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Everything posted by JasonX

  1. JasonX

    The Shield Season 4 Offical Thread

    I said that, though that was before the writers fucked up this season's main arc of Shane vs Vic by going out of their way to make Shane look incompetant and run crying to Vic to clean up his mess. The writers have gone out of their way to avoiding mentioning or even alluding to Terry's death. And after tonight's episode I think we can give up all hope of the writers bringing it back up as a major storyline. They've also missed the boat towards Lem killing Shane unless they have Shane and Lem go at it again out of the clear blue and even then, for it to even work you'd have to have Lem kill Shane of his own free will as an impulse act of rage. And given Lem's feelings about the things the Strike Team does, Lem would probably follow up his killing Shane by putting a bullet in his own head out of guilt before Vic could even recover from the shock of Shane's death. That said, the show's fast approaching the shark jump moment with Glenn Close's departure and the pathetic way they handled Vic vs Shane via yet another stupid cosmic reset ending. At this point, the best way I can think of them moving the show into new directions storylinewise would be to do some massive upheaval with the status quo and keep it for longer than ten episodes: Have TPTB offer the Captain's post to Dutch (which he would accept) under the notion of Dutch being the only person for the job who TPTB can control and play off Dutch dealing with his new power and the politics of being boss Pair Ronnie and Claudette together and play Ronnie and Claudette against each other in terms of Ronnie being a morally ambiguous detective with a heart of gold and Claudette as a by-the-books detective who's trying to "save" Ronnie from the ultimate doom that Vic and company are heading towards. Have Dani and Julien be promoted to work with with the Strike Team as undercover cops and them dealing with working with Vic and the dark side of Vic's way of doing things. Start up a relationship between Dani and Lem and have Julien become Vic's new project in terms of mentoring, much to the horror of Shane. I disagree. There is so much potential in terms of having Dutch and Corrine get together and Vic having to smile politely towards their relationship when he's with Corrine and their kids while taking out his frustrations at work via his prank war vendetta against Dutch; not to mention the potential of Dutch throwing it into Vic's face every time Vic picks on him in public that he's fucking Vic's wife.
  2. JasonX

    Tales from the Crypt - Season 1 on DVD

    Don't be so bitchy about it; for thirty books it's dirty cheap compared to other HBO sets or even for anime releases of similar sized shows. Also as for the episodes collected, I went to TV tome and found which ones will be on the set: 1. Man Who Was Death: A former executioner turns vigilante when the death penalty is banned but gets caught just as capital punishment is restored and is sentenced to death. Was heavily editted when it aired in reruns do to gratuitous nudity.... 2. All Through The House: Woman kills her husband on Christmas Eve only to be killed by a psycho dressed up like Santa 3. Dig That Cat... He's Real Gone: A homeless guy gets nine lives via a scientist who he later kills and becomes a millionaire when he becomes a freakshow attraction via his ability to come back to life. But his greed and ignorance towards how many lives he has left ends up putting him in the ground, buried alive with several lives left. Stars Joe Pantoliano (AKA Cypher from the Matrix/Ralphie from The Sopranos). 4. Only Skin Deep: An Evil Hooker played by Lea Thompson pawns her beauty for money so she can get fancy clothing/jewelry so she can sneak into a party and land a rich sugar daddy. She lands a rich boyfriend but suddenly finds herself rapidly aging into an old hag, which causes her to kill her sugar daddy and being forced to stay old lest she get recognized and arrested. 5. Lover Come Hack To Me: Man marries a woman and plans to kill her on their wedding night so he can get her money but things go to hell when the wife, who's got a screw loose do to the horrific secret involving her own parents' honeymoon and the tragedy that happened on that night ends up making her hubby fear for his life. 6. Collection Complete: One of the imfamous "banned" episodes that Fox couldn't air when they first showed the series, involves an elderly couple who's husband retires and decides to occupy his time killing all of his wife's beloved pets and stuffing them as keepsakes, much to his wife's horror. So she plans her own evil revenge to make her husband pay for his animal killings.
  3. JasonX

