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Everything posted by JasonX
Yes, because if not for Vick being unhappy with some rumor the Falcons wouldn't have taken two second round draft picks and move up two spots in the draft for a unproven backup QB. Given that Vick is a talentless, all-hype, zero-substance little shit who keeps getitng into trouble, refusing to take full blame for the fact that he's an incompetant QB incapable of doing his fucking job, and who probably knows that his career is dead the moment that the press stops giving him a free ride and start rightfully calling him "The Most Over-rated Piece of Shit In the NFL" and finally get his shithead lazy fuck ass kicked out of the starting QB slot, then yeah I think we can believe with full certainty that Vick would force the team to trade his rival QB to ensure he can't be stripped of his job and it given to someone who is better than him (and let's face it, EVERYONE is better than Vick).
They were regulars on the show during the first season; before being spun off into their own show when the series changed networks and went onto the Kids WB. That said, Animaniacs is better than Tiny Toons, which has countless flaws that have become hard to ignore as time passes: most notably the fact one-third of the series has horrificlly bad animation and much of the humor is VERY VERY dated....
Can't do that; the website is set up so that you have no choice but to register to see the video due to the fact that Bud.tv supposedly paid a huge amount of money for the right to show the mini-episode on their website..... We got two seasons left; Ryan has said that season seven will be the last one.
When the mini-series started out, the big rumor being leaked was that Millar was going to make the whole thing be Adolf freaking Hitler's fault, as Millar planned on using the Marvel Universe Hitler in his Hate-Monger persona to be responsible for everything. Which in turn has led to many people believing that the delays in the mini-series are all Millar's fault in terms of him rewriting the ending to insert a new big bad (or no big bad at all, which is shaping up to be a big possibility). That said, a slew of candidates have been fan-speculated with fan-speculated motives for being behind it all that will most definately make better sense than whatever bullshit Millar pulls out of his ass: Loki Doctor Doom Sublime/That Which Endures Set, the Seven-Headed Serpent God Mandarin Immortus/Kang The Adversary Mojo ....for instance.
Thing is going to live, as it has been revealed that he and Torch will anchor the FF after Civil War ends, with Storm and Black Panther taking Reed and Sue's spot. FF #542 was pure and simple bootstrapping by the new writer McDuffie to explain away Reed (not Tony) going along with Tony's scheme and even then they had Mad Thinker and the FF utterly call bullshit on Reed's motives. Captain Mar-Vel isn't really back from the dead; they're playing the time-travel card with Mar-Vel, having him be randomly sent forward in time and basically being made to run the Camp Holocaust Negative Zone prison. The most likely odds are currently on Cap indeed dying in Civil War and Bucky becoming the new Captain America, with the added twist being rumored that Cap's "death" will be immeadiately reversed and Cap ending up behind the Ronin mask in "New Avengers".
Personal thoughts on the whole matter: The wedding will be in the first chapter and be a total and utter bloodbath as Voldemont has everyone at the wedding murdered as a means to fuck with Harry bigtime. The massacre will be the catalyst for Snape turning against Voldemont. Harry will join forces with Snape (who will rreveal that he murdered Dumbledore on the old wizard's orders, since both realized that Harry needed a huge ass push to get him to go after Voldemont. REB turns out to be Hermione, who once again gets ahold of a time travel device and will destroy the horcruxes for Harry so that he can focus on Voldemont. The final battle between Voldemont and Harry ends with Snape doublecrossing both sides: it's revealed that Harry himself is the final Horcrux of Voldemont and must die, but Snape can't kill Harry. This allows Voldemont to murder Snape just as Hermione and Ron show up, having realized that Harry is the final Horcrux. At which point, the time tuner device Hermione is using is sacrificed to create a portal outside time and space, allowing for Voldemont to be exiled in limbo, never to be returned. The story ends with Harry leaving to finish his wizard training with Hermione and Ron (having already graduated) going their seperate ways, with the implication being that Voldemont's defeat was the last time the three ever saw each other due to the three moving on with their own respective lives.....
