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Everything posted by JasonX

  1. JasonX

    National Lampoon rips on Futurama

    Saw it and laughed. Given how the people in charge of Adult Swim, in the past year and a half, have become total dicks with their heads up their asses and such blatant asshole pouser asshat coming from the people via their bumper segments, let alone the whole "NEW NEW NEW!!! ONLY ANIME WORTH SHOWING IS NEW ANIME THAT'S ONLY TWO YEARS OLD AT THE OLDEST!" as well as the shit nature of the new shows (only Robot Chicken is funny) let alone cancelling Sealab, the over-exposure of Aqua Teen, and the overall throwing of a huge ass tantrum about bringing reruns of Space Ghost back, and their general bitching at fans for not watching the shit action-themed anime that they air (Note to Adult Swim, if no one's watching the shit shows only you AS producers like, why the fuck not use your fucking money to buy the rights to shows people fucking want to fucking see you little shits??????) they deserve to be fucking mocked, even if it's by National Lampoon of all people. Hell, I can't wait to see how Adult Swim fucks up Neon Genesis Evangelion come October. I bet we can expect them bitching about having to fucking show GOOD anime and cancelling it after about four/five episodes under the guise of it not getting "good" ratings, while keeping shit like the shit anime on Saturday nights going strong simply becasue the shitheads in charge of Adult Swim are the only ones liking the shows because they are all shiney and new....
  2. JasonX

    Cover for Infinite Crisis #1

    Wolverine and Spidey are on the same team because Bendis is a creatively bankrupt person who keeps sticking Logan and Peter in all of his books for no damn reason except because they are the only characters outside Daredevil and his Mary Sue characters that he'll write in any comic he writes. Bendis's DD is shit and the worst DD stories ever written, even worse than the crap stories of the late 60s when DD told everyone he had a blind twin brother who DD pretended to be so he could go around acting like Quagmire from Family Guy with the women.... Also an interesting note: SBCB's "All the Rage" rumor column has some interesting notes about Countdown to Infinite Crisis/OMAC. Apparently Max Lord wasn't DC's first pick for the big bad/Blue Beetle's killer. Originally it was a toss-up between: Nemesis (the much beloved Suicide Squad version) Mr. Jupiter (father of Teen Titan member Lilith and one-time sugar daddy of the original Teen Titans) King Faraday (ultra-generic 1950s spy character who's claim to fame in the post-crisis DCU is that he went on missions for the US Government that ended up used to make Captain Atom appear to be a hero who's been around longer than he really was) Out of the three, Jupiter would have made the perfect pick since he'd be out for blood for his daughter's death (and validate DiDio's claims that "Graduation Day" is the catalyst for everything that's happened) and would appeal to fanboys who've felt that Jupiter was up to no good with his dealings with the Titans. Nemesis would have worked too given the fans of the character. But Faraday would have been a complete and total flop.
  3. JasonX

    Cover for Infinite Crisis #1

    Again this is just rumor, but the current rumor going down is that Bendis is demanding a MASSIVE across the board and fuck any writer who gets fucked over because of my ego-driven needs status quo change regarding House of M and the warping of reality it's caused. These rumors range from stating that everyone who's raised from the dead for HOM remain alive after the mini-series to Bendis wanting to end the story with yet ANOTHER reality altering event that . And then of course there is the even more controversial rumor going around that says .
  4. JasonX

    Simpsons Season 6 DVD Set Complaint

    The current rumor is that season seven will either be released at the very end of the year (last week of December) or be held over for release sometime in the first half of 2006. Most likely I would assume that they'll out and out wait, so they can release seasons 7 and 8 in 2006...
  5. JasonX

    Cover for Infinite Crisis #1

    Given the shit nature of House of Bendis Masturbating While Typing and Bendis the shithead skullcunt, you expect any less? At least DC is TRYING to make it all rational unlike shithead skullcunt.
  6. JasonX

    Cover for Infinite Crisis #1

    As for the fate of Blue Beetle/rumored new Blue Beetle series, remember this: Keith Giffen has a project coming from DC after IC. I would not be suprised at all if Ted Kord is raised from the dead at the end of IC and that the new Blue Beetle series will be written by Giffen and feature Ted, Booster, Fire, and the remaining Giffen JLAers running around the DCU.
  7. JasonX

