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Everything posted by JasonX

  1. JasonX

    The Shield Season 4 Offical Thread

    FYI to everyone: New episodes of The Shield gets rerun at 10:00 PM on Sunday nights. Just remember to program your VCR/TIVOs accordingly to ensure you don't miss the endings when the episodes run long....
  2. JasonX

    Most overrated/underrated writers & artists

    Milligan's big problem is that his work on books are ultra-predictable in terms of the fact that they always start somewhat good but within a year minimum Milligan, either on purpose or out of sheer mental retardation, kills the most interesting characters in every book he writes so as to focus on the other characters who are boring as dirt at best or just plain horrible characters. He did it on Shade the Changing Man and he did it on X-Force/X-Statixs, which is one of the reasons why I had a cow when he took over adjectiveless since Milligan's taking over of the book means that Havok and Polaris (the two most interesting characters in Adjectiveless, despite their violation at the hands of Austen) are dead mutant walking.
  3. JasonX

    Random Movie Questions I have

    The franchise is basically dead and I don't see them bringing it back, especially given how Chevy Chase has fallen into oblivion careerwise. Murphy's career has peaked/jumped the shark with him doing safe comedy films for Disney since they make money half the time. And IIRC didn't Daddy Day Care make a profit at the box office? Her career effectively died a quick death when her Party of Five spin-off got cancelled. I've also heard rumors that JLH has a bad reputation with the various film studios in Hollywood as being a diva, which is why she hasn't had that much of a movie career.
  4. JasonX

    The Shield Season 4 Offical Thread

    I think Rawlings knows perfectly well that Vic will betray her/fuck things up in a manner that damages her reputation first chance he gets. The difference is that unlike Acaveda, Rawlings is willing to not live with Vic being a bastard but also work hand in hand with him so long as he gets things done for her. And if Vic DOES get out of line, she has the fact that Vic is in the political shitlist (thanks to Acaveda) to dangle over his head by reminding him that unless he wants to be out of a job, that he'll be carefull not bite the hand that feeds him. And without spoiling things for upcoming episodes, let's just say that Glenn Close's character can go head to head with Vic in the heartless bastard department and then some.
  5. JasonX

    The Shield Season 4 Offical Thread

    To be fair, they may be dropping said plotline where Vic and Dutch are back at being enemies (which makes sense since it seems Vic is in the same boat as Dutch in terms of being in the doghouse during the six month gap between seasons). Which kind of makes sense seeing how they already did that storyline in season one in terms of Vic mocking Dutch until he proves Vic wrong and earns his respect. The Season Preview clip makes it seem like Dutch and Claudette might get off the shitlist after they save one of the DAs from a mad gunman in what appears to be a "rippef from the headlines" style episode involving someone with a gun shooting people at a courthouse. Either that or they'll run an storyline where Dutch sleeps with Glenn Close's character to get her to intercede on their behalf which iwll lead to Close's character stalking Dutch in the "Fatal Attractions" parody you just know they'll probably do before the season ends.... Yep and that he'll be a major player on the show since they are supposed to be playing up Acaveda having a major cow over Rawling's plans for Farmington. The opening segment was shit but the ending was good and went a long way to re-establishing Shane as something of a tragic figure as opposed to just being a generic asshole. Hopefully with them moving Vic towards the center towards being less of a loose cannon, they'll focus on Shane being a loose cannon and Vic's culpability in Shane becoming the nightmare he's become....
  6. JasonX

    X-Men 3 director announced...

    Essentially he was offered the chance to direct Superman and have free reign towards the direction of the film but on the condition that he had to take the offer right then and there, which purposely meant that Singer couldn't do X-Men 3 and that rather than wait patiently for Singer to finish Superman, the studio basically severed ties with him and announced that they would replace him as director for X-Men 3 since the studio wants to rush out X-Men 3 ASAP, presumably do to the fact that they won't have Spiderman 3 done until 2007.
  7. JasonX

    X-Men 3 director announced...

    The only good thing about this is that we might just get Claudia Schiffer to play Emma Frost. But this blows badly and makes me wish they would just fucking wait for Singer to either get fired from/finished working on Superman or just bite the bullet and bring Whedon onboard, since at least Whedon's cult status would distract from the major problems with the film. BTW what's wrong with Whedon? Sure he writes a shitty X-Book but given the poor state of the movie franchise team, he could do a passible job provided he focused on Iceman, Rogue, Storm, Wolverine, Professor X, and Nightcrawler; a six-some that offers a pretty reasonable facimile of the Buffy casts*. Which means Whedon could use his arch-types and not fuck things up even more.... *Comparisions to that line-up/Buffy: Wolverine= Buffy Rogue= Xander Iceman= Willow Storm= Giles Nightcrawler= Cordy Professor X= Angel
  8. JasonX


