he realized how easy it would be to destroy Superman now that he knew and decided to keep quiet that he knew so that he could use it as an insurance policy against Superman if and when the shithammer came down on him.....
Blossom was a generic show that only lasted as long as it did for two reasons: the idiot Joey Lawrence and the fact that NBC gave it a plum scheduling slot by way of putting it on after "Fresh Prince of Belle Aire", to such an extent that the ratings bottomed out like hell when they moved it to NBC's Saturday night line-up and was quickly moved back to leech off of Will Smith's proverbial heat. That said, expect the show to over-inflate the show's importance in the grand scheme of things and portray Joey Lawrence as a Travolta level teen idol, instead of the untalented hack and pathetic joke he really was....
I don't think that's going to happen; I believe that DC is quite happy with their direction right now and will be for years to come. Even after this event ends there will likely be tons of ideas to spin from it. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Not really, the Silver Age jack-off society HATED Smallville because it wasn't the shit Silver Age Superboy and had a Lex Luthor who was both likable and not a one-dimensional little shit who deserved to be kicked around simply because he didn't like how asshole Silver Age Superboy rendered him bald with his jack assery. Hell, Mark Waid had to be FORCED to include the Smallville elements in "Birthright" on threat of DC refusing to publish the mini-series.
The Giffen JLA run: Justice Leage 1-6 Justice League International 7-26 Justice League America 27-60 JL Annual 1 JLI Annual 2 JLA Annual 3-5 Justice League Europe 1-36 Justice League Europe Annual 1-2 There is also a JLA Quarterly book, IIRC Giffen wrote the first three issues of the series, which expands on storylines from the last two years of the Giffen run, most notably the origins JLA big bad The Extremists (evil villain group who are based upon Magneto, Dorammu, Sabretooth, Dr. Octopus, and Dr. Doom) and the Conglomerate (corporate JLA wannabes who Booster Gold joins after being expelled from the team after the imfamous hillarious "Booster and Beetle Buy an Island" storyline)...
Speedball's already been made into an interesting character by Fabian N. It's the pathetic psuedo-elitist "Every super-hero must be angry, violent, brooding angst filled, and obsessed with raping men and women in the ass" fans who have the problem with Speedball.
Will be a failure of such magnitude that it will further cause Jim Lee to be known as the little shit sell-out who only lives to suck the Dildo and Levitz's cocks and ask if he can offer his asshole up to Levitz and the Dildo so they can assfuck him.... Killing the critically acclaimed Wildcats V3.0 (not to mention forcing Casey to spend the final six issues on Zealot, the most hated member of the Wildcats team) and replacing it with this will knife this relaunch in the brains and kill it deader than dead. The only fucking way I can see this working is if they purposely go out of their way to sidestep V3.0 (which means you'll never fucking see Spartan or Grifter or anything REMOTELY connected to Halo ever again in the new book, to the point that they are outright never mentioned at all) and use the limboed characters (Maul, Voodoo, and Warblade) as the core of the new team with new characters replacing the dead and "can't be used whatsoever" characters.
Essentially it boils down to two elements: 1. Grant wanted Robin in the story, to counterbalance all of the insanity. 2. Grant also wanted Joker to be out and out gay for Batman in the story.
Also, there is a Savage Dragon Xover in that period of issues which was reprinted in one of the Savage Dragon TPBs. Another reason is that there are basically only three good issues in that run that are worth collecting (James Robinson's "Ben Santini Vs Wildcats" arc), which isn't enough page-countwise to justify a TPB.
Morrison's Batman will probably be just like his Batman in JLA/JLA Classified, a Godlike hero who's ultra snarky (see Morrison's "Closet" gag, where he stated that Batman has various themed closets filled with weapons for every conceivable crisis he could face) to everyone around him. The real question though is how Morrison deals with Batman as Bruce Wayne; the runaway success of the Englehart "Dark Detective" mini shows that there is an audience for exploring the Bruce Wayne aspect of Batman and Morrison's never actually addressed that one element of Batman's personality (Arkham Assylum doesn't count since Morrison has disowned that particular story due to his original script being rewritten due to his artist on the graphic novel being a dick). Logically, DC should give Englehart "Batman" to write to appeal to the old school Batman fans and let Morrison write "Jerk-Ass God" Batman in Detective Comics. That way you get the best of both worlds really.
Yeah, Grant is helping Geoff with the build-up/aftermath of Infinite Crisis, stating that his current Seven Soldiers project is supposed to play a major role with regards to Infinite Crisis and it's aftermath not to mention the fact that DC is giving Grant the keys to the Batman books by way of him getting the Detective Comics sometime next year once the whole storyline plays out.....