Ironic triva: The first Pirates film was conceived as a vehicle to make Olando Bloom a huge fucking star and make him a household name. But the media, utterly realizing that Bloom is a shit actor, ignored Bloom for Johnny Depp and his character as being the star of the film and the main reason to watch POTC1. So take my advice and simply ignore the crappy actor in the film as no one gives a fuck about Bloom's character in the first place.
How many times is this now that the team has broken up for some reason? It seems like it's happened a lot, but I'm not a big FF fan so I could be wrong. In this magnitude? Once, in 1987 when Steve Englehart took over the book and got rid of Sue and Reed so that he could bring Thing's then-girlfriend Sharon Venture and Human Torch's sluttified (by Englehart IIRC) ex-girlfriend Crystal onto the team. On the plus side though, with JMS leaving the book and the McDuffie taking over the book, we might just fucking get a non-shitty version of Storm and Black Panther to read.
Only about 10% of that is relevant: Kingpin's Special was a filler book rushed out from when issue #4 was delayed two months CA/IM was filler too, plus a lame as fuck band aid for how Mark Millar fucked up portraying the two sides of the debate that utterly fails to address the fact that Iron Man has gone beyond the pale into the realm of evil, no matter how they try and whitewash it As for the traitor, I'm thinking it's either Hank Pym or Reed Richards; most likely Reed since he's supposed to be shipped off into comic book limbo with Sue to try and rebuild their marriage after Civil War ends, allowing Black Panther and Storm to reform the FF with Ben and Johnny.
Examples of Milking a Franchise After It's Lifespan Ended
JasonX replied to ChrisMWaters's topic in Television & Film
Be thankful they didn't; in the mid-1990s, there was a third Ghostbusters film script floating around that basically called for the originals to show up and pass the torch to a new generation of Ghostbusters, led by Chris Farly and David Spade. But Farly died and some of the elements from the revamp was used for the basis for the "Extreme Ghostbusters" cartoon. Also "American Pie Band Camp" was pretty good; they got a decent actor to play Stifler 2.0 and did a great job humanizing the character in terms of character arc. The only shitty American Pie film is the second one.... -
Regarding the New Gods in TPB: There are three TPBs out there, all out of print in terms of being impossible to find, and ironically aren't even good quality, in terms of the fact that all three TPBs (New Gods, Mr. Miracle, and Forever People) are all shitty, low quality B&W reprint collections of the original Kirby runs of the books. You best just wait and basically hope DC makes good on their promise of putting out a four volume Kirby New Gods Omnibus HC set in 2007 instead of delaying it AGAIN, which will collect the entire Kirby drawn/written New Gods issues in original publication order (meaning each issue will have four-five issues of Mr. Miracle, New Gods, and Forever People, along with the relevant Jimmy Olsen comic issues tossed in for good measure).
1. According to the spineless little shit of a human being that is Tom Breevort, FF #540 takes inbetween pages of Civil War #4, before Sue left Reed in #4, meaning that after her argument/departure in FF #540, Sue came back, fucked her husband, and made him a nice meal before leaving him. 2. Are you actually reading Civil War? Reed's basically working with Tony simply because he's batshit scared that Tony and the Government will crush him and the rest of the FF like a bug; let alone the fact that Civil War Frontline has shown that Reed's got his own agenda going on, in terms of allying himself with McCohn Jain and wanting to get Iron Nazi to stop enforcing the Reg Act in the most evil, Hitler-esque way Iron Man is carrying it out.
Keane's death was necessary because it fit within the arc of the character in terms of Keane reforming, getting fucked over and framed for murder/sentenced to death, and going to his death with his reformation intact in terms of the character going out having evolved and grown as opposed to regressing back to square one. Edit/Add Another reason Keane had to die: if Keane lived, then Anabisi never becomes big-time leader of the gang-bangers or at the very least ensure Keane died as soon as he was released from death row, so that Anabisi wouldn't have to worry about Keane living and harming Anabisi's powerbase via his reformation.....