    Acaveda isn't the worst character on "The Shield". I'd argue it has to be Claudette, who went from being a sarcastic detective who was above the rather public infighting between Vic and Acaveda to a morally hypocritical asshole who kept butting her nose into everyone's business.
  9. JasonX


    I disagree. The Walt Simonson run (FF #334-354) is pretty well beloved, has the FF as time travel explorers (complete with the Thing, who Simonson inherited from the previous writer as restored to human form, as a two-fisted Doctor Who type hero) and had one of the best Doom/Mr. Fantastic fights with Doom revealing that he could do what Reed never could, IE cure Ben of being a Thing. Also, the "Fantastic Three" section of the DeFalco run has it's supporters do to the fact that Tom was able to get a lot of good character stuff out of Reed's "death" and inject the book with a "What the fuck will happen next" quotient that was missing at the time. Not to mention DeFalco bringing Ant Man II into the big leagues as Reed's replacement on the team. Again, not so... The Harras run has aged pretty well what with Steve Epting as the main artist and the whole "Proctor and the Gatherers" storyline, which was pretty good. Not to mention the fact that Harras brought back Hank Pym, did a lot of fixing the damage done to Vision by John Byrne, AND made Black Widow a competant super-hero as the team leader. And even the contrived "Crystal/Black Knight/Sersi" love triangle worked with the way that Harras kept readers guessing towards how the thing would work out.... The only problem though is that Harras dragged out the Proctor storyline so long that there was WAY too much filler stories inbetween issues. Also once Proctor got defeated, the run ran out of steam and just became a directionless nightmare..... That being said, the Hulk would be the perfect pick for the next CD-ROm collection if only because his series is pretty much stand-alone which means not too many X-Overs like the Spidey CD-Rom has. Also, you might just want to buy the upcoming "Essential Defenders" TPB when it comes out in a couple of months since Marvel has been quite frank with them considering that they don't think there is a market for reprints of the old Defenders, despite that Defenders has been one of the most requested book for the Essential line for the last couple of years).....
  10. JasonX

    SNL Review

    Because Lorne saves at least one episode a season for SNL alumni to host and Spade was the only alumni who could commit to doing it this year?
  11. JasonX

    Saved By The Bell Questions That You Asked

    Because Elizabeth Berkley, during the show's final season, only agreed to do X-Number of episodes while TAT agreed to do Y number of episodes. Hence Berkley being AWOL in that episode and replaced with TAT.
  12. JasonX

    Post-Mania Draft!!!

    any tag teams. They could move the tag team division exclusively to Raw or move the one or two tag teams Raw has to Smackdown. There is just not enough on either brand to really warrant a division/belt, but if combined... To be fair, the WWE can't afford to gut Raw to save Smackdown, especially since Raw is the flagship show like it or not. As it stands, they don't want a repeat of 2002-2003, which had Raw be utter shit and utterly derail the company quality-wise. Best be is to let SD die a horribly nasty death and move the best people to Raw.
  13. JasonX

    Mike & The 'Bots are back...

    Mike Nelson is actually doing that, with 20th Century Fox. They've recently started a line of public domain films that have been colorized (though both color and B&W versions are included on the disc) which have Mike Nelson doing running commentary on them. So far only two discs were released (Reefer Madness and Night of the Living Dead).
  14. JasonX

    Whedon & Cassaday on Astonshing for another year

    To be fair, Whedon isn't exactly getting special treatment despite what a lot of people are saying; unlike JMS, Whedon had to agree to give Marvel total control over his scripts and ultimate approval of ALL of his storylines. And not to mention having to agree to incorporating a bunch of concepts into his run (most notably the return of the spandex and an end to all of the freak students Morrison used to populate the school) designed to undo the Morrison run. Whedon only requested TWO things from Marvel contentwise; he wanted exclusive use of Shadowcat and he wanted to keep Emma and Scott together as a couple. That is the limit of his demands storylinewise.
  15. JasonX

    Whedon & Cassaday on Astonshing for another year

    To be fair, if Whedon had Beast take the cure and lose his powers/Frank Quitely redesign it would have been big becasue: 1. The Beast redesign by Quitely was rather unpopular even with Morrison's supporters 2. It would have been a bold new storyline for Beast, the most well beloved member of the X-Men in terms of how the public views them, to reject his powers/mutant form and to see the shockwaves that come out of Beast doing this. But Whedon wussied out on it.....
  16. JasonX

    Wizard Magazine

    Not really, as Sage wouldn't dare fight Tony hand-to-hand; she would hang back and serve as de-facto team leader, co-ordinating the attacks and keeping Iron Man off-guard so Storm and Iceman can do their one-two ice-zap number on Iron Man. If anything, Tessa is the lynchpen of any X-Men beating Iron Man scenerio; she's the only one who would have the brains to come up with a plan and actually have everyone carry it out rather than running towards Iron Man and fighting without any sort of strategy. I doubt she could do any damage; after fighting the Ghost I would assume that Tony has anti-phasing technology installed in his armor that would zap Kitty if she tried to fuck with the armor/phase Tony out of the armor. Cannonball would be a non-factor since Iron Man would be able to outsmart Sam and beat him like a government mule.
  17. JasonX