    Tales from the Crypt - Season 1 on DVD

    I always thought TFTC was scary as hell when I was growing up and I remember there being some major buzz when the show first went into syndication, regarding episodes being heavily censored for graphic content and Fox (who had a six month exclusive on the show) being unable to air a bunch of the episodes do to them being too graphic for network TV even with massive cuts. I remember staying up on Saturday nights around midnight to watch the show on my local ABC affiliate and being scared as fuck with the episodes. But having watched the show when it was recently aired in heavy rotation on Sci-Fi Channel and AMC in recent years, I'm afraid it doesn't really hold up scary-wise. There are still a bunch of great episodes but sadly the scare isn't there except for maybe a couple of episodes... That said, anyone know what episodes aired during the first season and as such will be in the first DVD set?
  4. JasonX

    Best Character Progression...

    I've only seen the first season, but from what I've read about later seasons, I'd agree with this One of my favorite bits from the first season was Beecher beating Schillinger in the weight room and then shitting on his face The only character on Oz who REALLY grew and evolved was Said, who went from a cliched "I Hate Whitey!" figure and ended up becoming the moral center in Oz. Beecher had his moments but the "will he, won't he" relationship with Keller kept him from fully evolving. Plus, for someone who killed a kid he never seemed THAT too upset about it given how he eventually grew to love being the subject of a feud towards who's prison bitch he would become. As for "The Shield", the best character progression for the show has to be Acaveda and his transformation from somewhat sleazy police captain with a heart of gold to evil manipulative bastard who takes out the trauma inside of him from where he was raped by being a sexual sadist to a professional hooker.
  5. JasonX

    The Shield Season 4 Offical Thread

    The episode was decent (the whole Dutch/Claudette B-Plot keeps it from being excellent) until the end, as I'd have perfered that Vic break up the rest of the Strike Team's celebration with the fact that by pulling the scheme they pulled that they've essentially burnt their bridges with Monica, who will no longer give Vic and the rest of the team the blind faith trust that she had towards them previously. Oh and for the IAD cop to, off the top of his head tell Monica everything evil Vic has done (including Vic killing Terry) before she showed up as Captain with the camera focusing on Glenn Close as she goes from "OK, I can handle it" to "Dear God! What kind of monster have I been working with?" as the list of evil deeds are told to her..... That said, am I the only one who found it ironic that Shane would badmouth Antwon over his son's sexuality given that Shane's own sexuality seems to be leaning towards him being gay given his pathological obsession with being the only person in Vic's life. As for the hooker, I'm guessing they are going to drop the storyline since it seems that by doing to her what the gang member did to him plus finding the dead bodies of the cops, Acaveda reached a sort of "moment of clarity" where his mental problem finally came to a head and were resolved before he did something he would regret. Plus, with Glenn Close leaving, they'll need to keep Acaveda a sympathetic character since the rumor is that Close's departure is going to be connected to her going "Fatal Attractions" crazy in the remaining couple of episodes.....
  6. JasonX

    HHH's Motivation

    Everyone is forgetting Triple H's REAL motivation: he's a selfish little shit who thinks he DESERVES to be on the top regardless of his ruining the WWE these last four years. WORSE he's utlra-fucking paranoid skullcunt shitface regarding the fact that he might lose his his "God" status if anyone else is given a chance to become popular, since HHH is still a bitter cuntface regarding the fact that both Steve Austin and The Rock both became INSANELY popular in spite of the WWE marking HHH as their top guy. Anything else is just Triple H's way to cover up his evil, cancerous nature. He doesn't give a fuck about the WWE being around and surviving for future decades, he's purposely burn the company to the ground and run it out of business that give up the spotlight....
  7. JasonX

    And X-Men 3's Beast will be played by...

    Is this just a rumour that Marsden isn't coming back? Given the current storyline he (along w/ Jean) is the most important guy to have around. You know what they SHOULD do? Have Famke play Maddie Pryor, Jean Grey's wild child twin sister and move the fuck on. No Dark Phoenix, no Cyclops, make a clean and complete break from the last two films and move onward with the exception of the Wolverine/Rogue/Iceman love triangle. Bring Gambit and Beast in to interact with Maddie and Storm (with Gambit as Storm's love interest) and get a good villain (like say Proteus or Omega Red). Make the film stand alone and move onward not backwards...
  8. JasonX