He doesn't rule. He's pretty over-rated and really, the primary example of Oz's suckiness in terms of letting characters who should have been killed off stay around long after their usability was up. He should have gotten the death penalty and executed during season three for ordering the murder of the doctor's husband. Or turned into the show's version of Hanibal Lecter, locked up in solitary in a Lecter cage and forever engaging in a back-and-forth battle of witts with the psychiatrist nun character. Same goes for Alvarex; a character who should have died in season three because after having him go batshit crazy and gouging out a guard's eyes, there is nowhere else to go with the character after doing something THAT vile. While many people consider Anabesi's death to be the shark jump, in a way it's also fitting that it was the one time that the writers acknowledged how they had written themselves into a corner and had to kill the character in order to resolve his plotline, since there was nowhere else to go with him.
1. To those asking about Conan getting his talk show on dvd? Fat fucking chance. That will never fucking happen, because talk shows don't fucking sell on DVD. If God-Damn Oprah Winfrey, who's name is a basic liscence to print money in terms of people buying shit with her name on products, can't sell copies of her own show on DVD, no one will buy the Conan sets, let alone the fact that getting the rights to talk shows, let alone and entire year's worth of talk shows would be outritght impossible and will only happen in dream worlds where it rains Pepsi and the sky is Emerald Green 2. That said, this can't work out well unless the people putting out the DVDs have a shitloads and shitloads of money to burn and a willingness to put these suckers out even if no one buys them and even then, if the Gods smile on us, the best we can fucking hope for is that they'll release only the first five seasons on DVD since those are the "Golden Age" of the show and the only seasons worthy of DVD release.
I miss your hot girl shurgging picture. Thats better. So I picked up the new Fantasic Four tie-in today and it confirms a few things here and there. I also picked up the new Captain America that I guess came out last week that the comic shop didn't have, Red Skull is now involved and some random guy in a beard who I don't know. Both the Cap/FF tie-ins were huge fucking jokes for different reasons: The Cap issue is utterly skipable, since Brubaker and Millar are politically on opposite ends of the Marvel Bullpen (mainly, Brubaker wanting to keep Millar from fucking up his storyline plans for Cap in his own book) and as such, the Cap tie-in had jack shit to do with Civil War and more to do with setting up the return of Dr. Faustus. The FF book was utterly unreadable, especially if you read ASM this month......
Nope; Bendis, in one of his regular "taking a shit on continuity" moments of assholeness, declared in Secret Wars IV that the female Jack O'Lantern (McGuire Beck, Mysterio's female cousin) was the original Jack O'Lantern Jason Macendale in drag, as well as declaring that every single Jack O'Lantern to pop up since Macendale became Hobgoblin was Macendale all along. And Eddie Brock is still alive, though no longer Venom; JMS resurrected him and upgraded his condition to comatose around the start of Civil War. I am so fucking confused by all this. There was a 4th secret wars? Yep, but it was ultra-fucking late coming out and really really shitty, especially given the bullshit retcons Bendis rammed down everyone's throats..... Also, the plot had zero to do with the Beyonder; it involved a really shitty attempt to retcon Doctor Doom as being responsible for creating 99% of all of the super-villains of the Marvel Universe and served mainly to set up Nick Fury being forced into hiding while the Right-Wing Neocons take over SHIELD......
With the Iron Man movie coming up soon, better to do "The Crab People Did It!" in the final issue of Civil War than drag out the Crab People Reveal and fuck it up via half-assing and bullshitting like they did with Magneto/Xorn.
The running rumor is that the "50 State Initiative" is that they are going to put groups of registered heroes in each state to protect each state individually....
If MJ dies, it will be a two-three page death with the entire contents of the Civil War X-Over IMMEADIATELY undone via a reality altering deux de machina literally negating the entire fucking X-Over, resurrecting MJ and reducing the entire storyline to nothingness via the reset button being pushed. MJ won't die because she's the one sacred cow that if fucked up, the nerd masses will revolt and drive Quesada, Millar, and Bendis from power and kill them. There is a reason WHY JQ gave up on trying to get rid of the Spider-Marriage and why Kevin Smith balked at getting his own Spider-Man ongoing, when he was told that the price for doing so would be Smith having to divorce MJ and Peter, since the MJ/Peter shippers would destroy beyond repair Smith's ultimate nerdboy persona. Speaking of which; two theories are floating around about a possible big bad for the series: 1. Doctor Doom is the big bad; he's kidnapped and is impersonating Tony and orchestrating the whole Civil War to decimate the super-hero community and make Reed his bitch. 2. It's Mandarin; he's using his knowledge of how the Communists took over China to plan out Civil War to the letter and is using his mind-control ring to manipulate Tony, Reed, Hank Pym, and the others into carrying out his evil schemes.