    Wizard Magazine

    That's a lie; the X-Men (Iceman and Storm in particular) have routinely been shown to be able to use the cold the fuck things up electronically through the old "Freeze it till it's sub-zero and then have Stomr zap it with a uber-lightning bolt" double-team. Iron Man wouldn't stand a chance against said technique, he'd never see it coming and be too busy fighting the rest of the team to see Iceman and Storm's attack coming. Especially since Iceman is someone who's routinely protrayed as a joke in combat; he'd fuck Iron Man up bigtime. If it was pre-Invasion Rogue I'd say the follow: Rogue is a fucking wild card here since not only would she absorb the powers of any KOed X-Men Iron Man might beat but also the fact that she's probably the best fighter of the group since unlike Wolverine, she can fly and is invulnerable. But since Rogue no longer possesses ANY power other than her absorbsion powers, she's fucked unless she hides out until Tony has KOed half the team and absorbs her KOed teammates powers and goes after Tony, at which her chances of victory depend on which powers she steals. It takes time for Gambit to charge up large items so for him to charge Iron Man's armor would require getting close to Tony AND being able to hang onto Tony long enough to explode the armor; that being said, Gambit's would only work best as cannon fodder to destract Tony while the rest of the X-Men prep a big-time attack on Tony.
  18. JasonX

    "Wonder Years" DVD's possibly in the works

    Regarding the ending to The Wonder Years, I've always heard tale that the entire voice-over ending was done because the writers kept getting told "You're cancelled, your not getting cancelled, do a final episode but DON'T do a final episode because if you resolve all of the storylines it's only going to give us more of a reason to cancel the show" by ABC. So they shot the episode and when they were ultimately cancelled, the final voice over was recorded to explain the fates of all of the characters. It's been stated as fact that the cast KNEW about the final voice-over and that the actress who played the mom on the show has been on the record towards the fact that she went ballistic on the writers for ending the series with a voice-over, especially with regards to the fact that they kill the dad off in the voice-over.
  19. JasonX

    "Wonder Years" DVD's possibly in the works

    Winnie turned into a slut and Kevin took her virginity in a barn during a rainstorm after leaving town against his father's will in order to keep Winnie from turning into a summer resort club whore. In the voice over ending, it's revealed that after they fucked Winnie went over to Europe and Kevin married an unnamed woman who he had several kids by..... And IIRC Paul quit acting and now leads a quiet life paid for by residual checks from where he was on the show....
  20. JasonX

    Whedon & Cassaday on Astonshing for another year

    Good news for some readers, bad news for others. My view is that it's good news that Whedon will still have some sort of income after Serenity bombs... Ugh...... The only way I could tolerate Whedon sticking around is if Marvel made Whedon/Cassady move to adjectiveless X-Men and write/draw the adjectiveless team.
  21. I disagree about that because "Rescue Me" was a garbage show and it was pathetic of FX trying to hitch the show onto Nip/Tuck to boost ratings. That being said I can't stand "Rescue Me" and really, the show basically exposes Dennis Leary's shitty acting and makes you wonder what the fuck FX was thinking greenlighting it since it lacks the depth of Nip/Tuck and The Shield; everyone on Rescue Me is an asshole except for the token female firefighter they introduced in the last couple of episodes of the season (and I have to wonder if they only did that after someone realized how utterly sexist the show is) and Leary's character is so utterly unlikable that it's impossible for me to feel sorry or care about his character...
  22. JasonX


    I've read (and this is just rumors so take this with a grain of salt) that two of the reasons why "Back in Action" wasn't promoted was do to the fact that 1. The film was designed as a Reese Witherspoon vehicle that got FUBARed when Reese decided to do Legally Blonde II instead, resulting in Jenna Elfman getting the part written explicitly for Reese and it getting dropkicked down the priority ladder at Warner Brothers and 2. The movie was supposed to be a test for a series of new theatrical shorts featuring the Loony Toons with studio executives explicitly pushing the writers to make the series "Simpsons-esque", which pissed off some of TPTB at Warner-Brothers, who decided to deepsix the film so as to deepsix any chance of WB greenlighting new "Simpsons-esque" Loony Toon shorts...
  23. JasonX

    Donnie Darko...

    Regarding the director's cut; doesn't it also remove the film's best music montage moment (IE "The Killing Moon" sequence at the start of the film) and replace it with a crappy INXS song?
  24. JasonX

    No Man's Land

    I disagree; the new Batgirl is utterly and completely worthless and I'd much rather they cure Barbara Gordan's spine and bring her back as Batgirl.
  25. JasonX

    About Comics...

    Gwen has already been brought back to life; the Jackyl cloned her and she's still running around the Marvel Universe.....