    Cubs announcing team

    I've been meaning to ask you guys this but what the hell happened to the Cubs announcing team? What is Bob Brenly doing there in the place of the regular announcing crew?
  9. JasonX

    The Shield Season 4 Offical Thread

    Tonight's episode was unexpected.... I fully expected them to spend the entire episode on the search for the missing cops and end the episode with the cops being found dead and the next episode resolving the entire Antwon Mitchell storyline. But as it stands a good epiosde even though it was pretty convoluted for them to have Acaveda in uniform helping in the search (even though it did provide the people who put the promo commercials together to get all meta-textural regarding the character's arc this season). That said, they better not pull the cosmic reset button next week. Given the piss-poor way that the Shane/Vic storyline has played out, Shane HAS to take the wrap for his crimes committed as Antwon's narc in order to move the story into only possible ending it can logically go, which is that Shane gets into a position where he has to turn on Vic and reveal the details of their killing Terry in order to save his hide and Vic using lethal force to kill/incapacitate Shane so he can't expose Vic as Terry's murderer. That said, Vic reverting to evil was nice though wouldn't it be simpler to kill Antwon and clean up the pieces so that no one could point the finger to Shane and Army?
  10. JasonX

    The Shield Season 4 Offical Thread

    To be fair, unless Spike TV makes a deal to show "The Shield" uncut expect to see the show (or at the very least the first season) to be chopped up, blurred, and bleeped beyond recognition since unlike The Sopranos (which has been filmed since day one with alternate footage for the inevitable syndication sale) no efforts has been made to shoot alternate "clean" footage for "The Shield".
  11. JasonX

    The Shield Season 4 Offical Thread

    Sadly the ending wasn't that intense since the writers telegraphed from the very beginning of the episode that Shane was going to do the "good" thing and refuse to kill Vic. But the ending was crappy since it was pretty much the same old shit we've seen since day one (Shane fucks up and begs Vic to clean up his mess), which in term sums up my feelings on how the writers totally fucked up what was a simple yet highly anticipated storyline in terms of finally having Vic and Shane having it out against each other. BTW some major tidbits: 1. It's been officially stated that Glenn Close won't be back next season and that her character will most definately be written out at the end of the season 2. It's been rumored that episode 410 (which will air in two weeks) is going to run 90 minutes as opposed to the standard hour. 3. It's also been rumored that Viacom has made an offer to buy the first run syndication rights to "The Shield" and that the show would run on Spike TV if Fox signs off on the deal.
  12. Actually the rumor (never confirmed BTW) going around was that the reason for the season two set being delayed is because of the fact that the people owning the rights to Rick James's music wanted a shitload of money for the rights to use his music in the Rick James episode. Which created problems since Paramount is notoriously cheap about paying for music (which is why the season one DVD set omitted just about all of the musical guest segments from the DVD set).
  13. TVShowsonDVD is saying that the Season Two DVD is still set to come out at the end of the month regardless of the current delays of season three......
  14. JasonX

    The Shield Season 4 Offical Thread

    Having Dutch turn into a stalker/molester won't happen given that Dutch is one of the more popular supporting cast characters amongst the die-hard "Shield" fans and that the writers caught hell last season from critics the contrieved nature of the imfamous "Dutch kills a kitten just to know what it feels like to kill" ending, which they've since admitted was a last minute addition to the episode it occurred in. Plus the entire character of Dutch is the fact that he's Vic's mirror image; someone who is horribly fucked up on the insides just like Vic but who is able to stay on the straight and narrow rather than give into his darkside. At best, in order to keep this balance going you could have Dutch beat the shit out of Vic just to further the notion by having Dutch deliver such a beating to Vic (after Vic brags to Dutch, pre-fight that he was going to beat Dutch's ass) that he starts questioning his own darkside and the fact that despite his constant stating of how he's better than Vic do to him relying on his mind more than his fist, that deep down he's just as barbaric as Vic. And Vic gets a real reason to hate Dutch/further their feud (especially if they have Dutch not get Corrine to put out sexually) by having Vic wanting to get revenge on Dutch for beating him to a bloody pulp.
  15. JasonX