    Cover for Infinite Crisis #1

    Again reread the "Titans of the Future" storyline, which had Robin be hit over the head with 60 lb anvils that if he quits being Robin, that he'll turn into an unredeemable murderous "hero" who'll be a total and utter blaspheme of everything he once stood for especially since it's been established that Tim will become the leader/idol of the next generation of heroes after IC. So Tim Drake, out of fear for God at the future he's seen, can never become anything else but Robin. EVER, least he lead the future generation of heroes down the road to evil and murder. As for DC, they'll never EVER FUCKING EVER pull Tim Drake out of the Robin suit. Tim's the most commercially successful Robin of all time due to his solo series (which is routinely the best selling Batbook around) and DC will NEVER EVER FUCKING EVER move him out of the spot. Besides, turning him into Blue Beetle would ruin the character. Bullshit shit storylines ike making Tim be the next Blue Beetle is the reason Chuck Dixon isn't allowed to write Robin anymore. Better to just raise Ted from the dead and be done with it.
  8. JasonX

    Cover for Infinite Crisis #1

    <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Gordon isn't commissioner anymore; he hasn't had any sort of major role in the Batbooks since the IIRC "Officer Down" storyline about four years ago.....
  9. JasonX

    Cover for Infinite Crisis #1

    Won't fucking happen in a million fucking years; you have a better chance at Booster Gold taking over the Blue Beetle ID or the wizard Shazam outright resurrecting Ted than you do Tim, especially since Robin's entire arc heading into IC has been that he HAS NO FUCKING CHOICE WHATSOEVER except to stay Robin if he wants to keep the nightmare future he saw a year ago in the pages of Teen Titans from happening....
  10. JasonX

    Cover for Infinite Crisis #1

    Uh hello? Batman's entire existence these last 12 years has been ripping off the worst aspects of Marvel marketing and applying it to Batman; stories with no ending, non-stop crossovers, and making Batman such an unlikable and evil little shit that deserved being beaten into a coma by Superman.
  11. JasonX

    Cover for Infinite Crisis #1

    Tough shit. Given that the Batbooks are getting a massive overhaul with IC, most notable change being Legend of the Dark Knight being cancelled and replaced with a new Batbook Batman Confidential and Grant Morrison writing Detective Comics with the Kubert brothers on art, it's most likely going to happen especially when you take into account Morrison being the writer of Arkham Asylum. And besides, with said scenerio we'll FINALLY get a competantly written Dick Grayson out of the deal and a fun couple of months of .
  12. JasonX

    Cover for Infinite Crisis #1

    Some more Infinite Crisis spoilers:
  13. JasonX

    Chappelle's Show = finished

    YOU STUPID BASTARD WHY DON'T YOU MAKE ANY MONEY! WHY DO I HAVE TO DO ALL THE WORK WHY WONT YOU GIVE ME ANY HELP? YOU MUTHAFUKAAAA! I HATE THIS SHIT! Mencia is one of the worst shows on TV to appear in some time. I just hope Adam Corolla's show is better and that Stella doesn't get canned as quickly as Distraction did. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Corolla will probably get a full year minimum since he's one of the network's pet comedians; as for Stella, I wouldn't be suprised if the show undergoes massive retooling into a more standardized sketch comedy show as a condition for it coming back for another season.
  14. JasonX

    Cover for Infinite Crisis #1

    Not really, what with the fact that WW is the only one of the Big 3 who's allowed to kill without prejudice and the fact that with recent interviews noting that DC is killing off/perverting members of the Giffen JLA PRECISELY because people love them, it makes me wonder if when they decided to turn Max evil and having him kill Beetle, that it also decided to kill him off so they can have Keith Giffen denounce Countdown/OMAC/Checkmate Max as a malfunctioning robot the next time the Giffen League unites when the whole storyline is done and reader screams for the light-heartedness of the Giffen League overwhelm them after a two plus years of ultra-darkness.
  15. JasonX

    Simpsons Season 6 DVD Set Complaint

    A Marge one couldn't even fit on most shelves. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> The Simpson Family members (Homer, Bart, Lisa, Marge, Maggie) are the only ones getting head shaped packaging.
  16. JasonX

    Cover for Infinite Crisis #1

    Wonder Woman #219, out this week is being pimped like hell since apparently a major major plot twist that sets up the main Superman/Batman/Wonder Woman plot in Infinite Crisis: To save Superman from being used as a killing machine by Max Lord, Wonder Woman is forced to kill Max in cold blood. Which in turn is going to create MASSIVE tension between Supes and Bats and WW, what with Bats and Supes being co-presidents of the "Murder is never allowed" club.
  17. JasonX