OK, since we've got a long wait until the next issue comes out, let's take some time to look at the scenerios for what will most likely happen: Peter and Tony will fight and Tony will win round one, since we've not seen any visible clue that Peter has taken the time to purge his new Iron Spider Suit of any failsafes Tony might have put into the suit in order to neutralize Peter in the event Peter would turn against Spidey. Spidey is forced to flee as May and MJ are arrested and tortured to the point of extreme physical pain by Iron Man in order to A. Punish Spider-Man for defying him B. To find out where he's going. He also lets the villains hired to hunt down the Anti-Reg heroes know he's going to torture innocent civilians May and Mary-Jane so they can use that to bait Peter in battle. The villains hunt down Peter, who hasn't reached Cap's HQ yet and in the battle that ensues, Peter learns that Tony is going all George W Bush and torturing May and Mary-Jane for shits and giggles; Peter snaps and a major fucking event happens: The Venom Symbiote Costume abandons Scorpion and merges back with Peter, with Peter willingly accepting the black costume so he can use it's powers to destroy Iron Man. But he's surrounded and only saved by Captain America, who has learned about Tony joining the "Torture Is Always Justified" club and offers a deal: he'll turn himself in for imprisonment if Tony will let MJ and May go scott free. Tony agrees but then renegs and Peter is forced by Cap to flee as the villains KO Cap and take him away. Cap is taken into the concentration camp but stages a massive prison-break using the master key Zemo gave him in T-Bolts. Meanwhile Peter, who's now strong enough to beat Thor now that he's got the black costume again, gets the rest of the Anti-Reg heroes to lay siege on Stark's home and we get a rematch between Tony and Peter; Tony uses sonics against Peter and it looks like it works, but BAM!!!!!!!! Peter was faking! The Symbiote no longer is vulnerable to sound due to the rebonding and Peter basically beats Iron Man nearly to death before MJ and May show up (having been freed) and convince Peter to not kill Tony on the grounds that he's not worth being murdered.
Nope; Bendis, in one of his regular "taking a shit on continuity" moments of assholeness, declared in Secret Wars IV that the female Jack O'Lantern (McGuire Beck, Mysterio's female cousin) was the original Jack O'Lantern Jason Macendale in drag, as well as declaring that every single Jack O'Lantern to pop up since Macendale became Hobgoblin was Macendale all along. And Eddie Brock is still alive, though no longer Venom; JMS resurrected him and upgraded his condition to comatose around the start of Civil War.
The only two Detroit JLAers to die were Vibe and Steel, though Steel was brought back to life and killed again during the Giffen JLA run. Power Girl isn't a member of the new Justice League because she's still going to be part of the JSA when it gets relaunched this fall. As for Arsenal over Green Arrow? Possibly because Roy is a Federal Agent and can serve as the government's contact with the team. That and Roy can be the perfect "newbie" JLAer with whom Meltzer can use to forcefeed a lot of exposition to readers....
Vixen has a fan following: she was the only member of the Detroit JLA who fans didn't hate and was quickly snatched up for a prominent run in the pages of Suicide Squad when DC wiped out the Detroit JLA. Plus she fucked Batman, which gives her cool points....
It's a prison in the Negative Zone. Which makes me wonder if this plays into Annihilation at all? Current rumor is there is zero connection between the two events save for the fact that Anniliation essentially saved Nova from being massacred alongside the rest of the New Warriors, due to Anniliation being planned out before Civil War was. The current notion is that Annihiliation is basically a glorified vanity project Marvel gave Keith Giffen to wrap his unresolved plotlines from the Thanos ongoing series, with the format being influenced by Grant Morrison's Seven Soldiers storyline....