    The Shield Season 4 Offical Thread

    A great episode until the end, when Vic didn't beat Shane to a bloody pulp. The fact that Shane has created so much hate and tension with Vic and their friends with his stupidity that it should be enough justification for Vic beating Shane to a bloody pulp before telling him that he'll bail Shane's sorry ass out of the grave he's dug for both himself and Army. The stuff with Army and Shane was interesting and I wish they had intercut the scenes where Army is going apeshit on Shane over how deep in shit they were with some new flashbacks of Vic and Shane planning Terry's murder so as to show the parallels of how far Shane has gone off the rails in regards to becoming Vic. As for Dutch/Dani, I was hoping that they would have Monica catch them in the act so as to provide the episode with one moment of comedy before the big confrontation between Vic and Shane. But Monica's dead man walking I'm afraid. The constant mention of someone possibly assassinating her reeked of the foreshadowing fairy making her pressence known The whole plot about her moving into Farmington smells of them preparing to write Glenn Close out. And her bringing in an IAD narc into the team is going to bite her in the ass, as she should tell Vic about it if only to keep Vic from going apeshit on her when he finds out IAD has infiltrated the Barn to investigate him. As it stands, am I the only one who wished that Monica would have gotten Ronnie to be the one who investigates the mole/clear Vic? It would not only make better sense (given that Vic vouched for Ronnie to take over the hidden camera opperation and Ronnie's survailance skills) in terms of Monica wanting to keep the investigation in house and with the slant towards clearing Vic. Not to mentiong giving Ronnie something to do with the whole Antwon/Vic/Shane/Lem storyline by having Ronnie be the one who has to come up with the plan to keep Vic out of trouble/neutralize Shane so that he doesn't fuck everything up for everyone by getting busted, including being the one who ends up having to kill Shane when things get to the point where killing Shane and letting him take the fall in death. Said money is from Vic's cut of the money train loot most likely. It would be more likely that Dutch would think that Vic was Antwon's mole than Vic having anything to do with the Money Train heist. The rumors I've heard say the delay is due to the fact that filming for the season was delayed a couple of weeks due to Chiklis filming the Fantastic Four movie, which has caused filming to get to the point that they could not get all of the episodes ready so as to ensure that the season ran uninterrupted. By taking a week off, FX is giving the producers of the show an extra week's worth of time to get the remaining episodes filmed
  16. JasonX

    The Shield Season 4 Offical Thread

    I have a feeling Acevada will. He'll say something to the chief about how the capt. won't stand for anyone that doesn't see things her way and since Julian dared not to see things her way she tried to get rid of him. Or he may even pull out the racist card on her. I'm thinking, given that this season the big theme has been "When partnerships go bad" that it will be Dani who keeps Julien from being transfered by either agreeing to keep Julien from creating problems ala Dutch's backroom deal with the DA's office regarding Claudette or by convincing Monica to put Julien in some sort of position where Julien won't have to be directly involved in the AF program.
  17. JasonX

    Halloween Boxset...

    The deal with the first three Halloween films is this: Halloween was always intended to be a stand-alone film with the ending being that Michael Myers getting away in the end. The film however turned into a huge ass hit and Carpenter was flooded with offers to do a sequel. However neither he or star Jamie Lee Curtis wanted to do a sequel but ultimately agreed about four years after the fact. Halloween 2 did well at the box office so the studio wanted YET ANOTHER sequel from Carpenter/Cutis, who IIRC owned the sequel rights to Halloween at the time. So after Jamie told them hell no (since she was trying to build a non-slasher movie career at the time) Carpenter came up with the idea of taking the movie franchise into the direction of being an anthology. The studio agreed with this but the movie bombed at the box office and Carpenter used it as an excuse to sever ties with the franchise and gave up his sequel rights as a result.
  18. JasonX

    Selig's new steroids policy

    Either Selig is going totally broke so as to get rid of the public black eye he substained during the last couple of months of steroid-gate by pushing for the most extreme form of sanctions against steroid users or it's all a big ass negotiation ploy where Selig is offering this extreme policy as leverage to get the players union to agree to a more moderate punishment policy that if initially offered would be laughed off the table.
  19. JasonX

    Captain America Hates America!