    Chappelle's Show = finished

    BTW the full article (which I'll try and transcribe/find in full online and post in this thread later this evening) says this about the material for season three that has already been film: Basically five episodes worth of material has been filmed BUT the intro segments with Chappelle and the audience haven't been filmed yet As for skits: The Magic Fairy Sketch- Magic fairys/pixies from every race who embodie all of the worse stereotypes of each race try and get people of their respective races to act like racist stereotypes. A Tupac sketch mocking the post death album releases by having one post-death song mentions specific people at a club Chappelle is at A Pro-Howard Dean sketch involving his imfamous scream and how the media treated him unfairly because of it
  18. JasonX

    Chappelle's Show = finished

    Actually religion/Dave converting to Islam/anger at how his "I'm Rick James Bitch" catchphrase caught on is just rumor mongering in terms of the reason why he went AWOL; it was revealed (in the FULL Time Magazine interview, not the segment that's been reprinted ad nausea since it came out) that the real straw that broke the camel's back was Chappelle got uber freaked out one day during filming when a particular sketch, where Dave was in blackface and minstral garb and calling himself the "N-Word Fairy", got TOO much laughter from white audience members, as it caused Dave to have a bit of crisis of conscience towards the direction of the show with Dave suddenly fearing that rather than poking fun at racism/racial prejudices, he was literally becoming a racist stereotype with comedic material that promoted negative stereotypes about black people....
  19. JasonX

    Let's discuss Late Night Talk Shows

    Yes and no; it was rumored in 2004 that Stewart was going to leave the show when his contract expired but he quickly signed a new contract. During that time, no word was given about Stewart getting Kilborn's show at all as he wasn't ever in the running/up for the show since Viacom felt Stewart was more fucking valuable to them on the high ratings getting, critically and culturally acclaimed TDS than doing a shitty late night talk show.
  20. JasonX

    Let's discuss Late Night Talk Shows

    Regarding Kilborn going back to The Daily Show; won't happen for numerous reasons most notably being that John Stewart HATED the Kilborn era TDS and culled the show of all of the Kilborn era people behind the scenes (who saw the show as a tool to just make fun of celebrities) and replaced them with people who gave a damn about real news as opposed to making 22 minutes worth of celebrity scandal jokes. And given how much positive press Stewart and his people got with their direction, you'd think they'd let fratboy Kilborn come in and fuck things up?
  21. I have to slightly agree with that. Austin never recovered heatwise after his late 99 to fall '00 hiatus and was clearly using cheap heat (the imfamous "What?" chant) to keep his heat going when he came back. SO in truth he only had 2 years top draw as a top draw (1997-1999).
  22. JasonX

    Chappelle's Show = finished

    Chappelle asked for them not to be aired. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That's nuts. You'd think, given what's happened that he'd let them be aired on TV if only as a sign of faith that he's going to come back or at the very least as a gesture of good will to his fans who've been waiting for over a year for the new season to start....
  23. JasonX

    Chappelle's Show = finished

    According to the TV Guide piece, it seems like CC is going to release the season three material already shot straight to DVD; I wouldn't be suprised if they aren't included as the main selling point for a multi-disc "Best of Chappelle" double dip release where take the best skits from seasons one and two and put them on one release, with the season three material added in for good measure to get people who bought season one and two to buy the new release...
  24. JasonX

    Chappelle's Show = finished

    I would not get attached to Charlie Murphy; when CC was negotiating for a third season of Chappelle Show, one of the big time items of contention was Chappelle forcing Comedy Centrel to greenlight a Charlie Murphy-centric TV series Chappelle and Murphy were working on, that Chappelle was supposed to produce. Given that CC ended up getting fucked over by Chappelle as a result of his going AWOL, I wouldn't be suprised if the suits at Viacom decide to add Charlie's name to the big fucking list of writers, actors, and producers who are blackballed from gaining any sort of job with any of the 30+ Viacom owned TV channels......
  25. JasonX

    Chappelle's Show = finished

    Only because they were fucking desperate for content and really, most reviews for MoM said the show was pathetic/blatant rip-off of Chappelle Show. As for the remaining filmed season three content, why can't they fucking just show it on TV? I mean, just recycle the bumper segments and skip the studio audience segments in favor of live action testimonials ala the best of episodes?