Besides the "Grant Morrison/Geoff Johns alliance at DC" factor, Animal Man had a lengthy storyline in his book during the Morrison run where he dealt with the aftermath of Crisis which resulted in Psycho Pirate putting all of his memories of the Pre-Crisis DCU in his Medusa Mask and fading out of existence, with the mask being bonded to the face of Animal Man's best friend (Psycho Pirate, the medusa mask, and his memories were reunited after Zero Hour, when Zero Hour brought him back into the timeline).
No, Power Girl's gimmick, at least back in the late 1980s/early 1990s when she was at her peak in terms of pressence in the DCU and written by Keith Giffen and Gerald Jones, was that she was a huge cunt of a feminazi who everyone hated because she always would be bitching out someone over the way her teammates treated her pet cat or ranting and raving about some sort of injustice being conspired against her, most notably her infamous war with soft drink manufacturers in JLE.... In short, she's supposed to be written like Guy Gardner not a brainless big boobed bimbo....
Same here. Perez is one of my favorite comic artists. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You guys can relax regarding who's doing the IC covers; it's been confirmed that DC is pulling a Dreamwave and releasing the entire IC mini-series with two covers for each issue: one by Perez and one by Lee with both shipping out equally.
Makes me wonder if those rumors that IC was going to revolve around one hero attempting to fuck over the rest of the DCU to restore the pre-crisis DCU is true if that indeed is a cover for the second issue.
Only three Giffen JLA TPBs exists; one of which is long out of print. Justice League: A New Beginning- Reprints Justice League #1-6 and Justice League International #7, which is the first seven issues of the Giffen JLA. The book ends with numerous storyline up in the air, most notably the truth about Maxwell Lord's past and his super-computer helper that's controlling Max's actions during these issues Justice League: The Gospel of Maxwell Lord- Second Giffen TPB, currently out of print and impossible to find even on Ebay. Reprints Justice League International #8-14 which resolves the whole Max Lord origin mess, has the old Big Guns JLA return for the Millennium X-Over, and ends on a cliffhanger as the JLA fight the Suicide Squad. Formerly Known As the Justice League- Collects the Giffen JLA revival mini-series. Good though some of the gags won't make sense unless you've read the Giffen run (especially JLI #15-22). Also the story lacks Guy Gardner, who Giffen was forbidden from using in the mini-series and has a horribly written, totally out of character Mary Marvel in the series as a replacement for Captain Marvel, who like Guy Giffen was forbidden from using. A fourth TPB, collecting the aborted mini-series turned JLA Classified arc "I Can't Believe It's Not a Justice League" should be out next year. ICBINAJL has Guy Gardner in it, Mary Marvel actually acts like she normally does, and there is a wonderful running gag where Sue Dibney denies being pregnant to everyone in earshot, but the book falls apart when Giffen fails to follow through on resurrecting Ice (another Giffen era favorite who was killed off right before Zero Hour).
I take it you've never seen Time Force? Even though it was toned down from the Japanese version, Time Force is pretty much the darkest and most fucked up Power Rangers series of the franchise. A series about the horrors of a future of genetically altered humans persecuting anyone who isn't beautiful, major characters being horribly injured, betrayal (one of the Rangers betrays the other rangers so that an innocent bystander will die so as to ensure their future doesn't get nullified), the notion that no matter what you do to change the future it's essentially impossible to change the future and escape one's destiny, and the running theme that people in the future will not only continue to be prejudice/racist against others who are different but will accuse anyone who says that racism/prejudice still exists is a thought criminal out to undermine society by bringing up the fact that racism/prejudice still exists in the future....
Yeah, Toon Disney has a good block of super-hero programs; I just wish they'd show some decent Power Rangers stuff (IE Time Force, Lightspeed Rescue, SPD) instead of a countless rerun cycle of random season one/Turbo/Dino Thunder Power Rangers episodes. Hellfire, if Cartoon Network can show Family Guy and Futurama nonstop there is no excuse for Toon Disney to not do the same with Lightspeed Rescue and Time Force (and when it finishes, SPD), since both shows are the closest Power Rangers have ever gotten to successfully reaching the level of adult drama of say Buffy, Angel, Smallville, and such. Especially Lightspeed Rescue, which is has all of the great things about Buffy/Angel but without any of Whedon and company's fuck ups....
No one has more balls than Batman. No one. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Fuck that; Batman is full of shit and totally worthless. He refuses to kill Joker even though he knows that Joker will continue to kill and never pay for his crimes, let his limo driver/lover/confidant rot in jail for months for a crime she didn't commit, and didn't give a fuck that a rape-happy Dr. Light would try and re-rape Sue Dibney let alone tell all of his fellow villains how he raped a super-hero's wife.