    Some would say there is a big different, if only in the sense that the Vietname era Cap stories were GOOD stories that had political disections of America and the war in Southeast Asia while the current political stories involving Cap have either been poorly written stories that have been savagely castrated and forcibly changed by editors at Marvel who are chickenshit scared of offending the right (as in the case of the Marvel Knights Cap book, which went through countless writers who quit the book as a direct result of editors forcing constant changes to the storylines which they deemed were "too political") or in the case of the Ultimate Marvel Univese, features a Cap who is so utterly right-wing conservative that he would make Rush Limbaugh and Tom DeLay cum in their pants with glee. Then again, the Vietnam era Cap stories had Richard Nixon and his fellow Whitewater goonsquad running the science geek division of the Ku Klux Klan as the book's main villain so take that for what it's worth towards their overall quality.
  20. JasonX

    Captain America Hates America!

    To be fair, while Preacher is pro-athiest it's also pretty anti-gay/anti-liberal given how Ennis used Custer to bitch about how soft America was and other right-wing BS about how people should behave not to mention the way all characters who had alternative sexual lifestyles were made out to be monsters or pedophiles.
  21. JasonX

    The Shield Season 4 Offical Thread

    I think the better thing (and one that would involve the writers forshadowing things) would be if Vic catches his ex and Dutch doing it in Dutch's car via the hidden camera he installed several episodes earlier. The notion of Vic having to watch the two in the act while surrounded by his friends would make for a much better pay-off, especially with regards to seeing Ronnie and Lem's reaction to Vic watching his wife having sex with someone he can't stand.
  22. JasonX

    The Shield Season 4 Offical Thread

    I'm thinking Shane will wussy out at the very end and not kill Vic but that Vic will beat the crap out of Shane but not kill him when he realizes that Shane has no weapon on him. Either that or Shane will have Army be the one who shoots Vic via sniper rifle only to fuck up, which allows Vic to get away, leading to Shane going AWOL for the rest of the season. As for Antwon, I'm hoping they can find a way to keep him around. As far as villains go, he's probably the best one they've came up with in this series. Hopefully they'll bring him back next season since it's good to see them have a villain who's able to stay at least one step ahead of Vic and company.
  23. JasonX

    The Shield Season 4 Offical Thread

    The rumor is that he MIGHT come back in the last couple of episodes of the season (supposedly for a one-off appearance to establish that he's doing ok and not horribly fucked up after what happened to him) but that it all depends on if the actor playing Tavon has the time in his schedule to commit to appearing on the show. But as it stands at the moment, they aren't expecting him back anytime soon.....
  24. JasonX

    Whatever hapened to...

    The entire "Epic Submission" contest got knifed in the crib within weeks of it being announced by Bill Jemas/Joe Quesada's bosses. The whole thing basically amounted to a huge ass con-job that Jemas did without the approval of his bosses (which is one of the reasons why Jemas is no longer with Marvel) and critics have openly hinted that the whole thing was one huge and nasty scam where Marvel never EVER planned on publishing people's submissions as comics and that all of the submissions were simply used as a non-official survey to see what Marvel secondary characters were popular and could be relaunched via a big named writer/have their movie rights be sold off ala Blade.
  25. JasonX

    The Shield Season 4 Offical Thread

    1. The way that the whole "Vic/Dutch" feud has gone, the only proper pay-off would be for Dutch to beat Vic like a bitch on payday. Vic can save face by having Corrine reject Dutch after the fact over the beating he gives Vic. 2. Regarding who would win between Vic and Dutch in a fight, I would say that it all depends on whether or not Dutch loses his cool and goes apeshit on Vic's ass. Vic himself would be at a disadvantage if only because he would assume Dutch is weak and that would cost him in the end. 3. I'd perfer to see the writers have Antwon survive unscratched and return next season to fuck with Vic. There is plenty of potential in playing off Antwon as Vic's true counterpart in terms of the way that Antwon, like Vic, hides his evil side by wearing a mask of repsonsibility. In Antwon's case, being a community leader to hide his evil side as Big Bad drug lord. 4. As for Shane, if they won't kill him I'd settle for him taking a bullet to the skull and getting put into a coma at the hands of Lem. That way we have a new dirty secret to bind Lem, Vic, and Ronnie and for season five, they can have Shane wake up and set up the series's final reckonning between Vic and Shane.